“وفوق كل ذي علم عليم "Above every knowledgeable man there is one who is even more knowledgeable"

Salim Ishaq Hassan
Education Department
Level 400.
To investigate, to discover, compare and contrast, through fair and sincere means, with the aim of realizing the truth, one will instantly and inevitably come to realize, know and ensure the truth, prophethood, supremacy, superiority, dignity, honour and respect of the great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the last of the prophets and the leader of all.
Indeed, he is an especial good man of piety, honour, patience, modesty, virtue and sound character. He is a man of unique manner and mannerism, always guided by the divine guidance. In fact, he is the only 100% man ever set foot on earth. In reality, he is the dearest servant of Allah, the most conscious in Allah and the most purely pious. The prophet philosopher who salvaged the world from the darkness of astray and ignorance to an ever-lasting light of guidance and knowledge, and put the world in the forthright position of civilization, growth, development and prosperity. All the so called modern man’s civilization and achievements were obtained from his very voice of reason and wisdom. Every human must obey him directly or otherwise and every creature is fully aware of his unique superiority and wonderful character. He is the loftiest man born to this world; likewise he shall be the loftiest in the hereafter.
A man with the above exceptional qualities/nature and extraordinary talent most not be overlooked, disdained, denied and or disobeyed. Yet he is the one brought with him, the true religion of Islam from his supreme lord – Allah the essence of existence and the lord of mankind. True religion is indeed, which signifies oneness of Allah and total submission to Him; a religion which signifies social justice, peace and integrity.
Islam is a name of religion means total submission to Allah, social peace and justice. And Muslim is the name given to the followers of Islam. Islam is a belief, a way of life and a complete institution of legislation and constitution. Tawheed, ritual worship, social justice trustworthiness, honesty, peaceful coexistence, unity, mutual respect and universal brotherhood are among the manifold of the teachings of Islam. There is hardly anywhere and every nook and cranny that Islam has not reached due to its divine mighty power and forceful acceleration. This is an apparent and conspicuous considerable miracle to the rejecters of Islam. Our Islam teaches us worship, tolerance, patience, helping the needy and general good behaviours. Moreover, the all teachings of Islam have heard from the blessed tongue of our great Prophet (PBUH). The best philosophy of life has been heard from His short, precise but enriched words. Share these few with me now in order to live in happiness and die in bliss.
A Bedouin came one day to the Prophet and said to him, “O, Messenger of God! I've come to ask you a few questions about the affairs of this life and the Hereafter.” The Prophet responded Ask what you wish. So the Bedouin starts asking while the Prophet is responding. Some of the questions and answers include (but not in order):
I'd like to be the most learned of men.
Fear God, and you will be the most learned of men.
I wish to be the richest man in the world.
Be contented, and you will be the richest man in the world.
I'd like to be the most just man.
Desire for others what you desire for yourself, and you will be the most just of men.
I want to be the best of men.
Do good to others and you will be the best of men.
I'd like to be the most just man.
Desire for others what you desire for yourself, and you will be the most just of men.
I'd like to complete my faith.
If you have good manners you will complete your faith.
I'd like to complete my faith.
If you have good manners you will complete your faith.
I'd like my sins to be very few.
If you seek the forgiveness of God as much as you can, your sins will be very few.
I'd like my prayers to be responded.
If you avoid forbidden actions your prayers will be responded.
What will save me from sins?
Tears, humility and illness.
What are the best deeds in the eyes of God?
Gentle manners, modesty and patience.
What are the worst evils in the eyes of God?
Hot temper and miserliness……………….
Imam El Mustaghfiri said: "I have never heard a tradition more comprehensive of the beauties of religion, and more beneficial than this hadith. It collects all the good things of Islam but not put to use." (The Hadith is related by Imam Ibn Hambal).
Oh Brother let us try, to the best of our capability, to put the above prophetic teachings in our practical life so that we may prosper in both this world and worldstop (hereafter).
Salim I. Hassan
Education Department
The celebration of our 50th anniversary of independence is desperately acclaimed by few ‘irrationals’ but confidently being frowned at by many. In fact, I go for those who seriously and indubitably doubt the development of this country in the last 50yrs. It is not a matter of pessimism; it is the truth we proclaim. Nigeria did achieve nothing in actual sense of development. To account for dubious and paradoxical aspects of development to corroborate for the actual Nigerian development is to distort reality. Those who assume themselves as optimists they do so only because they believe in the paradox of Nigerian development. To state the truth of Nigerian underdevelopment is not a matter of being a pessimist; in fact, such a person is a kind of rational analyst. Natural and unplanned development is always imminent wherever, whenever, however and on whomever the settlers are, including the creatures in the ‘Animal Wild Society’.
But the kind of development we are referring to in here is development in its original sense, being it in politics, government, economy and education as well. If we are talking about development let no one talk of achievement. You can achieve but without making a development. But development is all-encompassing as it includes achievement in itself. Even the term ‘development’ can be unplanned (natural) or planned. Planned Development is what we are referring to in this context. I know the reason why I am making this unusual clarification. Some seem to disagree to the fact Nigeria does not develop throughout the last 50yrs. If you ask them why this argument they will just cite some mere achievements – some kinds of natural development – that are not worthier than the word ‘development’ itself. Rise in number of schools, colleges and universities, rise in number of school enrolment (at all levels) and perhaps a relatively increase in oil income are not the actual determinant factors of development; they are just mere unplanned aspect of development which is irrelevant to our ‘discourse of development’. These must come to be either consciously or otherwise in the course of time passage. We too, do believe that Nigeria (but only in this aspect of unplanned or natural development) had stepped forward some extra miles as compared to our development in the 1960s as the so-called optimists wanted us to believe. Nevertheless, this will not aid them to escape my blow. let me ask: am I right to say Nigeria did develop and achieve a lot in the last 50yrs because our population multiplied more than that of 1960s, peoples’ houses and residences increased to greater extent and the power hungers (political power aspirants) rose in constantly high rate? This is a parable of those who account for the increment in the number of schools and universities, and rise in number of school enrolment from 1960s to date as their sole evidence for the actual Nigerian development in the last 50yrs. if such people were right in their argument, so then I have all right to state as in the above question.
Those who argue for Nigerian development in the past 50yrs were able to account only for what we have referred to in here as ‘natural’ or unplanned development. In comparison with other co-partner independent countries (those attained independence concurrently with Nigeria) we achieved nothing to date in terms of actual development. Still I know some wishy-washy writers and political analysts will continue to retain their argument by creating more confusion and paradox in this discourse of Nigerian development. The standard average measure of whether a country developed or not is the moderate extent to which it competes with the development of modernity, at least when it is compared to its contemporary mate in the history of independent political establishment in terms of actual development there should be a slight disparity or almost similar degree of development. Other standard measures of assessing a nation’s development is by considering the current global standard of governance, education, economy and technology. There is no doubt that the true developed countries have attained the highest level in these areas. Therefore, for developing countries, in order to confirm whether they have developed, or are developing in their own level, they must attain the average level in the scale of standard measurement of development as specified above. It is true some are saying Nigeria has come a long way – a long way from where? Asked by Adamu Adamu in one of his column in which he described Nigeria in its face of development as being ‘practice makes imperfect. The underdevelopment of Nigeria throughout the past 50yrs and the long-lasting irrationality of its leaders as well, are self-evident, so much so that if you are going to explain it you may not know from where to start.
Let me now show you some powerful evidence for Nigerian failure of development in the last 50yrs. Now it is almost 11yrs of democracy in Nigeria but no one can prove a single aspect of development or even an improvement. All the identified problems affecting Nigeria among others, corruption, injustice, economic instability, educational downfall, problems of power and water supply and problems of health matters as well, none of them is resolved even partially per se. One may ask that is the governance/leadership in Nigeria a democracy or a tyranny? If it is democratic then democracy must have been bad; and if it is tyrannical then the deposal of military regime from leadership does not make sense. Perhaps our failed leaders will say 10yrs is not sufficient time to reconstruct and stabilize the National power supply. Ridiculous!
All acts of Nigerian leaders – the good, the bad, and the evil – are unquestionable and are beyond reproach. I will be brutally honest for pointing out these irrefutable facts, and my frankness may offend some people, but I feel it necessary to speak out the truth. This crisis in Nigeria demands only the whole truth. Nothing less than the whole truth can help us build a secured and prosperous future for our motherland Nigeria. Alas, it is time for introspection.
Salim I. Hassan
Education Department
The celebration of our 50th anniversary of independence is desperately acclaimed by few ‘irrationals’ but confidently being frowned at by many. In fact, I go for those who seriously and indubitably doubt the development of this country in the last 50yrs. It is not a matter of pessimism; it is the truth we proclaim. Nigeria did achieve nothing in actual sense of development. To account for dubious and paradoxical aspects of development to corroborate for the actual Nigerian development is to distort reality. Those who assume themselves as optimists they do so only because they believe in the paradox of Nigerian development. To state the truth of Nigerian underdevelopment is not a matter of being a pessimist; in fact, such a person is a kind of rational analyst. Natural and unplanned development is always imminent wherever, whenever, however and on whomever the settlers are, including the creatures in the ‘Animal Wild Society’.
But the kind of development we are referring to in here is development in its original sense, being it in politics, government, economy and education as well. If we are talking about development let no one talk of achievement. You can achieve but without making a development. But development is all-encompassing as it includes achievement in itself. Even the term ‘development’ can be unplanned (natural) or planned. Planned Development is what we are referring to in this context. I know the reason why I am making this unusual clarification. Some seem to disagree to the fact Nigeria does not develop throughout the last 50yrs. If you ask them why this argument they will just cite some mere achievements – some kinds of natural development – that are not worthier than the word ‘development’ itself. Rise in number of schools, colleges and universities, rise in number of school enrolment (at all levels) and perhaps a relatively increase in oil income are not the actual determinant factors of development; they are just mere unplanned aspect of development which is irrelevant to our ‘discourse of development’. These must come to be either consciously or otherwise in the course of time passage. We too, do believe that Nigeria (but only in this aspect of unplanned or natural development) had stepped forward some extra miles as compared to our development in the 1960s as the so-called optimists wanted us to believe. Nevertheless, this will not aid them to escape my blow. let me ask: am I right to say Nigeria did develop and achieve a lot in the last 50yrs because our population multiplied more than that of 1960s, peoples’ houses and residences increased to greater extent and the power hungers (political power aspirants) rose in constantly high rate? This is a parable of those who account for the increment in the number of schools and universities, and rise in number of school enrolment from 1960s to date as their sole evidence for the actual Nigerian development in the last 50yrs. if such people were right in their argument, so then I have all right to state as in the above question.
Those who argue for Nigerian development in the past 50yrs were able to account only for what we have referred to in here as ‘natural’ or unplanned development. In comparison with other co-partner independent countries (those attained independence concurrently with Nigeria) we achieved nothing to date in terms of actual development. Still I know some wishy-washy writers and political analysts will continue to retain their argument by creating more confusion and paradox in this discourse of Nigerian development. The standard average measure of whether a country developed or not is the moderate extent to which it competes with the development of modernity, at least when it is compared to its contemporary mate in the history of independent political establishment in terms of actual development there should be a slight disparity or almost similar degree of development. Other standard measures of assessing a nation’s development is by considering the current global standard of governance, education, economy and technology. There is no doubt that the true developed countries have attained the highest level in these areas. Therefore, for developing countries, in order to confirm whether they have developed, or are developing in their own level, they must attain the average level in the scale of standard measurement of development as specified above. It is true some are saying Nigeria has come a long way – a long way from where? Asked by Adamu Adamu in one of his column in which he described Nigeria in its face of development as being ‘practice makes imperfect. The underdevelopment of Nigeria throughout the past 50yrs and the long-lasting irrationality of its leaders as well, are self-evident, so much so that if you are going to explain it you may not know from where to start.
Let me now show you some powerful evidence for Nigerian failure of development in the last 50yrs. Now it is almost 11yrs of democracy in Nigeria but no one can prove a single aspect of development or even an improvement. All the identified problems affecting Nigeria among others, corruption, injustice, economic instability, educational downfall, problems of power and water supply and problems of health matters as well, none of them is resolved even partially per se. One may ask that is the governance/leadership in Nigeria a democracy or a tyranny? If it is democratic then democracy must have been bad; and if it is tyrannical then the deposal of military regime from leadership does not make sense. Perhaps our failed leaders will say 10yrs is not sufficient time to reconstruct and stabilize the National power supply. Ridiculous!
All acts of Nigerian leaders – the good, the bad, and the evil – are unquestionable and are beyond reproach. I will be brutally honest for pointing out these irrefutable facts, and my frankness may offend some people, but I feel it necessary to speak out the truth. This crisis in Nigeria demands only the whole truth. Nothing less than the whole truth can help us build a secured and prosperous future for our motherland Nigeria. Alas, it is time for introspection.
Salim I. Hassan (Salimullah)
Education Department, BUK.
Hints For Notice
The only tie that keeps the political unity of diverse people of Nigeria is PDP’s zoning policy, and now it was recently put to an end. This means a total disintegration of Nigerian geo-political unity. The zoning policy is neither in the interest of Southerners nor in the interest of the Northerners, but that of the PDP’s elders both from the North and South to keep their personal ambitions alive. Yet, it means a lot to both of them. The more intelligent one side is the more he knows how to exploit the opportunity. It seems to me Obasanjo is the winner coz he knows better how to exploit the opportunity. Since the beginning of democracy era in Nigeria, the Southerners ruled more than the Northerners. Even when the Northerners’ turn came, they were deprived by the Southerners not by the use of force but by smart and strategic political brilliance and prudence put forward by Obasanjo.
What Went Wrong?
The zoning policy had been facilitated by PDP in consonance with both the Southern and Northern elders of the party, both driven by vested-interest. The Southern elders cautiously work both for their personal benefit and for that of their people in their distinct geo-political zone; while Northern elders worked only for their personal benefit. However their personal target has fallen. The policy shows the Northerners’ generosity to grant the minority their rights in leadership as opposed to democratic notion of ‘Majority Rules’ despite of the hidden agenda by the Northern facilitators. How I wish that the hidden agenda was meant for the interest of Northern patriotisms. Alas! It is for their personal interest. Through this policy agreed upon by the PDP elders, the democracy began to usher in Nigeria, given the Southerners the first turn, beginning in 1999. The reading error by Northern elders of PDP in the phase of the zoning policy is that they confined all their hidden agenda on how to achieved their personal future ambition; while the Southerners widen their hidden agenda on how to secure the future well-being of their people in general and make them the potentially perpetual Nigerian Leaders in the future. Obasanjo’s failed third tenure aspiration and assigning the age-old Yar’adua to take over are typical examples of Southerners attempt to deprive the Northerners of their right to rule Nigeria in sooner or later future. This is a point not clearly understood by until now.
Obasanjo, who was lucky to be the first beneficiary of zoning policy, had tried to betray the agreement by earnestly seeking for third term tenure, but only God forbids. On realizing this, he resorted to alternate political strategy and assigned the age-old ‘sick person’ of the North, whose last breath had been presaged to exceed not his office tenure, to take over the presidency, meaning the presidency would must have automatically return to the Southerners, and indeed did it so and it exactly happened. Don’t take what Obasanjo did just for granted; it is a deliberate scheme and all-purposeful agenda.
On the demise of the Northerner (may Allah bless him), the Southerner acting as VP automatically took over. His main mission is to continue from whence Obasanjo had stopped – to dismantle the zoning policy and monopolize the leadership and power, leaving the Northerners dying for their lust and hunger of power. Painful as it might be to admit, our representative elders in PDP have been deceived from behind the scene, and yet they must be blamed for any falling future that may likely to affect the Northerners.
The Possible Implication
Now G. Jonathan put to an end the only tie for Nigerians’ political unity. The impending implication would divide the Nigerian politics and democracy not only on geo-political basis but also on religio-political one. It is clear to all now that politics and election started to be preached in mosques and churches. Hence, the Christians are urged to vote for Christian candidate from the South and Muslims are urged to vote Muslim candidate from the north. Despite of the religious outlook now appeared in the politics one cannot describe it wholly as either religious or tribalistic; but it is a combination of both – one half masked in tribalism and the other half masked in religionism. Nigeria will inevitably come to stall as a single multi-ethno-religious political entity; hence the beginning of bitter political and religious conflict – a prelude to an imminent Civil War. This will, in the near future, evolve to geopolitical disintegration of our beloved ‘Motherland’ Nigeria. If the emerging demarcation between Northerners and Southerners or Muslims and Christians persists in our politics, without any prior consensus on basic rights and limitations of each, the result will be disastrous. It is not my wish to admit, but a matter of necessity.
The Possible Way-out
I therefore, opine that only military take-over will prevent any imminent political disaster that may likely to affect this nation. As the politics and election now being divided on the basis of religionism, tribalism, regionalism – both the South (Christians) and the North (Muslims) determine to fight back in case of losing the chance – what would be the end? Disastrous! I guessed. The military should now intervene and save the union of this nation. Let them imprison and encage mysterious situation created by this irrational, thoughtless, un-intelligent, unscrupulous and unpatriotic democrats whose ideas and thought can be best described as “Thought of the Thoughtless”. Let the military officers to takeover the government; only to return it to the democrats when all things are set aright in the state.
Salim I. Hassan (Salimullah)
Education Department, BUK.
Hints For Notice
The only tie that keeps the political unity of diverse people of Nigeria is PDP’s zoning policy, and now it was recently put to an end. This means a total disintegration of Nigerian geo-political unity. The zoning policy is neither in the interest of Southerners nor in the interest of the Northerners, but that of the PDP’s elders both from the North and South to keep their personal ambitions alive. Yet, it means a lot to both of them. The more intelligent one side is the more he knows how to exploit the opportunity. It seems to me Obasanjo is the winner coz he knows better how to exploit the opportunity. Since the beginning of democracy era in Nigeria, the Southerners ruled more than the Northerners. Even when the Northerners’ turn came, they were deprived by the Southerners not by the use of force but by smart and strategic political brilliance and prudence put forward by Obasanjo.
What Went Wrong?
The zoning policy had been facilitated by PDP in consonance with both the Southern and Northern elders of the party, both driven by vested-interest. The Southern elders cautiously work both for their personal benefit and for that of their people in their distinct geo-political zone; while Northern elders worked only for their personal benefit. However their personal target has fallen. The policy shows the Northerners’ generosity to grant the minority their rights in leadership as opposed to democratic notion of ‘Majority Rules’ despite of the hidden agenda by the Northern facilitators. How I wish that the hidden agenda was meant for the interest of Northern patriotisms. Alas! It is for their personal interest. Through this policy agreed upon by the PDP elders, the democracy began to usher in Nigeria, given the Southerners the first turn, beginning in 1999. The reading error by Northern elders of PDP in the phase of the zoning policy is that they confined all their hidden agenda on how to achieved their personal future ambition; while the Southerners widen their hidden agenda on how to secure the future well-being of their people in general and make them the potentially perpetual Nigerian Leaders in the future. Obasanjo’s failed third tenure aspiration and assigning the age-old Yar’adua to take over are typical examples of Southerners attempt to deprive the Northerners of their right to rule Nigeria in sooner or later future. This is a point not clearly understood by until now.
Obasanjo, who was lucky to be the first beneficiary of zoning policy, had tried to betray the agreement by earnestly seeking for third term tenure, but only God forbids. On realizing this, he resorted to alternate political strategy and assigned the age-old ‘sick person’ of the North, whose last breath had been presaged to exceed not his office tenure, to take over the presidency, meaning the presidency would must have automatically return to the Southerners, and indeed did it so and it exactly happened. Don’t take what Obasanjo did just for granted; it is a deliberate scheme and all-purposeful agenda.
On the demise of the Northerner (may Allah bless him), the Southerner acting as VP automatically took over. His main mission is to continue from whence Obasanjo had stopped – to dismantle the zoning policy and monopolize the leadership and power, leaving the Northerners dying for their lust and hunger of power. Painful as it might be to admit, our representative elders in PDP have been deceived from behind the scene, and yet they must be blamed for any falling future that may likely to affect the Northerners.
The Possible Implication
Now G. Jonathan put to an end the only tie for Nigerians’ political unity. The impending implication would divide the Nigerian politics and democracy not only on geo-political basis but also on religio-political one. It is clear to all now that politics and election started to be preached in mosques and churches. Hence, the Christians are urged to vote for Christian candidate from the South and Muslims are urged to vote Muslim candidate from the north. Despite of the religious outlook now appeared in the politics one cannot describe it wholly as either religious or tribalistic; but it is a combination of both – one half masked in tribalism and the other half masked in religionism. Nigeria will inevitably come to stall as a single multi-ethno-religious political entity; hence the beginning of bitter political and religious conflict – a prelude to an imminent Civil War. This will, in the near future, evolve to geopolitical disintegration of our beloved ‘Motherland’ Nigeria. If the emerging demarcation between Northerners and Southerners or Muslims and Christians persists in our politics, without any prior consensus on basic rights and limitations of each, the result will be disastrous. It is not my wish to admit, but a matter of necessity.
The Possible Way-out
I therefore, opine that only military take-over will prevent any imminent political disaster that may likely to affect this nation. As the politics and election now being divided on the basis of religionism, tribalism, regionalism – both the South (Christians) and the North (Muslims) determine to fight back in case of losing the chance – what would be the end? Disastrous! I guessed. The military should now intervene and save the union of this nation. Let them imprison and encage mysterious situation created by this irrational, thoughtless, un-intelligent, unscrupulous and unpatriotic democrats whose ideas and thought can be best described as “Thought of the Thoughtless”. Let the military officers to takeover the government; only to return it to the democrats when all things are set aright in the state.
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