SALIM I. HASSAN (Salimullah)
I must confess that this nation – Saudia – would not be considered as the true Islamic State ruled absolutely by Shari’ah. But we are indeed aware that it is the historical base of Islam and it is still have its glory in that regard. And yet it is only respectable and honourary for that divine honour, sanctity, and nobility. The rulers there are no longer the true representative of Islam and Muslims worldwide. Under the pretext of Sunnah Da’awah they fuel the tension of sectarian conflicts among the Muslim religious sects just to distract our mind from Western challenges ahead of us in order not to rebel against our external enemies in the West whom they recognize as their lords. They are not serving the cause of Islam sincerely in all its revolutionary nature. They are the most obedient nation to the U.S Villain power and they fear them more than they fear their God – Allah. They regard the U.S power as their protector and benefactor, and forgot the blessings and promises of God for them once they uphold His verities and laws. That is why they usually employ U.S troops into the holy land in order to protect their kingdom and defend it from the challenges of the true believers like Usama bn Laden and his alike. The rulers of Saudia must not be the leaders of Islam and the Muslims worldwide. Being influenced by the imposition of U.S will and interest, Saudis and their employed Islamic scholars, they wanted us to practice Islam in a paralyzed and lopsided manner. From all their ‘Fatwas’ one can perceive that they mean that we should only direct our obedience to Allah in form of ritual acts of worship like prayer, fasting e.t.c. But all political obedience should be directed to the alleged sovereignty of Western villain power. This fact portrays some kind of ‘Political Shirk’. By abiding to this policy, they give to U.S what is worth to God alone (i.e. Sovereignty). We ought to know that it is not only when one pray or sacrifice to other than Allah that he commit ‘Shirk’; in whatever we are doing – being it social, political or economic life – we can commit another type of ‘Shirk’.
The nature of such leaders can be easily identified as un-Islamic. They don’t want any scholar in their nation to preach the revolutionary message of Islam. And as a result they usually expel such scholars from their hometown. They serve to protect and defend their Kingdom most than Islam. They are against any ‘Mujahid’ to suit the interest of their Western lord – the U.S villain power. The presence of the U.S troops in the holy land is the most grave mistake and sin ever committed by the Muslim leaders. Usama and many other true Muslims are against this fact as a result of which he was finally expelled from his hometown. And persecution and expulsion is the nature of any true Muslim who proclaims the word of revolution (there is no sovereignty but to God) amidst the ‘kuffar’ and hypocrites.
Historically, when the prophet – peace be upon him – proclaim this word of revolution amidst the ‘kuffar’ of Makkah, they immediately turned against him until they forced him to migrate with the order from God. Even on their way to migrate they were not saved as they had been traced and hunted out by these ‘kuffar’. This is exactly the same thing happening to all true Muslims especially those who uphold Jihad to defend the honour Islam and Muslims worldwide. Most of them are confronted with persecution, restriction, and victimization from both their external enemies from the West and their state’s secular government; some are living in exile; while others are still being hunted out to be killed. Take Usama for instance, the commander of the global Jihad against the military aggression of the U.S villain ‘Kuffar’, was formerly expelled from his beloved hometown which he wishes not. Some people have been deluded into believing that he was a terrorist through the Western media purveys of propaganda. But absolutely, Saudis expelled this noble man just for he upholds the truth of the message of Islam and i.e. revolution against any internal and external power than that of Allah. In this regard, Saudis have deceived and cheated this great man just to suit the interest of U.S villain power. In his words, Usama is saying; “The love of Hijaz (Makkah & Madinah) is deep in my heart but the rulers there are wolf. In Afghanistan, I have a home and companions, and from Allah comes a door for sustenance”.
So then what of Saudis relation with the U.S power? These leaders regard the U.S as their protector and benefactor. The worst enemies of Islam whom the Saudis accommodate in the holy land have been killing thousands number of innocent Muslims all over the world; and that is nothing in the eyes of the useless nations – I mean the United Nation. Unfortunately, no any of the Muslim countries dare to avenge or even try to take precaution. Is that means no defender and saviour for Islam and the Muslims? Those who confess to undertake this mission are the so called terrorists in the pretext policy of the U.S villain power. The U.S villain power don’t like such people and declare war on terrorist against them despite they are not in absolute truth. Hence, the hypocrite Muslims and leaders followed the same foot. They have been enforced by their perpetrators to cut off from the Mujahidun who stands only for Allah, by Allah, and with Allah. I must declare here that had the Muslim leaders on power gives support hundred percent to the Mujahidun we would have solve most of our problems of the U.S political domination and indirect colonial rule. Whose fault is all these? I can answer, the Saudis. As the leaders of the great home of Islam, they fail to unite Muslims under the single banner of Islam and at the same time selling out our religion to the West. The innocent Muslims have been killing in thousands by the American but that is nothing and the Saudis have no will to response even with a word; but when the Mujahidun reacted with killing one, or two, 5, or 10 Americans or Jews it is by then a terrorist act. Whose fault is this? The Saudis. Americans and Israelis are still killing thousand numbers of innocent Muslims; and despite all this, it is neither a terrorist act nor genocide. But the reaction of the Muslims is termed terrorism. In other word, the American military aggression against the Muslims worldwide is not terrorism but the reaction of the Mujahidun is by then, terrorism. What an injustice! Unfortunately, the Saudis and other hypocrite Muslim leaders have submitted wholeheartedly to the U.S policy of fighting the Muslims under a pretext of fighting terrorism.
So, what terrorism or terrorist entails in Western covert perspective? If that it means a military preparation or aggression against other countries, so the Americans and the Israelis must be at the top list. And if that it means an illegal act of killing innocent people, also in this regard Americans and the Israelis must be a kind of super-terrorists ever evolved among the mankind. Let us now clarify the Western covert meaning of these words; Terrorism or terrorist perhaps the Saudis and their like may take heed of admonition of God. Clearly, the American policy of war on terrorism is implicitly directed against Islam and the Muslims worldwide. We know this from the evil attitude of Western writers, politicians, and their leaders as well. Whenever one hears the West mentioning terrorism they refer to Islam while terrorist is referred to Muslim. Therefore, any Muslim who supports the American war on terrorism as they pretend in fact he supports the enemies of Allah against his religion – Islam. The following account will make all things true and clear to all true Muslims and the hypocrites.
Reverend Franklin Graham had once described Islam as terrorism when he says “Islam is a very evil and wicked religion”. Pat Robertson also says that “…To think of Islam is peaceful religion is fraudulent”. He further called the Prophet Muhammad – Peace be upon Him – “an absolute wild-eyed fanatic…. a robber and brigand…. a killer”. Reverend Jerry Falwell has directly described prophet – peace be upon Him – as “Terrorist” (Washington Post Oct. 06, 2002). Could the Muslim hypocrite leaders still believe the American policy is a war on terrorism? But to us we have already known this war is on Islam and the Muslims worldwide. Indeed, Beyond the truth is misguidance. Such Western criticism against Islam and our noble Prophet do not stop there. Daniel Pipes, the most evil American writer against Islam and the Prophet, has published in one of his articles titled “Jihad and Professors” that “Jihad was not abstract obligation through centuries, but a key aspect of Muslim life. According to one calculation Muhammad himself engaged in 78 battles, of which just one (the battle of ditch) was defensive”. Likewise, in his “Jihad through History” he writes “during his years in power, the prophet engaged in an average of nine military campaigns a year, one every five or six weeks. Thus did Jihad help define Islam from its dawn. Conquering and humiliating non-Muslims was a manifestation of the prophet’s Jihad”. Such was the attitude of the Western enemies of Islam. Hence, it is clear now that the American policy of war on terrorism is a typical prevarication and pretense. So may one ask who among the true Muslims could dare to insist that the American war on Taliban and other Mujahidun is right and legitimate? Only those who are hypocrite Muslims. Now, the truth is clear. The West have already described Islam as Terrorism and even called the prophet a terrorist. Hence, their war on terrorism against Taliban, Alqaeda, and other Mujahidun is an absolutely war on Islam and the Muslims worldwide. It appears to us now those hypocrite Muslims are just backing the American villain power to crush Islam and Muslims. From all what we have been scrutinizing, the important point to note is why the Saudis in particular and some other Muslim nations in general still depend on U.S villain power and pays unconditional support and allegiance to the Americans. Why are they accusing the Mujahidun just to suit the interest of the U.S.? Why are they still siding with the enemies of Islam against the Mujahidun?
So then, what is the contemporary position of Jihad in our modern time? The validity of Jihad is still as new as it is during the prophet era. Those leaders their employed scholars should know that there is no separation between Islam and Jihad. No one can accuse Jihad in any respect but the hypocrite. The leadership of those Mujahidun is more respectable and honourable in our eyes than theirs. While the former serves the cause of Islam the later serves to protect his kingdom. If they fail to undertake the mission of Islamic Jihad the Mujahidun confess to do so; and why are they accusing them? Only the hypocrites accuse Jihad; only the hypocrites dislike it; and only the hypocrites recognize the sovereignty of the enemies of Islam.
The authority of Jihad is inherent in Islam as enunciated in the Qur’an and Sunnah. And no one – a leader or a scholar – can invalidate the legality of contemporary Jihad in Islam. We ought to know that what those people abhor and blame is a religious duty prescribed by God for the Muslims. The Muslims have to initiate Jihad against injustice, corruption and tyranny, as well as when they have been transgressed by their enemies. Jihad is a religious obligation (Baqara\Q2:216 & 190). In a Qur’an passage Allah has accused those who abandon Jihad and described them as apostates (Ma’idah\Q5:54). Allah praises the acts of the Mujahidun (Taubah\Q9:111). Allah commands the Muslims to be threatening their enemies especially those closer to them, so as not let them penetrate their lands (Taubah\Q9:123). And the prophet – peace be upon Him – was reported to have said “whoever gives up Jihad surely they will be humiliated”. Therefore, according to this Hadith, our only glory, honour and respect is the presence of such few Mujahidun. Islamic power is almost eradicated if not of this Mujahidun. This is truth we speak. Back to Qur’an again we can see that a true believer is who shows mercy, kind, and compassion to his fellow Muslim believers but they are harsh and stern against the unbelievers (Fath\Q42:29, Ma’idah\Q5:54). A true believer is who usually becomes anxious and worried when his fellow believer is exposed to victim of war, genocide, and or terrorism of the enemies. But, unfortunately, nowadays the opposite is true. Some lopsided Muslims become worry only the Americans, Europeans, and Jewish unbelievers are touched by the Mujahidun. You can hear them throughout the media accusing and cursing the Mujahidun saying “some group of Muslims are deviating from Islamic principles by perpetrating terrorism on innocent people and surely this is not an Islamic Jihad; they are just violating the laws of Islam”. This is what they lopsided Muslims usually say out of their wishful desires. But, you cannot hear them challenging, questioning and demanding the Americans and Israel illegitimate regime about the numerous killings of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine as if to them this is nothing. But when the Mujahidun retaliate is then become a war crime even in the eyes of those lopsided Muslims. At this juncture it is necessary to appreciate the works of those Mujahidun especially the Alqaedas and Taliban.
Alqaeda’s military policy against the enemies of Islam in nay category should not be condemned, rejected or even be criticized. This people represent the practical side of Islamic Jihad which is a religious obligation upon the Muslims at all ages and spaces. Without it (Jihad) the whole Muslims would have fallen into sin for they abandon Jihad. The justified Jihad throughout the History of Islam is a Defensive Jihad and Jihad against injustice, corruption, falsehood, and tyranny. Unfortunately, the later form of Jihad cannot be carried out by the Muslims because they have been politically, economically and militarily subjugated by their enemies – the Western Kuffar. So, this Jihad is religious injunction to be maintained and retained by the Muslims at all the times. It is generally believed that nowadays only Alqaedas, Talibans and other Mujahidun groups to maintain this religious injunction of Jihad and despite of all this fact, they are still being accused and condemned not only by the enemies of Islam but also by those lopsided Muslim leaders and their employed scholars. Supposed that there have been no such Jihadist organizations the American-Israel evil policy of war on the Muslims would be much more successful than as it is now. Hence instead of condemnation, we should praise and appreciate the activities of all the Mujahidun as it has been the substantial threat to the American-Israel war on Islam and the Muslims worldwide.
An intelligent person would also ask if that the Alqaedas, Talibans, and other Mujahidun group should not be backed by the Muslims because they are perpetrating terrorism not Jihad so then what of Palestinians and Hamas cause who now carrying out the most typical defensive Jihad? However, they are not being assisted both financially and militarily by the Arab countries and other Muslim nations. This habit of some Muslims countries portrays their cowardice of the Jews and the American power and to some extent indicates to us very clearly their unconditional obedience to the West. On 29/7/2006 Muslim Brothers posted on their official website expressing their concern and worry about the negative attitude of most of the Arab Muslim countries as thus:
“Conflict between truth and falsehood, justice and injustice, freedom and tyranny is continuous, Allah, the Almighty, says: " And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief: but Allah is full of Bounty to all the worlds." SURAH 2: AL BAQARAH (The Heifer) (251). Allah doesn’t treat with injustice and also forbad any one to treat with injustice. Allah ordained the humans to be just; He allows who is treated with injustice to resist protecting his religion, country, money, and honor as well as himself. That’s why Allah’s religion, the nation’s conventions, and the human laws permit all the people, whatever their creeds, countries, ideologies, or nationalities are, to resist the occupiers who usurp their land, exploit the wealth, and humiliate the people. When other nations have the right to resist, Muslims also have a stronger right to face and resist, because Islam doesn’t accept any thing for the Muslims but strength and honor, Allah says: "But honor belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers" SURAH 63: AL MUNAFIQUN (The Hypocrites) (8), that’s why the scholars decided that whenever the enemies invade the Muslims" land, Jihad will be individual obligation on all the Muslims, males and females- without waiting for permission from any body- to face the enemy and expel it, in case of their incapacity to resist, it is a must on their neighbor Muslim countries to help and support them to get rid of the occupiers. The Zionists have a settlement and racism project aiming at emptying the country from its people through killing, expelling, devastating the infrastructure, bringing over the Jews from all over the world to settle in the Muslim countries and usurp the sacred places to demolish them and then establish the temple, to gradually expand till dominating from the Nile to the Euphrates, controlling the whole territory, and humiliate the people using them as cheap manpower and consumers of the enemy’s products. So the Muslims are obliged to resist in any way available for them, because the Muslim lands can’t be sectioned,………. When the Zionists occupied Lebanon, the Lebanese resisted till the formation of Hezbollah, which launched a severe and strong resistance and made the enemy withdraw from the south in 2000, the Zionists came again to demolish Lebanon and occupy a part from the south aiming at disarming Hezbollah, But Hezbollah resist strongly causing the Zionists great damages, despite the inequality of powers and weapons. Now we hear a controversy about the Shiites and Sunnis; "Hezbollah is Shiite and should not be backed!" This is just a trial to justify the atrocities of the Zionists. These controversies are the worst to be heard in these hard times. We will set our attitude towards the Shiites before answering these allegations. Our attitude is quite clear: we consider the Ja’fari Shiites one of the Muslim factions; they are conforming to us in creed, worship, and morals. They represent the majority of the Shiites in the world. Of course we have some difference in opinions and historical positions, but this doesn’t imply that they are not Muslims. In the 1940s al- Banna participated in an attempt to bring the Islamic factions closer together, which resulted in the recognition of the Ja’fari Shiites and teaching its methodology in al- Azhar and having a good relation between al- Azhar and the Shiite scholars. Is Hezbollah not Muslims? Isn’t it an Arab? Doesn’t it resist the occupiers? Their battle is ours to free and restore the Muslim and Arab lands and prisoners. When a war is launched between the Shiites and the Zionists, we certainly must be siding with the Shiites. For example, the first Muslims were sad because of the defeat of the people of the book by the pagans, so the Qur’an relieved their sadness stating: "2. The Romans have been defeated 3. In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat will be victorious 4. Within ten years Allah’s is the command in the former case and in the latter and in that day believers will rejoice" Surah 30. Ar-Rum. If this Fatwa is due to Hezbollah being Shiite, do Hamas, al Jihad, al Aqsa brigades and other Palestinian platoons are Shiites? What is the situation of the Arab regimes toward them? Have they not let them armless facing the strongest military equipments that are used to kill them and destroy houses on the residents, In addition to detaining ten of thousands including their sons, girls, ministers and representatives? What are the Arab leaders doing? Have they not participated in the campaign of siege that USA and Zionistic entity imposed in order to overthrow Hamas" government in spite of being the outcome of democratic elections? They speak about the Iranian influence; I wonder about the Arab effect though the Arabs number and possibilities surpass that of Iran, who let the region for the Iranian extension to widen more? Do they have a situation toward Zionist and American influence which dominates all things in the region and try to create new Middle East carries out their orders, defenses their interests, and abandons its ideological, cultural and social characteristics and adopts Western manners? What did the Arab regimes present for the Palestinian issue except condemnations and negotiations that Israel cast into waste bin even before reading it? Finally, after years of people and self deception, the Arab League Secretary General declared that the peace process has died. So what will you do? All the resistance is considered an honour for the Ummah and an evident to its survival, and will not ever die or vanish till we restore our rights, Allah says in Surah 29, Al-Ankabut. Ayah: 69." As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, for verily Allah is with the good." If the regimes cannot really resist along with their people, they shouldn’t be siding with the enemy, because the enemy doesn’t accept us but as subordinates. The Sunna and the prophet don’t accept these Fatwas and situations; the Qur’an says: "190- Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you" SURAH 2: AL BAQARAH (The Heifer) and says: "If then any one transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him" SURAH 2: AL BAQARAH (The Heifer) (194) and the prophet (PBUH) said " the Muslim is a brother to other Muslims, he shouldn’t treat any one of them with unjust…" and said "whoever gives up Jihad surely they will be humiliated." Our duty is to support our fellow Muslims both in kind and cash, with invocation, good feelings, promotion of the issue, and trying to change the regimes to protect the kids, women, and the aging who are killed, the countries that are demolished, to release the prisoners who are humiliated in prisons, all these are just an attempt to free the land and restore the sacred land. May Allah strengthen the Mujahideen and make them victorious, and humiliate the unjust criminals and their supporters”.
Moreover, an intelligent person would also ask as why the Muslim world in general still participates in the United Nations – or Useless Nations if you like – despite of their covert and overt enmity and injustice against the Muslims worldwide. Why not to establish their Islamic United Nations to serve their Islam and Muslims worldwide. Whose fault is all this? You can answer the Saudis. The Americans still wages war on Islam by attacking the Muslim lands one after the other under the guise of fighting against terrorists and terrorism. The implicit political context of this word (‘terrorists’ or ‘terrorism’) connotes Muslims and Islam in general. And The Saudis know the reality of this fact but still obey the U.S villain power and accept unconditionally any instructions and orders given to them. An intelligent person would ask again – are the Saudis think of that God cannot do what the U.S can do for them? Or do they recognize the U.S power as their protector and benefactor besides Allah? Why do they love the Americans more than their fellow Muslim brothers in the sense that they are ready to criticize and persecute any Muslim that stands against the West just to suit the interest of the American villain power?
Finally, here are some reminders from the Qur’an if they should dare to take admonition:
“Oh you who believed, do not take certain Jews and Christians as friends (or protectors); they are allies of one another; those who among you who ally themselves with them (Jews & Christians) are belong with them; verily Allah never guide the transgressors” (Maidah:51).
“…And if you fear poverty soon Allah will enrich you out of His bounty” (Taubah:28).
“…Are you afraid of them (don’t be afraid) for Allah is He who deserved to fear” (Taubah:13).
“For this is the reminder; let whoso will to remind (himself)” (80:11-12).
“وفوق كل ذي علم عليم "Above every knowledgeable man there is one who is even more knowledgeable"
Salim Ishaq Hassan
Bayero University Kano.
Historically, the evil and wicked race ever evolved among humankind is the Jewish race. This people are the source of all evils, treacherous wherever they are; and therefore, enemies of world communities. Throughout their life history they have been plotting against all human races. Likewise, they are currently plotting against the modern world races and societies particularly Muslims and the Christians. They claimed to would have must be more superior to the world communities by mere virtue of their race. Due to their unjustifiable and irrational cause of Zion supremacy, the Jews have corrupted the world; they have destroyed and peacefully subjugated the world societies and made them bow to their will and interest; they have distorted and evilized the social values and moralities. And worst of all, they have steeped the world into an extending war and conflict. They set man against God, man against other men, and nation against other nations. They have diminished and shrank the vibrant spirit of religion and faith in God by inspiring and imbibing in man the concept of liberty and free-manship so as to rebel against all God’s laws and orders. In their protocols they confessed this fact as thus: “….it is indispensable for us to undermine all faiths, to tear out of the minds of the goyim (i.e. any non-Jewish person) the very principle of Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need”. It is true to say nowadays Christianity in Europe is no more a reality of profound conviction in faith. And ditto for other religions with the exception of Islam which still remained the only divine forceful power penetrating and influencing the entire world. The world in its entirety is severely entangled by the Jewish conspiracy. So, who can save the world from the evils of these devil Jews? I must confess without any repent that we the Muslims know much about the overt and covert behaviour of these devils; as such only us can break and undermine their wicked conspiracies. Our Qur’an has explained and elaborated to us fully the negative attitude of these devils towards God and mankind at large. They are inherently wicked and oppressors if not those few that God saves among them. Their first arrogance and rebel on earth is against God Himself. No matter how a great deal favourable and friendly you are towards them they will still appear evil and wicked against you. Now matter how much blessing you do to them they will still rebel against you. In fact, these devils are by nature, literally programmed with a desire of absolute wickedness, evilness, arrogance, rebel, and brutality. Their present active occupation and invasion of Palestinian land especially with reference to ‘Sabra and Shatila massacres, and the recent 22 days genocide of the Palestinians is a clear testimony in this regard. Looking at the Qur’an we can know the wicked nature of these people. Generally, the Qur’an described them as thus:
They were blessed by God with all favours, abundances, superiority and prosperity (Q2:40 & 57).
But, instead to propitiate and glorify God they vehemently and arrogantly repulsed all the blessings and rebelled against God (Q2:55 & 61).
As a result, they incurred severe retribution and God stripped them of all blessings, nobility, favours, and lower them beneath the foot of human races (Q2:61). It is worthy to note that it is a sign of their fateful degradation and destitution that they would never have a legitimate homeland of their own.
Ultimately, they were inflicted by all sorts of disasters, calamities, misfortunes, destitution, and predicaments in life (Q7:133-136).
With this brief account from the Qur’an we can see that these devils are inherently wicked, arrogant, and rebel. These are the Jews who have corrupted the world and destroyed the world social values and moralities. No one can save this world from such evils and mischiefs perpetrated by Jews except the Muslims. Only the Muslims endowed with genius to undertake this mission. Hence, we must work for this noble cause. We should adopt and employ every measure to crook and break the Jewish conspiracy planned in their protocols of learned elders of Zion. Jews are all source of evils, treacherous wherever they are, merciless and brutal in all their acts, and therefore, they are enemies of all races. They themselves confessed their evil wicked nature when they declared that: “It is from us that the all-enforcing terror proceeds.” (Jewish Protocols p.58).
“It is from us that the all-enforcing terror proceeds” (p.58)
“We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws….” (P.48).
“The United Nation is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the protocols of the learned elders of Zion promulgated between 1897 and 1905” (Henry Klein, a Jewish Lawyer.)
“Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords, and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage” (p.53).
“....... soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in arts, in sports of all kind: this interest will finally distract their minds…”
“We must arm ourselves with all the weapons which our opponents might employ against us”
The above were some quotations from Jewish protocols. Between 1897 and 1905 i.e. towards the end of 18th century, the learned elders of Jews proposed a struggle of Zionism (i.e. supremacy of Jewish race in the world). The Jews still claim that one Jew is equivalent to 1,000 men of other races as they note that: “…each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand Goyim” (p.33). Therefore, if a Jew was killed the compensation is to kill 1,000 men. They devised a schematic plot of conspiracy for a peaceful destruction and conquest of the world societies by the Jews. The conspiracy is now no more an illusionary theory but a reality that takes the organizational world order of modern life. This conspiracy theory was documented in their protocols which had been originally written in Jewish language and was highly kept secretly from the scene of the world. Only after then, it was come to the knowledge of the world via the effort of a Christian priest in the Orthodox Church of Russia in the person of professor Sergyei A. Nilus. This priest professor was said to have obtained the original copy from a Jewish woman. Since then, women Jews were banned participation in secret affairs of Zion elders. Having obtained and translated the original copy, Prof. Sergyei published the first Russian version in 1905. From then onwards, several translations came to be and published in various languages. This book is now known to the entire world; despite of this, nobody dares to demand apprehension and suppression of Jewish evils and wickedness on earth. The West have already submitted to the wills and interest of Jews, and recognized them as their saviours, protectors, and benefactors on this earth. This is because both the Jews and the Western world have aims and ambitions in common, for that the commission of atrocities and mischiefs on earth was devolved to the West by the Jews. Therefore, it is not recommendable for us Muslim world to submit to both Jews and the West. Western powers claim to foster international unity, security, and peace worldwide. Ironically, the Jews are backed and supported by allied power of Europe and America to continuously perpetrate evils and brutalities on Muslim communities. This is mainly because the Jews have already subjugated the Western societies; they have peacefully conquered and dominated their mental thought and Judainized their ideas and cultures. In fact, through political tactics, the Jews have made Americans and Europeans to voluntarily submit to their Policy and to defend their will and interest. Too surprisingly, the world economic, military, and political powers are in the hands of the West headed by US, but the drivers of these powers are the Jews. Paradoxically enough, the Jews are the least race among the world communities and yet, they are the ones wield the world power and economy. One may ask as why is that possible? The answer is that all what they have theorized in their protocols have been working for them effectively in the present real world. I may confess, and without any hesitation, that the present world economic, social, and political order is entirely the implication and impact of Jewish conspiracy theory. All what one knows from Socialism, Capitalism, Secularism, Interest (Riba), Democracy, United Nation are all have their root in Jewish conspiracy theory. And in fact, they are all genius inventions of learned elders of Zion. Now let us examine some of the Jewish conspiracy as it was documented in their protocols of learned elders of Zion.
The conceptualization of the nature and aims of Jewish conspiracy as outlined in their protocols can be perceived as Educational, Economic, and Political conspiracies.
Educationally, the Jews intended to destroy the social values and moralities of world societies by imparting negative education to people, thus, they secularized the nature and concept of knowledge/education by separating its basis from belief and faith in God to the sovereignty of human reasoning “We have demonstrated that progress will bring all the Goyim to the sovereignty of reason” (3p.9). They also stated in the protocols as thus: “….it is indispensable for us to undermine all faiths, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need”. As such, the current world educational order and system is a Jewish invention. They further claimed to take in their hands, the control of people’s thoughts and mental thinking so as to make them unable to think independently on their own. As thus, the people would be made to solely rely on what the Western agents of Jews bring to them. The protocols read thus: “The Goyim (i.e. any non-Jewish man or race) have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists (p.38). All what our many students are proud to have acquired in Western theories of Economics, political science, sociology, psychology and many more from social science courses are directly emanate from specially educated Jews scholars. Think of Karl Marx for instance, he was a typical German Jew; as such it would not be absurd to argue that he was appointed by the learned elders of Zion with a mission to reshape Social Sciences in a manner identified by Jewish conspiracy. We may come to know this reality because in some pages of the protocols the Zion elders have appreciated and glorified the successes they have achieved through the influence of Marxist ideas in Social Sciences. And we can realize that the basic ideas of Marxism emphasize conflicts, discords, ferments, and hostilities among the societies by creating economic and political classes. Similarly, it is among the many aims and objectives of Jewish conspiracy to create disunity, chaos, confusions, and to set class against another in the societies. The protocols declare that ““Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords, and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage” (p.53). In another page they mention “We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the Goyim (i.e. non-Jewish people), religious and race hatred which we have fostered into a huge growth….(p.48). Additionally, what our students know as Political Economy in social science is also a Jewish invention to capture the world economy in their hands as they state: “The science of “Political Economy” invented by our learned elders has for long been given royal prestige to capital” (p.48). Moreover, Socialism and Communism both Jewish invention and that all their founding fathers were appointed by the Jews to introduce them to the world: “We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restoring monarchist, demagogues, socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task….” (p.58).
The reality of the truth is that the Jews claimed to would have misguided world youths by virtue of a kind of Education they introduce to them. They proudly proved to themselves that they really know and confess that all kinds of political and socio-economic theories and ideas that have dominated the field of social sciences and which are still being fostered into the minds of our students are false ideas, fallacious, deceptive, and reductionist of socio-moral values and norms of the world societies. in the protocols they wrote: “We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youths of the Goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated” (p.60). But, unfortunately, it was such huge Western deceitful and reductionist theories that dominate the Muslim schools and Universities all over the world. Despite of this sad situation, no one among the Muslim nations cares to even speak of reviving and restoring the Islamic values and ideologies in Social Sciences as far as our Universities are concerned. This is a disgrace to Muslim world at large. This is that absolute truth we have been speaking to you on many occasions; we emphatically inform and alert you that all what you can adopt from Western cultures and ideas being it in economy or politics either in theory or practice are all negatively lopsided ones, and therefore, could not address the reality of Muslims socio-political, economic, and moral life. We have been telling this fact but still some people repudiate and ignore our ideas which are of course have support from Islamic principles and ideologies. Today the truth of our relentless argument is confirmed by those devils who created the Western ideas and Social Science theories which you have been proud of; that all of them are negative, fallacious, and reductionist. Could you still believe in Western theories and ideas? Only those nonsensical who suffer from mental defeatism can still appreciate and regard such negative Western ideas/theories. Where are those students who are proud to become Marxists, Capitalists, Socialists, and or Democrats? Where those who blindly accept whatever idea are introduced to their thought and knowledge by Western ideologues? I am sincerely calling you to reconstruct and re-organize your thoughts and mentality so as to become critical independent thinkers and special observers in your pursue of Western education. Mull over again, all the above Jewish quotations carefully, understand them fully, with the aim of realizing the truth in yourself that as a Muslim, are you in the right position as regard your intellectually academic relation to Western theories/ideas? Are you objectively opposing or appreciating those ideas? These are some fundamental questions that every sincere believing student should ask himself. Those who are willingly believing and accepting any ideas of Western theories without critical consideration and observation do so just because they have been mechanically programmed by the Jews to think in the way as they want them to be. Such people are indeed deluded by the Jews and also are controlled by them willy-nilly. In the protocols they declare as thus: “We alone shall be offering them new directions…” In another passage they wrote: “We must so direct the education of the Goyim communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing importance.” (p. 48-49). We ought to know the present system of Western education is mechanically designed as such to dupe and misguide our youths and students, and to preclude them from knowing and upholding their cultural and religious values of socio-political and economic life. The Jews are smart in their conspiracy; they are aware of powerful thought and influence of the youths and students in every society. Soon, as such they realized that all of their conspiracies could be halted and destroyed once the youth students are to detect and attack it. In order not to let this to happen they have invented another peaceful weapon to distract the attention of the youths from detecting such evil conspiracies. It is beyond surprise to hear that this weapon is Games and Sports – competition in football, athletics, race, games, and many others were all invented by genius thinkers of Jews. As they note in the protocols: “In order that the masses (public youths) themselves may not guess what they are about, we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, fashions ……. soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in arts, in sports of all kind: this interest will finally distract their minds…” (p.61-63). The main target for this conspiracy was to destroy the moralities of the European youths; it will leave one astonishingly agape when he observe how much priorities were given to sports and games than religion in European countries. Thus, Jewish aim in this regard was completely attained and achieved in Europe. And now, it is taking a drastic effect in Muslim nations. Despites of its negative effects, the leaders there are giving support and encouragement for its thriving and flourishing. This is a brief survey of Jewish conspiracy approach in Western education.
Economically, the Jewish conspiracy is aimed at dominating and wielding the world economy by Jewish race. The most important point is that the Jews have noted that the only power that would stir and control the whole life is Gold (money) and they asserted that the world money would have been in their hands and control as they mention: “All the wheels of the machinery of all states go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of states is ‘Gold’ – i.e. Money/Wealth” (p.48). As described in their protocols, the economic wars which they resorted to instigate all over the world would be the foundation of their predominance in world economy. And it is beyond illusion because this is the reality happening presently, that the Jews control the world economy. It is worthy to note that the previous démodé systems of economy such as Socialism and Communism are all Jewish invention as we have specified in so far. Similarly, the current predominant system of Capitalism is also their creation. The oldest system of economy known as ‘Usury’ (Riba) was known to have been flourished in the Arabian Peninsula during Jahili period. This system was practiced by both the Arabs and the Jews. Through it, the Jews dominated and manipulated the economy of Madinah. It should be noted that the element of Usury (Riba) was also incorporated into modern Capitalist system by the Jews so as to control the modern world economy. The new English name given to Usury is “Interest”. Hence, Interest is a prototype of Riba/Usury. With this Capitalist Interest system, the Jews have dominated and controlled the world economy just as they did it before during their time in Madinah. In the Glorious Qur’an Allah describes that the Jews are the essential source of Interest (Usury/Riba) when narrating their past crimes in ancient societies: “And for practicing Usury (Interest system) which was forbidden (for them), and for devouring people’s money illegally; we have prepared for the disbelievers among them painful retribution” (Q4:161).
It is necessary at this juncture, to highlight the attitudes of some blind-minded Muslims towards modern Interest system. Just as we have stated in so far that some Muslims are just accepting and adopting any kind of Western ideas/theories without profound critical observation and independent thinking. It was such failure that led some Muslims into remorseless belief that Interest is not like Riba/Usury; thus, legalizing modern Interest Capital. Such people are indeed hanged themselves in a dangerous position as they legalize the prohibition of God – the Almighty. When they were asked why is that Interest is lawful? They further arguably answered that Interest did not exist during the Prophet time as such there is no any Islamic rulings and laws governing it. They further argue that what Islamic law has forbidden is only a Usury/Riba which flourished in Arab Jahili period; and that this modern Interest is not a Riba/Usury. People with such destructive belief should know the universal message of Islam; they should stop limiting its laws to some events took place in the past. The Qur’an which constitutes the broad contents of Islamic laws is much wider than the extension of time as it addresses the past, present, and even the future which is only known to God. Those who seek to separate Interest from Riba let them first read and ponder over Q3:130, Q2:275-279, Q30:39, Q4:161. Such verses have provided us with a typical worldview about the nature and concept of Interest and its illegality in Islam. Prophetic Hadith also have explained to us the processes of Interest and its exploitative and oppressive nature. By mere examining the features, characteristics, and economic policy of Interest as described in the Prophet Hadith we shall come to know that modern Interest has retained and incorporated all such features and characteristics. Hence, both Interest and Riba are one and the same. This is where the thought of those secular-minded capitalist people was defeated. We proclaim the illegality and prohibition of Interest as a necessity not only from within the domain of Islamic laws but also from human moral, social, and cultural values and norms. The very fundamental question that has been challenging the capitalist advocates is Why Interest should be paid? All the Western Interest theorists shrank to place their pen on this difficult question. Western theories of Interest like Colourless Theory, Abstinence Theory, Productivity Theory, Use Theory, and Remuneration Theories were all unable to answer this fundamental question as why Interest is being paid. This fact indicates the absence of any advantage or benefit in Interest as regard the society at large. If that case would be, then Interest system should be suspended.
Therefore, one needs not to repent when he state that Interest is an invention of Jews to dominate world economy. All what the Capitalist markets receive as Interest under Capitalism goes directly or indirectly to Jewish World Bank account (IMF). The Jews are misers, avaricious, and greedy who do not even know the moral nature of their needs and desires. The same conclusion would be also applied to all those Capitalist markets. Their aim to destroy the power of religious and moral laws governing the Economic system was noted from their protocols. They claimed that if people would still be governed and ruled by their religious and socio-moral laws and values in all their social life they will continue to establish justice, equality, and mutual subordination among themselves; and this is what they Jews do not want. In their words they say: “With such a faith as this people might be governed by a wardship and parishes, and (they) would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor (God) submitting to the dispositions (laws) of God upon earth. This is the reason why it is indispensable for us to undermine all faiths, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need”. It is interesting to note that the last clause “….and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need” refers to their conspiracy to destroy divine religious and socio-moral laws and values governing economy. This is the reason why we see Economics is full of deceptive arithmetical calculations and all its emphasis is centered on one’s unlimited desires of worldly material gains. By our mere looking at the economic nature of capitalist markets we can prove to ourselves that most of the people are steeped in the impact of this Jewish economic conspiracy by making them complete seekers of material gain at the expense of their spiritualities. In general, Jews have referred to all Western Economic, Political, and Sociological theories as “Successive Destructive Theories”. They called these theories ‘successive’ because they are employed by them to replace the already existing religious and socio-moral laws and values of the world communities. And they referred them as ‘destructive’ because they do not represent and address the very needs and standard values of the humankind and they would serve only to destroy and misguide people from their bases of religious and socio-moral dispositions. When they spoke about their evil achievement of making the people steeped in economic and political war and conflict they stated: “We have harnessed them all to the task; each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order” (p.58). Therefore, all students should take heed of this. Another vital issue worthy of notice about the Jewish economic conspiracy is the presence of extending price inflation and economic instability in the world. Such problems and many more relevant others were mechanically and deliberately instigated and generated by the Jews at every certain interval of time. We may come to know this reality as they claimed so in the protocols: “To complete the ruin of industry of the Goyim we shall bring to the assistance of speculation the luxury which we have developed among the Goyim, that greedy demand for luxury which is swallowing up everything. We shall rise the rate of wages which however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life alleging that it arises from the decline of Agriculture and Cattle breeding; we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy and to drunkenness, and side by side therewith taking all measures to extirpate from the faces of the earth all educated forces of the Goyim” (p.52). These are some of the basis of Jewish Economic conspiracy.
Politically, the Jewish conspiracy, aimed at controlling the political world and to separate men from the clutches of divine laws of God. Their ultimate objective in all their secular political worldview was to create a super global government which will rule and control the world nations and affairs. It is not absurd to hear that United Nations is this Super-government that invented by the Jews. The United Nations (UN) was severally mentioned in the protocols as Super-government. As we have quoted earlier, Henry Klein who was a Jewish lawyer had once stated “The United Nation is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the protocols of the learned elders of Zion promulgated between 1897 and 1905”. Thus, we may believe that this super-government is the modern machinery of United Nations. Over 100yrs ago Super-government remained an illusion for the Jews but today is a practical reality with the establishment of United Nations. Jews themselves have claimed to do so in the protocols: “We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws….” (P.48). In another passage they proposed: “In every possible way we must develop the significance of our Super-government by representing it as the protector and benefactor of all those who submit to us” (p.50). Another basis behind the invention of Super-government (UN) was for the Jews to seize international power to colonize and dominate the world nations politically, economically, and mentally. They mentioned in the protocols that: “By all these means we shall wear down the Goyim that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that its position will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a Super-government. In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey (i.e. an authority that frightens somebody) which will be called the Super-government administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world” (p.48-49). They also mentioned to will have disintegrated the world societies, caused the nations steeped in wars and conflicts in such the Super-government would intervene while allegedly claiming to restore peace and orders. Thus, making the nations to voluntarily bow and submit to their will and interest. The protocols stated as thus: “By these acts (wars/conflicts), all states are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace; but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-government, and with submissiveness” (p.58). They further proclaimed that whoever refuses to submit to the will of their Super-government shall be constantly charged with criminal charges: “Persons who, in case of disobedience to our instructions must be face criminal charges or disappear – this in order to make them defend our interest to their last gasp” (p.56). This is why most of the Muslim nations defend and value Western laws and orders for fear of unjust criminal charges by the UN security members. And this is the basic reason why some Muslim Nations were attacked once they refuse to accept imposition of American foreign policy. The remote effect of this Jewish conspiracy is that Taliban government of Afghanistan was unjustly attacked and destroyed; Iraq Saddam’s government was pretentiously attacked and annihilated; and now Iran is probably the next target of Western military power. UN is purposely aim at protecting and defending the supremacy of the Jews via the American power. This is the reason why the UN keeps silence to suppress Israel occupation of Palestinian lands at least with its force army as it is does on the Muslim countries. Hence, a glaring injustice is established in UN’s deceitful quest for international justice, peace and security. The UN is running on the basis that it will guarantee Israel to be free from international hostilities and persecution as well as aiding Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. And that is why the Jews of Israel are supported and backed by international power and security. They arrogantly stated this fact in the protocols: “At the present day we are, as international forces, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other states…….it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence” (p.40). All these are theories documented in the Jewish protocols over 100yrs ago; and today it is an absolute practical reality. Despite the fact that Americans as the head of world super power which controls the UN would not mean that they are the ultimate controllers over the world nations. But the truth is that American power is guided and inspired by the Jews. It is just as to say while the Jews are the genius inventors of new world secular laws and policies the American power is the agency through which their enforcement and imposition upon the world is attained. In fact, a senior Jewish man had once stated “We Jews control America and the Americans know it”.
As modern world claims supremacy of Democracy, it is unable to detect the covert conspiracy behind the Jewish conceptualization of the word Democracy. Despite that the explicit concept of this word was universally known to have meant good governance, rule of law, government of the ordinary citizens, and free individual right and liberty did not conceal the reductionist and fallacious nature of democracy in the face of universal justice, rule of law and freedom of religion. America, the democratic super power country was today known to have been the most perpetrator and advocate of international injustices and betrayer of people’s religion. Think how much energy it spends in suppressing Muslims to establish Shari’ah system under the alleged right and freedom of religion in democracy. Democracy claims to have granted all people freedom of religion. How far true is this? An intelligent person knows that this is one of many deceptive and absurd ideas in democracy. If this idea is really true in democracy so why the Muslims are still being suppressed from establishing their Shari’ah ruling system in their concerned respective nations and are even being attacked when they set out to do so. So then, issue of freedom of religion is not established truly in democracy. It is just a fallacious and fraudulent idea.
Jews must be smart and intelligent; from the onset of their conspiracy they proved to themselves the successes they will achieve through introducing democracy to the world. First, they created some illusionary concepts like freedom, right, and liberty which known to them as nonsense and null and void. Such concepts in democracy are mainly served to establish hostilities, ferments, discords, and suspicions among the people especially rulers and the ruled. It is interesting to note that once a man claims freedom of doing something he may come to undermine freedom of others. For instance, one who assert his freedom of homosexuality he must conflict with the freedom of others who deemed it as a taboo and illegal and illegitimate act. As thus, none of both freedoms could be ensured and hence, contradictions and hostilities are established. So then, the idea of freedom is become illusion and no longer a reality. It should be noted that the Jews who invented these democratic concepts have proved to themselves that they are illusionary, imaginary, and utopian ideas – i.e. ideas that are impracticable in real life. Therefore, democrats should stop dreaming about the reality of freedom, liberty, rule of law and so forth in Democracy. All these aspects are only served to upgrade and protect the powerful while degrading and subjugating the rights and interests of the masses. The Jews have also claimed to have invented the word ‘Liberty, to serve as their ‘watchword’ to achieve a particular conspiracy objective and they maintained that when they attain establishment of “Kingdom of Israel” they will suspend these words as they are conceptualized in democracy. In their own words stated: “The word of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our Masonic watchword, namely, “Liberty Equality, Fraternity” will when we come into our Kingdom, be changed into words no longer of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into: “The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood”. That is how we shall put it…..”(p.57). We should ought to know that the word ‘Liberty’ actually means one to be free from and independent of any religious, moral and social laws and values. Through democratic liberty people are granted the right to freely act and behave even against God’s laws and orders. This is what the Jews really wanted to achieve. An intelligent man would ask why the constitutions of democratic states grants man the right to rebel and free himself from God’s laws and orders if he so wish, but forbids him to do such as against the secular constitutional laws of the state. Indeed, hypocrisy, conspiracy and a deceit against the Muslims is established in this unjust fact.
The word “Freedom” was also invented by the Jews to set the masses against the rulers and even to set man against the Authority of God. The protocols read thus: “The word ‘Freedom’ brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority, even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, shall have erase this word from lexicon of life…..” (p.40-41). The idea of human rights as contained in democratic constitutional states was confirmed to have been illusionary, fallacious, deceptive, deceitful, and reductionist by the Jews as they stated: “We have included in the constitution such rights as to masses appear fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called “people’s rights” can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life” (p.36). Moreover, the existence of multi-party system in democracy is also a Jewish invention to serve their interest of disintegrating the societies and setting one group against another. In the protocols they proposed: “In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendencies towards independence. To this end, we have armed all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every ambition……A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal” (p.35). In another passage they appreciate the existing of political conflicts among the different democratic parties in every society: “And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, Persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it whishes. Thanks to this state of things the people are destroying every kind of stability and creating disorders at every step” (p.40-41). The most powerful weapon that the Jews claimed to have afforded to influence the entire world politics by spreading and purveying their evil propaganda is a Press Media; they vehemently asserted that through press they would control people’s thought, ideas, and sentiments. It should be noted that the world international press and media institutions are basically Jewish in nature and they work to serve Jewish propaganda. They have noted this fact in the protocols: “In the hands of the states of today there is a great force that creates the movements of thought in the people, and that is the ‘Press’…….It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the Goyim states have not known how to make use of this force; and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade…..” (p. 33).
All these quotations were direct accounts from the inventors of democracy explaining and asserting its evil nature as it was conspired by the Jews. My dear brothers, could you still dare to believe in democracy? As far as I am concerned, I am against democracy not only because of its fallacious and reductionist ideas but also it suppresses the Muslim legitimate and legal right to be ruled by Shari’ah Ruling System. To me also, Democracy as a system of political life is a complete failure. Let it alone it shrinks to address the right of God upon man on earth which is fundamental in man’s life. For that I will proceed to remain a remorseless critic and opponent of Democracy until it was reconstructed and re-conceptualized or I was taken by the neck. To me indeed, this is an intellectual Jihad. The same approach would apply to other reductionist Western socio-economic systems and laws. (For more details about the fallacies of democracy, read the article “The Battle: Democracy Vs Islamocracy”).
May be we ought to conclude this brief discussion with the authors’ suggestion and recommendation. In fact, all these are formidable challenges to us Muslims and this challenge is very fundamental one worthy of focus by Muslims intellectualists and students. Significantly enough, we, as University students have to sit and discuss these vital issues. We should know how to relate and deal with Western theories and ideas. We should know how to manage and minimize our love of European sports and games. According to what we have accounted we may realize that Western theories/ideas are negative, deceptive, valueless, and reductionist of socio-moral values and norms as confessed by their inventors (the Jews). They are only invented for a deliberate deception, deceit, and misguiding the humanity. We have to criticize, challenge, and get rid of all Western negative idea/theories in all fields of studies. But we could not get rid of them without replacement. That is to say, we have to provide alternatives from our Islamic and Muslim scholars’ ideologies and perspectives. And this task requires us to a rigorous research studies in both Islamic and Western books and journals. But we could not accustom ourselves to complete habit of research studies unless we diminish the rate of our attendance to sports, games, and amusement which the Jews have claimed to have invented them to misguide us from our religious and socio-moral values, and to distract our mind from detecting their evil conspiracies. Now, very luckily, we have unveiled the masking conspiracy and we should attack and break it. For a Muslim youth to liberate his self, thought, and mind from mental defeatism by Western theories/ideas he should become an absolute critical observer, independent thinker, creative researcher, and too importantly, he should rear and imbibe in his mind the values and ethics of Islam in all fields of studies. A liberal student who is independent of Western theories/ideas is whom we considered as “Mai Boko”, rather than “Dan Boko”. It is highly recommendable for you student to be “Mai Boko” and not “Dan Boko” for you have established independence. There are conspicuous disparities between “Mai Boko” and “Dan Boko”. The later appears to be intellectual puppet, dependent thinker and blind researcher while the former is liberal in his thought, independent thinker, critical observer and creative researcher in all his pursue of studies in Western education. “Mai Boko” is someone who is critical of whatever ideas/theories deemed antithetical to his Islamic values and ideologies. He usually writes and offers new perspectives and ideas alternatively to Western ones so as to create balance in relation to his Islamic values and worldviews. “Mai Boko” also, does not accept or believe anything presented to his knowledge without profound analysis; and he often mull over both its negative and positive impact. He scrutinizes and breaks into tiny parts the presented ideas/theories to him and compares them with his Islamic values and ideologies, thus accepting conformity and repudiating contradictions if they are found. Generally, “Mai Boko” is someone with absolute liberal academic integrity. No matter how deep he immerses in Western education he does not dare to be out of the clutches of his Islamic values and ideas. In fact, “Mai Boko” controls and manipulates Western theories and ideas. Thus he appears to be “Mai Boko – i.e. Owner of Boko”.
Contrariwise, as regards “Dan Boko” all the opposite case was true. “Dan Boko” is owned and controlled by ‘Boko’ itself; as such he appears a typical “Dan Boko – i.e. Son of Boko”. He is blind-minded and intellectual puppet in all his studies. He is drastically controlled by Western ideas/theories and depends on them for deriving his worldviews and orders of his way of life. As such he was infected by ‘Western Virus’. “Dan Boko” could not think on his own; he is not an independent thinker. He just thinks and behaves in the manner he was taught by Western theories/ideas. For instance, if he was taught that Capitalism or Interest is a good economy he would believe it as such all the way his life; he may even tend to argue those who are against it. And in all the matters, he does not dare to question its basis of legality from within his Islamic rulings. To a typical “Dan Boko” the words of Karl Marx, Plato, Aristotle, Adam Smith, Marx Weber, and Sigmund Freud are superior to prophet’s words if not to talk of Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Alfarabi, and many others of Muslim thinkers and Social Scientists. By virtue of his education, “Dan Boko” is reared in a way to make him unable to think of negative side of Western theories/ideas. He could not write his ideas independently, and even if he does one is only an adoption of Western ones. Generally, “Dan Boko” was both spiritually, mentally, and intellectually colonized and conquered by Western ideas, theories, and cultures. And lastly, by virtue of his worldview of life, “Dan Boko” was a typically secular in nature.
Finally, with special polite regard to those students with absolute aim of Islamic vision, I sincerely speak and enjoin us to organize and undertake a formidable intellectual movement so as to enable us to bring forth a complete revolution in all fields of studies, from Arts through Social Science, and up to Natural science courses. This means we have to embark upon a purposeful research, reviving the diminishing Muslim scholars’ theories while generating more and more new ones from Islamic point of views. It is necessary to revive our Muslim scholars’ theories in science and social sciences. The Western scholars are professional liars, prevaricators, and plagiarists; they are proud of knowledge that is not essentially their own product. It is not a surprising to hear that even the Newton’s laws of motions were originally the product of Muslim scientists namely; Ibn Alhaytham, Abul Barakat Al-baghdady, Ibn Bajjah, Alkhaziny, and Ibn Musa Shakir. It was the scientific ideas of these Muslim scientists that were marginalized and plagiarized by Newton to bring forth his theories of motion. More importantly too, Galileo’s mathematics of acceleration and his concept of impetus were originally propounded by our scientists like Ibn Sina and Ibn Bajjah. Such instances are many also in social sciences; that is why we must restore the prestige of our previous Muslim Scholars and also build upon their ideas. This task would require us to prolific publications of books and journals of different Islamic and Muslim perspectives in all fields of studies and education. This is the most glorious task which if adopted universally, and appropriately will lead us to independent power in our Muslim Nations – a power free from foreign influence both economically, politically, intellectually, technologically, and militarily. MAY GOD RESTORE OUR PAST GLORY TO US IN URGENT RESPONSE!!
Salim Ishaq Hassan
Bayero University Kano.
Historically, the evil and wicked race ever evolved among humankind is the Jewish race. This people are the source of all evils, treacherous wherever they are; and therefore, enemies of world communities. Throughout their life history they have been plotting against all human races. Likewise, they are currently plotting against the modern world races and societies particularly Muslims and the Christians. They claimed to would have must be more superior to the world communities by mere virtue of their race. Due to their unjustifiable and irrational cause of Zion supremacy, the Jews have corrupted the world; they have destroyed and peacefully subjugated the world societies and made them bow to their will and interest; they have distorted and evilized the social values and moralities. And worst of all, they have steeped the world into an extending war and conflict. They set man against God, man against other men, and nation against other nations. They have diminished and shrank the vibrant spirit of religion and faith in God by inspiring and imbibing in man the concept of liberty and free-manship so as to rebel against all God’s laws and orders. In their protocols they confessed this fact as thus: “….it is indispensable for us to undermine all faiths, to tear out of the minds of the goyim (i.e. any non-Jewish person) the very principle of Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need”. It is true to say nowadays Christianity in Europe is no more a reality of profound conviction in faith. And ditto for other religions with the exception of Islam which still remained the only divine forceful power penetrating and influencing the entire world. The world in its entirety is severely entangled by the Jewish conspiracy. So, who can save the world from the evils of these devil Jews? I must confess without any repent that we the Muslims know much about the overt and covert behaviour of these devils; as such only us can break and undermine their wicked conspiracies. Our Qur’an has explained and elaborated to us fully the negative attitude of these devils towards God and mankind at large. They are inherently wicked and oppressors if not those few that God saves among them. Their first arrogance and rebel on earth is against God Himself. No matter how a great deal favourable and friendly you are towards them they will still appear evil and wicked against you. Now matter how much blessing you do to them they will still rebel against you. In fact, these devils are by nature, literally programmed with a desire of absolute wickedness, evilness, arrogance, rebel, and brutality. Their present active occupation and invasion of Palestinian land especially with reference to ‘Sabra and Shatila massacres, and the recent 22 days genocide of the Palestinians is a clear testimony in this regard. Looking at the Qur’an we can know the wicked nature of these people. Generally, the Qur’an described them as thus:
They were blessed by God with all favours, abundances, superiority and prosperity (Q2:40 & 57).
But, instead to propitiate and glorify God they vehemently and arrogantly repulsed all the blessings and rebelled against God (Q2:55 & 61).
As a result, they incurred severe retribution and God stripped them of all blessings, nobility, favours, and lower them beneath the foot of human races (Q2:61). It is worthy to note that it is a sign of their fateful degradation and destitution that they would never have a legitimate homeland of their own.
Ultimately, they were inflicted by all sorts of disasters, calamities, misfortunes, destitution, and predicaments in life (Q7:133-136).
With this brief account from the Qur’an we can see that these devils are inherently wicked, arrogant, and rebel. These are the Jews who have corrupted the world and destroyed the world social values and moralities. No one can save this world from such evils and mischiefs perpetrated by Jews except the Muslims. Only the Muslims endowed with genius to undertake this mission. Hence, we must work for this noble cause. We should adopt and employ every measure to crook and break the Jewish conspiracy planned in their protocols of learned elders of Zion. Jews are all source of evils, treacherous wherever they are, merciless and brutal in all their acts, and therefore, they are enemies of all races. They themselves confessed their evil wicked nature when they declared that: “It is from us that the all-enforcing terror proceeds.” (Jewish Protocols p.58).
“It is from us that the all-enforcing terror proceeds” (p.58)
“We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws….” (P.48).
“The United Nation is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the protocols of the learned elders of Zion promulgated between 1897 and 1905” (Henry Klein, a Jewish Lawyer.)
“Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords, and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage” (p.53).
“....... soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in arts, in sports of all kind: this interest will finally distract their minds…”
“We must arm ourselves with all the weapons which our opponents might employ against us”
The above were some quotations from Jewish protocols. Between 1897 and 1905 i.e. towards the end of 18th century, the learned elders of Jews proposed a struggle of Zionism (i.e. supremacy of Jewish race in the world). The Jews still claim that one Jew is equivalent to 1,000 men of other races as they note that: “…each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand Goyim” (p.33). Therefore, if a Jew was killed the compensation is to kill 1,000 men. They devised a schematic plot of conspiracy for a peaceful destruction and conquest of the world societies by the Jews. The conspiracy is now no more an illusionary theory but a reality that takes the organizational world order of modern life. This conspiracy theory was documented in their protocols which had been originally written in Jewish language and was highly kept secretly from the scene of the world. Only after then, it was come to the knowledge of the world via the effort of a Christian priest in the Orthodox Church of Russia in the person of professor Sergyei A. Nilus. This priest professor was said to have obtained the original copy from a Jewish woman. Since then, women Jews were banned participation in secret affairs of Zion elders. Having obtained and translated the original copy, Prof. Sergyei published the first Russian version in 1905. From then onwards, several translations came to be and published in various languages. This book is now known to the entire world; despite of this, nobody dares to demand apprehension and suppression of Jewish evils and wickedness on earth. The West have already submitted to the wills and interest of Jews, and recognized them as their saviours, protectors, and benefactors on this earth. This is because both the Jews and the Western world have aims and ambitions in common, for that the commission of atrocities and mischiefs on earth was devolved to the West by the Jews. Therefore, it is not recommendable for us Muslim world to submit to both Jews and the West. Western powers claim to foster international unity, security, and peace worldwide. Ironically, the Jews are backed and supported by allied power of Europe and America to continuously perpetrate evils and brutalities on Muslim communities. This is mainly because the Jews have already subjugated the Western societies; they have peacefully conquered and dominated their mental thought and Judainized their ideas and cultures. In fact, through political tactics, the Jews have made Americans and Europeans to voluntarily submit to their Policy and to defend their will and interest. Too surprisingly, the world economic, military, and political powers are in the hands of the West headed by US, but the drivers of these powers are the Jews. Paradoxically enough, the Jews are the least race among the world communities and yet, they are the ones wield the world power and economy. One may ask as why is that possible? The answer is that all what they have theorized in their protocols have been working for them effectively in the present real world. I may confess, and without any hesitation, that the present world economic, social, and political order is entirely the implication and impact of Jewish conspiracy theory. All what one knows from Socialism, Capitalism, Secularism, Interest (Riba), Democracy, United Nation are all have their root in Jewish conspiracy theory. And in fact, they are all genius inventions of learned elders of Zion. Now let us examine some of the Jewish conspiracy as it was documented in their protocols of learned elders of Zion.
The conceptualization of the nature and aims of Jewish conspiracy as outlined in their protocols can be perceived as Educational, Economic, and Political conspiracies.
Educationally, the Jews intended to destroy the social values and moralities of world societies by imparting negative education to people, thus, they secularized the nature and concept of knowledge/education by separating its basis from belief and faith in God to the sovereignty of human reasoning “We have demonstrated that progress will bring all the Goyim to the sovereignty of reason” (3p.9). They also stated in the protocols as thus: “….it is indispensable for us to undermine all faiths, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need”. As such, the current world educational order and system is a Jewish invention. They further claimed to take in their hands, the control of people’s thoughts and mental thinking so as to make them unable to think independently on their own. As thus, the people would be made to solely rely on what the Western agents of Jews bring to them. The protocols read thus: “The Goyim (i.e. any non-Jewish man or race) have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists (p.38). All what our many students are proud to have acquired in Western theories of Economics, political science, sociology, psychology and many more from social science courses are directly emanate from specially educated Jews scholars. Think of Karl Marx for instance, he was a typical German Jew; as such it would not be absurd to argue that he was appointed by the learned elders of Zion with a mission to reshape Social Sciences in a manner identified by Jewish conspiracy. We may come to know this reality because in some pages of the protocols the Zion elders have appreciated and glorified the successes they have achieved through the influence of Marxist ideas in Social Sciences. And we can realize that the basic ideas of Marxism emphasize conflicts, discords, ferments, and hostilities among the societies by creating economic and political classes. Similarly, it is among the many aims and objectives of Jewish conspiracy to create disunity, chaos, confusions, and to set class against another in the societies. The protocols declare that ““Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords, and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage” (p.53). In another page they mention “We have set one against another the personal and national reckonings of the Goyim (i.e. non-Jewish people), religious and race hatred which we have fostered into a huge growth….(p.48). Additionally, what our students know as Political Economy in social science is also a Jewish invention to capture the world economy in their hands as they state: “The science of “Political Economy” invented by our learned elders has for long been given royal prestige to capital” (p.48). Moreover, Socialism and Communism both Jewish invention and that all their founding fathers were appointed by the Jews to introduce them to the world: “We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restoring monarchist, demagogues, socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task….” (p.58).
The reality of the truth is that the Jews claimed to would have misguided world youths by virtue of a kind of Education they introduce to them. They proudly proved to themselves that they really know and confess that all kinds of political and socio-economic theories and ideas that have dominated the field of social sciences and which are still being fostered into the minds of our students are false ideas, fallacious, deceptive, and reductionist of socio-moral values and norms of the world societies. in the protocols they wrote: “We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youths of the Goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated” (p.60). But, unfortunately, it was such huge Western deceitful and reductionist theories that dominate the Muslim schools and Universities all over the world. Despite of this sad situation, no one among the Muslim nations cares to even speak of reviving and restoring the Islamic values and ideologies in Social Sciences as far as our Universities are concerned. This is a disgrace to Muslim world at large. This is that absolute truth we have been speaking to you on many occasions; we emphatically inform and alert you that all what you can adopt from Western cultures and ideas being it in economy or politics either in theory or practice are all negatively lopsided ones, and therefore, could not address the reality of Muslims socio-political, economic, and moral life. We have been telling this fact but still some people repudiate and ignore our ideas which are of course have support from Islamic principles and ideologies. Today the truth of our relentless argument is confirmed by those devils who created the Western ideas and Social Science theories which you have been proud of; that all of them are negative, fallacious, and reductionist. Could you still believe in Western theories and ideas? Only those nonsensical who suffer from mental defeatism can still appreciate and regard such negative Western ideas/theories. Where are those students who are proud to become Marxists, Capitalists, Socialists, and or Democrats? Where those who blindly accept whatever idea are introduced to their thought and knowledge by Western ideologues? I am sincerely calling you to reconstruct and re-organize your thoughts and mentality so as to become critical independent thinkers and special observers in your pursue of Western education. Mull over again, all the above Jewish quotations carefully, understand them fully, with the aim of realizing the truth in yourself that as a Muslim, are you in the right position as regard your intellectually academic relation to Western theories/ideas? Are you objectively opposing or appreciating those ideas? These are some fundamental questions that every sincere believing student should ask himself. Those who are willingly believing and accepting any ideas of Western theories without critical consideration and observation do so just because they have been mechanically programmed by the Jews to think in the way as they want them to be. Such people are indeed deluded by the Jews and also are controlled by them willy-nilly. In the protocols they declare as thus: “We alone shall be offering them new directions…” In another passage they wrote: “We must so direct the education of the Goyim communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing importance.” (p. 48-49). We ought to know the present system of Western education is mechanically designed as such to dupe and misguide our youths and students, and to preclude them from knowing and upholding their cultural and religious values of socio-political and economic life. The Jews are smart in their conspiracy; they are aware of powerful thought and influence of the youths and students in every society. Soon, as such they realized that all of their conspiracies could be halted and destroyed once the youth students are to detect and attack it. In order not to let this to happen they have invented another peaceful weapon to distract the attention of the youths from detecting such evil conspiracies. It is beyond surprise to hear that this weapon is Games and Sports – competition in football, athletics, race, games, and many others were all invented by genius thinkers of Jews. As they note in the protocols: “In order that the masses (public youths) themselves may not guess what they are about, we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, fashions ……. soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in arts, in sports of all kind: this interest will finally distract their minds…” (p.61-63). The main target for this conspiracy was to destroy the moralities of the European youths; it will leave one astonishingly agape when he observe how much priorities were given to sports and games than religion in European countries. Thus, Jewish aim in this regard was completely attained and achieved in Europe. And now, it is taking a drastic effect in Muslim nations. Despites of its negative effects, the leaders there are giving support and encouragement for its thriving and flourishing. This is a brief survey of Jewish conspiracy approach in Western education.
Economically, the Jewish conspiracy is aimed at dominating and wielding the world economy by Jewish race. The most important point is that the Jews have noted that the only power that would stir and control the whole life is Gold (money) and they asserted that the world money would have been in their hands and control as they mention: “All the wheels of the machinery of all states go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of states is ‘Gold’ – i.e. Money/Wealth” (p.48). As described in their protocols, the economic wars which they resorted to instigate all over the world would be the foundation of their predominance in world economy. And it is beyond illusion because this is the reality happening presently, that the Jews control the world economy. It is worthy to note that the previous démodé systems of economy such as Socialism and Communism are all Jewish invention as we have specified in so far. Similarly, the current predominant system of Capitalism is also their creation. The oldest system of economy known as ‘Usury’ (Riba) was known to have been flourished in the Arabian Peninsula during Jahili period. This system was practiced by both the Arabs and the Jews. Through it, the Jews dominated and manipulated the economy of Madinah. It should be noted that the element of Usury (Riba) was also incorporated into modern Capitalist system by the Jews so as to control the modern world economy. The new English name given to Usury is “Interest”. Hence, Interest is a prototype of Riba/Usury. With this Capitalist Interest system, the Jews have dominated and controlled the world economy just as they did it before during their time in Madinah. In the Glorious Qur’an Allah describes that the Jews are the essential source of Interest (Usury/Riba) when narrating their past crimes in ancient societies: “And for practicing Usury (Interest system) which was forbidden (for them), and for devouring people’s money illegally; we have prepared for the disbelievers among them painful retribution” (Q4:161).
It is necessary at this juncture, to highlight the attitudes of some blind-minded Muslims towards modern Interest system. Just as we have stated in so far that some Muslims are just accepting and adopting any kind of Western ideas/theories without profound critical observation and independent thinking. It was such failure that led some Muslims into remorseless belief that Interest is not like Riba/Usury; thus, legalizing modern Interest Capital. Such people are indeed hanged themselves in a dangerous position as they legalize the prohibition of God – the Almighty. When they were asked why is that Interest is lawful? They further arguably answered that Interest did not exist during the Prophet time as such there is no any Islamic rulings and laws governing it. They further argue that what Islamic law has forbidden is only a Usury/Riba which flourished in Arab Jahili period; and that this modern Interest is not a Riba/Usury. People with such destructive belief should know the universal message of Islam; they should stop limiting its laws to some events took place in the past. The Qur’an which constitutes the broad contents of Islamic laws is much wider than the extension of time as it addresses the past, present, and even the future which is only known to God. Those who seek to separate Interest from Riba let them first read and ponder over Q3:130, Q2:275-279, Q30:39, Q4:161. Such verses have provided us with a typical worldview about the nature and concept of Interest and its illegality in Islam. Prophetic Hadith also have explained to us the processes of Interest and its exploitative and oppressive nature. By mere examining the features, characteristics, and economic policy of Interest as described in the Prophet Hadith we shall come to know that modern Interest has retained and incorporated all such features and characteristics. Hence, both Interest and Riba are one and the same. This is where the thought of those secular-minded capitalist people was defeated. We proclaim the illegality and prohibition of Interest as a necessity not only from within the domain of Islamic laws but also from human moral, social, and cultural values and norms. The very fundamental question that has been challenging the capitalist advocates is Why Interest should be paid? All the Western Interest theorists shrank to place their pen on this difficult question. Western theories of Interest like Colourless Theory, Abstinence Theory, Productivity Theory, Use Theory, and Remuneration Theories were all unable to answer this fundamental question as why Interest is being paid. This fact indicates the absence of any advantage or benefit in Interest as regard the society at large. If that case would be, then Interest system should be suspended.
Therefore, one needs not to repent when he state that Interest is an invention of Jews to dominate world economy. All what the Capitalist markets receive as Interest under Capitalism goes directly or indirectly to Jewish World Bank account (IMF). The Jews are misers, avaricious, and greedy who do not even know the moral nature of their needs and desires. The same conclusion would be also applied to all those Capitalist markets. Their aim to destroy the power of religious and moral laws governing the Economic system was noted from their protocols. They claimed that if people would still be governed and ruled by their religious and socio-moral laws and values in all their social life they will continue to establish justice, equality, and mutual subordination among themselves; and this is what they Jews do not want. In their words they say: “With such a faith as this people might be governed by a wardship and parishes, and (they) would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor (God) submitting to the dispositions (laws) of God upon earth. This is the reason why it is indispensable for us to undermine all faiths, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need”. It is interesting to note that the last clause “….and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material need” refers to their conspiracy to destroy divine religious and socio-moral laws and values governing economy. This is the reason why we see Economics is full of deceptive arithmetical calculations and all its emphasis is centered on one’s unlimited desires of worldly material gains. By our mere looking at the economic nature of capitalist markets we can prove to ourselves that most of the people are steeped in the impact of this Jewish economic conspiracy by making them complete seekers of material gain at the expense of their spiritualities. In general, Jews have referred to all Western Economic, Political, and Sociological theories as “Successive Destructive Theories”. They called these theories ‘successive’ because they are employed by them to replace the already existing religious and socio-moral laws and values of the world communities. And they referred them as ‘destructive’ because they do not represent and address the very needs and standard values of the humankind and they would serve only to destroy and misguide people from their bases of religious and socio-moral dispositions. When they spoke about their evil achievement of making the people steeped in economic and political war and conflict they stated: “We have harnessed them all to the task; each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order” (p.58). Therefore, all students should take heed of this. Another vital issue worthy of notice about the Jewish economic conspiracy is the presence of extending price inflation and economic instability in the world. Such problems and many more relevant others were mechanically and deliberately instigated and generated by the Jews at every certain interval of time. We may come to know this reality as they claimed so in the protocols: “To complete the ruin of industry of the Goyim we shall bring to the assistance of speculation the luxury which we have developed among the Goyim, that greedy demand for luxury which is swallowing up everything. We shall rise the rate of wages which however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life alleging that it arises from the decline of Agriculture and Cattle breeding; we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy and to drunkenness, and side by side therewith taking all measures to extirpate from the faces of the earth all educated forces of the Goyim” (p.52). These are some of the basis of Jewish Economic conspiracy.
Politically, the Jewish conspiracy, aimed at controlling the political world and to separate men from the clutches of divine laws of God. Their ultimate objective in all their secular political worldview was to create a super global government which will rule and control the world nations and affairs. It is not absurd to hear that United Nations is this Super-government that invented by the Jews. The United Nations (UN) was severally mentioned in the protocols as Super-government. As we have quoted earlier, Henry Klein who was a Jewish lawyer had once stated “The United Nation is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the protocols of the learned elders of Zion promulgated between 1897 and 1905”. Thus, we may believe that this super-government is the modern machinery of United Nations. Over 100yrs ago Super-government remained an illusion for the Jews but today is a practical reality with the establishment of United Nations. Jews themselves have claimed to do so in the protocols: “We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community. We shall regulate mechanically all the actions of the political life of our subjects by new laws….” (P.48). In another passage they proposed: “In every possible way we must develop the significance of our Super-government by representing it as the protector and benefactor of all those who submit to us” (p.50). Another basis behind the invention of Super-government (UN) was for the Jews to seize international power to colonize and dominate the world nations politically, economically, and mentally. They mentioned in the protocols that: “By all these means we shall wear down the Goyim that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that its position will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a Super-government. In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a bogey (i.e. an authority that frightens somebody) which will be called the Super-government administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world” (p.48-49). They also mentioned to will have disintegrated the world societies, caused the nations steeped in wars and conflicts in such the Super-government would intervene while allegedly claiming to restore peace and orders. Thus, making the nations to voluntarily bow and submit to their will and interest. The protocols stated as thus: “By these acts (wars/conflicts), all states are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace; but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-government, and with submissiveness” (p.58). They further proclaimed that whoever refuses to submit to the will of their Super-government shall be constantly charged with criminal charges: “Persons who, in case of disobedience to our instructions must be face criminal charges or disappear – this in order to make them defend our interest to their last gasp” (p.56). This is why most of the Muslim nations defend and value Western laws and orders for fear of unjust criminal charges by the UN security members. And this is the basic reason why some Muslim Nations were attacked once they refuse to accept imposition of American foreign policy. The remote effect of this Jewish conspiracy is that Taliban government of Afghanistan was unjustly attacked and destroyed; Iraq Saddam’s government was pretentiously attacked and annihilated; and now Iran is probably the next target of Western military power. UN is purposely aim at protecting and defending the supremacy of the Jews via the American power. This is the reason why the UN keeps silence to suppress Israel occupation of Palestinian lands at least with its force army as it is does on the Muslim countries. Hence, a glaring injustice is established in UN’s deceitful quest for international justice, peace and security. The UN is running on the basis that it will guarantee Israel to be free from international hostilities and persecution as well as aiding Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. And that is why the Jews of Israel are supported and backed by international power and security. They arrogantly stated this fact in the protocols: “At the present day we are, as international forces, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other states…….it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence” (p.40). All these are theories documented in the Jewish protocols over 100yrs ago; and today it is an absolute practical reality. Despite the fact that Americans as the head of world super power which controls the UN would not mean that they are the ultimate controllers over the world nations. But the truth is that American power is guided and inspired by the Jews. It is just as to say while the Jews are the genius inventors of new world secular laws and policies the American power is the agency through which their enforcement and imposition upon the world is attained. In fact, a senior Jewish man had once stated “We Jews control America and the Americans know it”.
As modern world claims supremacy of Democracy, it is unable to detect the covert conspiracy behind the Jewish conceptualization of the word Democracy. Despite that the explicit concept of this word was universally known to have meant good governance, rule of law, government of the ordinary citizens, and free individual right and liberty did not conceal the reductionist and fallacious nature of democracy in the face of universal justice, rule of law and freedom of religion. America, the democratic super power country was today known to have been the most perpetrator and advocate of international injustices and betrayer of people’s religion. Think how much energy it spends in suppressing Muslims to establish Shari’ah system under the alleged right and freedom of religion in democracy. Democracy claims to have granted all people freedom of religion. How far true is this? An intelligent person knows that this is one of many deceptive and absurd ideas in democracy. If this idea is really true in democracy so why the Muslims are still being suppressed from establishing their Shari’ah ruling system in their concerned respective nations and are even being attacked when they set out to do so. So then, issue of freedom of religion is not established truly in democracy. It is just a fallacious and fraudulent idea.
Jews must be smart and intelligent; from the onset of their conspiracy they proved to themselves the successes they will achieve through introducing democracy to the world. First, they created some illusionary concepts like freedom, right, and liberty which known to them as nonsense and null and void. Such concepts in democracy are mainly served to establish hostilities, ferments, discords, and suspicions among the people especially rulers and the ruled. It is interesting to note that once a man claims freedom of doing something he may come to undermine freedom of others. For instance, one who assert his freedom of homosexuality he must conflict with the freedom of others who deemed it as a taboo and illegal and illegitimate act. As thus, none of both freedoms could be ensured and hence, contradictions and hostilities are established. So then, the idea of freedom is become illusion and no longer a reality. It should be noted that the Jews who invented these democratic concepts have proved to themselves that they are illusionary, imaginary, and utopian ideas – i.e. ideas that are impracticable in real life. Therefore, democrats should stop dreaming about the reality of freedom, liberty, rule of law and so forth in Democracy. All these aspects are only served to upgrade and protect the powerful while degrading and subjugating the rights and interests of the masses. The Jews have also claimed to have invented the word ‘Liberty, to serve as their ‘watchword’ to achieve a particular conspiracy objective and they maintained that when they attain establishment of “Kingdom of Israel” they will suspend these words as they are conceptualized in democracy. In their own words stated: “The word of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our Masonic watchword, namely, “Liberty Equality, Fraternity” will when we come into our Kingdom, be changed into words no longer of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into: “The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood”. That is how we shall put it…..”(p.57). We should ought to know that the word ‘Liberty’ actually means one to be free from and independent of any religious, moral and social laws and values. Through democratic liberty people are granted the right to freely act and behave even against God’s laws and orders. This is what the Jews really wanted to achieve. An intelligent man would ask why the constitutions of democratic states grants man the right to rebel and free himself from God’s laws and orders if he so wish, but forbids him to do such as against the secular constitutional laws of the state. Indeed, hypocrisy, conspiracy and a deceit against the Muslims is established in this unjust fact.
The word “Freedom” was also invented by the Jews to set the masses against the rulers and even to set man against the Authority of God. The protocols read thus: “The word ‘Freedom’ brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority, even against God and the laws of nature. For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, shall have erase this word from lexicon of life…..” (p.40-41). The idea of human rights as contained in democratic constitutional states was confirmed to have been illusionary, fallacious, deceptive, deceitful, and reductionist by the Jews as they stated: “We have included in the constitution such rights as to masses appear fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called “people’s rights” can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life” (p.36). Moreover, the existence of multi-party system in democracy is also a Jewish invention to serve their interest of disintegrating the societies and setting one group against another. In the protocols they proposed: “In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendencies towards independence. To this end, we have armed all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every ambition……A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal” (p.35). In another passage they appreciate the existing of political conflicts among the different democratic parties in every society: “And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, Persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it whishes. Thanks to this state of things the people are destroying every kind of stability and creating disorders at every step” (p.40-41). The most powerful weapon that the Jews claimed to have afforded to influence the entire world politics by spreading and purveying their evil propaganda is a Press Media; they vehemently asserted that through press they would control people’s thought, ideas, and sentiments. It should be noted that the world international press and media institutions are basically Jewish in nature and they work to serve Jewish propaganda. They have noted this fact in the protocols: “In the hands of the states of today there is a great force that creates the movements of thought in the people, and that is the ‘Press’…….It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the Goyim states have not known how to make use of this force; and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade…..” (p. 33).
All these quotations were direct accounts from the inventors of democracy explaining and asserting its evil nature as it was conspired by the Jews. My dear brothers, could you still dare to believe in democracy? As far as I am concerned, I am against democracy not only because of its fallacious and reductionist ideas but also it suppresses the Muslim legitimate and legal right to be ruled by Shari’ah Ruling System. To me also, Democracy as a system of political life is a complete failure. Let it alone it shrinks to address the right of God upon man on earth which is fundamental in man’s life. For that I will proceed to remain a remorseless critic and opponent of Democracy until it was reconstructed and re-conceptualized or I was taken by the neck. To me indeed, this is an intellectual Jihad. The same approach would apply to other reductionist Western socio-economic systems and laws. (For more details about the fallacies of democracy, read the article “The Battle: Democracy Vs Islamocracy”).
May be we ought to conclude this brief discussion with the authors’ suggestion and recommendation. In fact, all these are formidable challenges to us Muslims and this challenge is very fundamental one worthy of focus by Muslims intellectualists and students. Significantly enough, we, as University students have to sit and discuss these vital issues. We should know how to relate and deal with Western theories and ideas. We should know how to manage and minimize our love of European sports and games. According to what we have accounted we may realize that Western theories/ideas are negative, deceptive, valueless, and reductionist of socio-moral values and norms as confessed by their inventors (the Jews). They are only invented for a deliberate deception, deceit, and misguiding the humanity. We have to criticize, challenge, and get rid of all Western negative idea/theories in all fields of studies. But we could not get rid of them without replacement. That is to say, we have to provide alternatives from our Islamic and Muslim scholars’ ideologies and perspectives. And this task requires us to a rigorous research studies in both Islamic and Western books and journals. But we could not accustom ourselves to complete habit of research studies unless we diminish the rate of our attendance to sports, games, and amusement which the Jews have claimed to have invented them to misguide us from our religious and socio-moral values, and to distract our mind from detecting their evil conspiracies. Now, very luckily, we have unveiled the masking conspiracy and we should attack and break it. For a Muslim youth to liberate his self, thought, and mind from mental defeatism by Western theories/ideas he should become an absolute critical observer, independent thinker, creative researcher, and too importantly, he should rear and imbibe in his mind the values and ethics of Islam in all fields of studies. A liberal student who is independent of Western theories/ideas is whom we considered as “Mai Boko”, rather than “Dan Boko”. It is highly recommendable for you student to be “Mai Boko” and not “Dan Boko” for you have established independence. There are conspicuous disparities between “Mai Boko” and “Dan Boko”. The later appears to be intellectual puppet, dependent thinker and blind researcher while the former is liberal in his thought, independent thinker, critical observer and creative researcher in all his pursue of studies in Western education. “Mai Boko” is someone who is critical of whatever ideas/theories deemed antithetical to his Islamic values and ideologies. He usually writes and offers new perspectives and ideas alternatively to Western ones so as to create balance in relation to his Islamic values and worldviews. “Mai Boko” also, does not accept or believe anything presented to his knowledge without profound analysis; and he often mull over both its negative and positive impact. He scrutinizes and breaks into tiny parts the presented ideas/theories to him and compares them with his Islamic values and ideologies, thus accepting conformity and repudiating contradictions if they are found. Generally, “Mai Boko” is someone with absolute liberal academic integrity. No matter how deep he immerses in Western education he does not dare to be out of the clutches of his Islamic values and ideas. In fact, “Mai Boko” controls and manipulates Western theories and ideas. Thus he appears to be “Mai Boko – i.e. Owner of Boko”.
Contrariwise, as regards “Dan Boko” all the opposite case was true. “Dan Boko” is owned and controlled by ‘Boko’ itself; as such he appears a typical “Dan Boko – i.e. Son of Boko”. He is blind-minded and intellectual puppet in all his studies. He is drastically controlled by Western ideas/theories and depends on them for deriving his worldviews and orders of his way of life. As such he was infected by ‘Western Virus’. “Dan Boko” could not think on his own; he is not an independent thinker. He just thinks and behaves in the manner he was taught by Western theories/ideas. For instance, if he was taught that Capitalism or Interest is a good economy he would believe it as such all the way his life; he may even tend to argue those who are against it. And in all the matters, he does not dare to question its basis of legality from within his Islamic rulings. To a typical “Dan Boko” the words of Karl Marx, Plato, Aristotle, Adam Smith, Marx Weber, and Sigmund Freud are superior to prophet’s words if not to talk of Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Alfarabi, and many others of Muslim thinkers and Social Scientists. By virtue of his education, “Dan Boko” is reared in a way to make him unable to think of negative side of Western theories/ideas. He could not write his ideas independently, and even if he does one is only an adoption of Western ones. Generally, “Dan Boko” was both spiritually, mentally, and intellectually colonized and conquered by Western ideas, theories, and cultures. And lastly, by virtue of his worldview of life, “Dan Boko” was a typically secular in nature.
Finally, with special polite regard to those students with absolute aim of Islamic vision, I sincerely speak and enjoin us to organize and undertake a formidable intellectual movement so as to enable us to bring forth a complete revolution in all fields of studies, from Arts through Social Science, and up to Natural science courses. This means we have to embark upon a purposeful research, reviving the diminishing Muslim scholars’ theories while generating more and more new ones from Islamic point of views. It is necessary to revive our Muslim scholars’ theories in science and social sciences. The Western scholars are professional liars, prevaricators, and plagiarists; they are proud of knowledge that is not essentially their own product. It is not a surprising to hear that even the Newton’s laws of motions were originally the product of Muslim scientists namely; Ibn Alhaytham, Abul Barakat Al-baghdady, Ibn Bajjah, Alkhaziny, and Ibn Musa Shakir. It was the scientific ideas of these Muslim scientists that were marginalized and plagiarized by Newton to bring forth his theories of motion. More importantly too, Galileo’s mathematics of acceleration and his concept of impetus were originally propounded by our scientists like Ibn Sina and Ibn Bajjah. Such instances are many also in social sciences; that is why we must restore the prestige of our previous Muslim Scholars and also build upon their ideas. This task would require us to prolific publications of books and journals of different Islamic and Muslim perspectives in all fields of studies and education. This is the most glorious task which if adopted universally, and appropriately will lead us to independent power in our Muslim Nations – a power free from foreign influence both economically, politically, intellectually, technologically, and militarily. MAY GOD RESTORE OUR PAST GLORY TO US IN URGENT RESPONSE!!
Salim Ishaq Hassan
Education Department Bayero University Kano.
They say that Democracy begins in ancient Athens of Greece where all the entire matured members of the society have the right to elect their leaders, make decision-making, serve the Juries, and establish Justice (1). These aspects and others constitute the components of modern Western Democracy. It is not only that, most of the English words have their root in Greek language. Western way of life, thought, building, and philosophy were Greek in nature. This portrays the extent of impact that Greek culture has upon Europe and West in general. The fact that our religion has come to establish such acts of good governance, human right, rule of law, justice and freedom on earth, it makes the Muslim independent of Western democracy which has its root in Athens. But, some of the Muslims fail to take heed of this fact as they hastily chasing the West to borrow their system of democracy.
Nearly 3,000yrs ago democracy had become a quest in ancient Greek. Before, only the elites and aristocrats of the society could have access to government and power; slaves and the masses had no right to participate or even to vote or be voted for. Those elites and aristocrats on power exclusively reserved the authority and power and distributed it among them. They sat to discuss, decide and elect leaders personally. Such was the habit of Greek government before the quest of democracy did arise.
The next important scene of democracy was known to have flourished in ancient Roman Italy after it became a big city with extensive territory. Even the ordinary citizen could have right to vote for their leaders who only drew from the elites and the aristocrats. But women were banned to vote. Shortly after, democracy fell in Rome when it collapsed under the ruling of independent Emperor.
It was not only towards 1200s, when mid-modern societies began to take meaningful life in Europe that Democracy was reborn. One typical example was England. It was ruled by a king; but the king has power only in the consent of the parliamentary members, and that makes it democratic. Soon, British England became very powerful at the time. This gave it power to penetrate and colonize foreign nations first, in Latin America, then Asian and Middle East nations, and finally in some other parts of Africa. In America, British power had partitioned and annexed over ten different territories.
Towards the end of 1700s, in America, thirteen colonies revolted against the British colonial powers. Having broke out; they declared their independence. They called themselves United States and founded their government based on Democracy. By 1920, Democracy grew speedily and forcefully in America; it extended its hands to foreign countries with fast and energetic power, subjugating socialist, communist, and Nazis government. And this was how the U.S.A came to be as a democratic state up-to-date. Recently, democracy is being exaggerated to mean a country; but this is just a Western propaganda. In democratic countries – whether a pure one or a pseudo-democratic one (e.g. Nigeria) – people choose how they will be governed and they usually elect their leaders mostly through vote election which is more vulnerable to corruption and rigging. And this is mainly because democracy employs the idea of multi-party system which increases disintegration, discord, hostility, and competition for power among the society members. In such a competition all parties will resort to every legal and illegal means to justify their aims. Even though democracy claims that people elect leader to serve the public citizens’ interest and to protect and ensure their right and freedom, it is not necessary that the elected leaders are doing as such. While some countries uphold the explicit idea of social welfare provision for the citizens, other do not even considered that as compulsory upon the government, the elected leaders there are too often appear to become tyrants and dictators. Today, citizens of developed democratic countries have fundamental rights in the constitution, but most of these rights are only exist in illusionary theory which has never become established in reality. Such were some fallacies and deceptions of democracy.
Globally speaking, Democracy today means American hegemony upon other nations. The American power still exerts pressure upon the world nations especially the Muslim ones that to must accept Democracy willy-nilly. And by imposing democracy on other nations, American has been enforcing their cultures, civilization, and evilization upon other world communities.
From the brief introduction we have just presented one can realize that democracy tries to incorporate some basic essential and inherent messages of Islam such as good governance, Justice to people, ensure of people’s right and freedom. However, it views these aspects from atomistic view of point and in a reductionist manner when it separates them from spiritual faith and belief in God as such it fails to establish them truly on the earth. All such kind of democratic aspects are just secondary in human life which could not be established truly unless the primary aspect is established. And this primary aspect is the question of faith and belief in God whose laws and orders must be the basis of human constitutional way of life. In fact this is the first right to be established prior to human right. The fact that Western democracy deliberately or ignorantly fails to address the question of spirituality as a primary focus in human life makes all its ideas to become fallacious, deceptive, and reductionist. But, Islam as a most perfect and most comprehensive political way of life, a fully-detailed and all-encompassing principle upon which all the nations can found their system of social, economic, and political life. Islam does address both the spiritual and material aspect of human life; thus creating balance between the soul and the body, and between this world and the hereafter. Hence, we can realize that democracy tries to re-interpret the basic messages of Islam pertaining to good governance and Justice, meanwhile distorting them via introducing secularism which has never existed in Islam. Islamocracy comes as an alternative to Western reductionist Islamocracy seeks to eliminate all the negative sides of Democracy; thus Islamizing it and re-defined it to Islamocracy. While Democracy is an agent of the global order of ‘Kufr’ (Secularism) Islamocracy is an agent of the global order of Islam. While Democracy is an agent of the global order of war, economic conflict, and political hegemony and invasion Islamocracy is an agent of the global order peace, unity, and model political emancipation of the world nations. I appreciate the attitude of some Western writers for they have objectively understand the essential components and principles of Islam is basically of peace, Justice, good governance, rule of law, people’s right and freedom and so many other aspect that Western reductionist democracy to have come to establish them on earth. It is Just as John O. Voll and John L. Esposito wrote: “The Islamic heritage, in fact, contains concepts that provide a foundation for contemporary Muslims to develop authentically Islamic programs of democracy (2). So, we can say that Democracy could be acceptable by the Muslims if its entire programmes are basically Islamic or based on Shari’ah Ruling System. And the same time, in this regard, we can also define Islamocracy as a re-defined and Islamized system of Democracy that to be founded on the basis of Shari’ah Ruling System. Voll and Esposito also, they objectively understand that even if that the Muslim system of government appear to be a Theocracy, it will still remain a Democracy for that theocracy in Islam is not like that in European Christianity: “A more apt name for the Islamic polity would be the "kingdom of God" which is described in English as a "theocracy." But Islamic theocracy is something altogether different from the theocracy of which Europe has had bitter experience. . . . The theocracy built up by Islam is not ruled by any particular religious class but by the whole community of Muslims including the rank and file. The entire Muslim population runs the state in accordance with the Book of God and the practice of His Prophet. If I were permitted to coin a new term, I would describe this system of government as a "theo-democracy," that is to say a divine democratic government, because under it the Muslims have been given a limited popular sovereignty under the suzerainty of God. The executive under this system of government is constituted by the general will of the Muslims who have also the right to depose it” (3). These writers have put forward a very impressive notion such like ‘Theo-democracy’ for that I appreciate their philosophical effort; but I can still correct them some slight err – that in Islam there is nothing like theocracy. From the time of our noble prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him) down to his pious predecessors and until now Muslims have never practice theocracy. All of their system of government and leadership is based on communal politics through Shura (legislative/parliamentary) council. Hence, I am sorry for Voll and Esposito to say that we could not accept their proposed notion of ‘Theo-democracy’. If any word that contains ‘cracy’ is to be probably accepted by the Muslims should not be other than ISLAMOCRACY that means an independent system of Shari’ah government that governs the social, political and economic life of the people. Under no circumstance Islamic and Western values can be complete friendly relation. That is to say Democracy as it is perceived in Western thought must be antithetical to Islam as such Muslim would not accept it in its vague and heretical ideas; unless that Democracy is re-defined by the Muslims that it can be established in the Islamic state. When Democracy IS re-defined and Islamized by the Muslims then it becomes ISLAMOCRACY.
Therefore, the Islamic worldview of government must be superior, more effective and most supreme over any other system of government, being it democracy or otherwise. So then, we ought to know that the Islamic way of life – religious, political, social, and economic – is what we called “Shari’ah” in Islamic terminology. Since we have our own set of rules, laws, norms, policies, philosophy, and cultures, we must depose and suspend democracy from our nations meanwhile putting “ISLAMOCRACY” which denotes a government ruled by Shari’ah Ruling system and by a constitution which is based on the foundation of eternal verities of God (Islamic laws). In this discussion, we are going to objectively expose the heresies, deceptions, fallacies, and illusions of Western conventional Democracy while resorting to ISLAMOCRACY (Government ruled by Shari’ah) as being the most comprehensive system of government and leadership. Such discussions would be the central theme of this article.
Anagrammatically, the word ‘ISLAMOCRACY’ is composed of two words i.e. (Islam and Democracy). The conception of this word came to be when I became anxious to see that Shari’ah system of government should rule the Muslim nations. I used to meditate very carefully over why some secular-minded Muslims do not will to be ruled by Shari’ah even though all what they admire in democracy such as good governance, right to vote and elect leaders, Justice, Rule of Law are therein the Shari’ah also; and they are even more truly and practically established in Islam than in deceptive democracy. Such fact disappointed me a great deal. I took a long mull to realize the reason that causes this unwanted attitude in the mind of some Muslims. At last, God unveiled the secret of the matter. Soon, I realized such people do so just because they were captured by the admiration of pronouncing the word ‘Democracy’. Such people if they hear the word ‘democracy’ is pronounced you will find them vibrantly and happily appreciating and admiring it; but when the word ‘Shari’ah’ is mentioned they shrink and feel disappointed as if the word seems to be odd and démodé to them. So, in order to avoid such problem and to resurrect the defeated mind of such people we decided to develop this new technical English word (Islamocracy) in an anagrammatic form to mean a System of Shari’ah government which is more effective, comprehensive, fully-detailed, and all-encompassing than Western democracy. Therefore, to cut it short, the political worldview of government is what we called Shari’ah Government System and in technical sense is called “ISLAMOCRACY. This word aims to fight and to diminish the evil side of democracy; it comes to rectify and eradicate some of the mistakes, errors, and deceits of democracy which rendered it evil and bad system of government. It comes to emancipate the Muslim nations from the political hegemony of U.S power. It comes to restore the vibrant spirit of religion in the world politics and economy. It comes to grant man his full right and freedom which has been for long an illusionary in Western democracy. We ought to know that human right or freedom in Western democracy is only a deception as the founding fathers (Jews) of democracy proclaim: “We have included in the constitution such rights as to masses appear fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called “people’s rights” can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life” (Jewish Protocols: p.36). Hence, Democracy is a fallacy and all its principles and components are illusion. We are now beyond the question of Democracy; we now speak vehemently of “ISLAMOCRACY”. We are indeed ‘ISLAMOCRATS’ and not Democrats. This is what we proposed to all our members of ‘Ummatul Islam’ to adopt and to advocate for it to the whole humanity.
Democracy, suppose it is good, in Nigerian and many other nations it is bad and the situation is irony in most of the world nations (4). One of the main features of Nigerian democracy is tyranny and dictatorship. And even in the US itself as mother of democracy, there is element of injustices and subjugation of citizens’ will and interest. The current foreign policy of War on Muslim Nations by American military power is a clear testimony where the majority of the citizens condemn it, but few leaders on power insist and legalize it. Hence, any idea of human right, consideration of public citizen interest, and freedom of religion becomes an illusion and fraudulence in democracy. Obviously speaking, democracy denotes the supremacy of U.S will and interest as it is imposed upon other world nations especially the Muslim ones. International perspective of democracy entails that the world nations should be under the hegemony of U.S villain power. It further means the predominance of U.S will and policy over the world. Even though the West still desperately claims that democracy is good for all because it advocates justice, rule of law, good governance, human right, liberty and freedom, capitalism and secularism. All these aspect are good in democracy with the exception of capitalism and secularism. The both are antithetical to socio-moral values and standards of humanity. With this exception, all what they have claimed to have been guaranteed for man under democracy is not something new to our way of life (Islam/Shari’ah). All good aspects of democracy that commands universal consent and regard is part of the principal messages of Islam; they are part of essential aspects of life that are fundamentally emphasized and enforced in Islam in favour of establishing the standard values of humankind and for the development of their material, spiritual, and moral well-being. Hence, it is irrational for the West to introduce democracy to the Muslim world. We can consider democracy as good only in reference to the developed countries. Despite of this fact it is not the democracy in itself good but the leaders of those countries. We can justify this fact as we focus Nigeria. Our leaders are evils, wolves, dictators, and tyrannical.
At the top level, the founding fathers of democracy are the Jews – the ‘incubators’ of world evils – who dominate the world leadership and economy through the proxy of American power. These evil people (Jews-the super-terrorists) have created their political tools to mislead and destabilize the world and humanity, and these tools are among others, Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Liberty Capitalism and Interest (Riba). Their first target is to destroy the political power of Christianity in European countries and they have achieved this aim because the whole European continent is now dominated by democracy and is hardly Christianity and Church priest have any power or authority to say in the state politics and laws. Their second target is the Muslim world and they are currently proving their aims successful to the extent that there is hardly a Muslim nation that uphold Shari’ah Ruling System including Saudia itself despite of their desperate claim to have been practicing it. Their final aim is to eradicate Islam with its entirety from socio-political life and to depose it from the leadership of the world. Thus, they introduced Secularism which has been hither to, advertised and advocated by American leaders and politicians. All these are some of the Jewish schemes and conspiracies that are documented in their protocols of Jewish learned elders of Zion. The agent of Secularism is Democracy; and Democracy has its authoritative power in Constitution whose laws and provisions are venerably regarded as superior and supreme over any other laws of a divine religion (5). This is the main reason why all of the Muslim nations were deprived of their right and liberty for full implementation of Shari’ah Ruling System. Thus, Islamic laws and principles are drastically limited and restricted by democratic constitutional provisions in the Muslim states. Now our mission is to break those barbaric policies of constitutional restrictions over Shari’ah Ruling System.
It is here we have come to the question of ‘ISLAMOCRACY’ – a system of government based on Political Islam. Both the word Islamocracy and Political Islam denote a system representing a model of Islamic government, Shari’ah, and politics. Islamocracy, though the word is somehow new and strange to the people, it is not something extrinsic or barbaric to Islam; rather it is just a new technical English word which we devised to denote a system of government based on the provisions of Islamic constitutional system of leadership (i.e. Shari’ah Ruling System). Only what I know to have been the effective system of good governance is “ISLAMOCRACY” i.e. liberal Shari’ah government which is emancipated from all the clutches of Western imposed foreign wills and policies. Though democracy has more good than bad, it has lost its recommendable spirit from the onset of its basis i.e. it usurps God’s sovereignty and transfers it to man. That is to say, in democracy the will and laws of man is supreme over the God’s divine laws. Let me remind you that you should never accepts any word begins with a prefix “Demo”, for any word begins with “Demo” entails disgrace, lowness, misfortune, unluckiness, disaster, and all sorts state of undesirable condition and situation. Think of the words like demotion, demoniac, demobilization, and many more others all of which denotes undesirable and disgusting things. Likewise, democracy should not be exempted from such evil words category. As thus, one needs not to repent when he declares that democracy is evil and bad.
Democracy is a peaceful way of tyranny and subjugation of human right; it is a reductionist of justice, idea of rule of law and equality before the law. Yet, in democracy the powerful subjugates and dominates the right of the weak; the rich still exploits the poor through its tool of capitalism; those in power tyrannize and victimize their citizens; those who wield power replace the elected leader with whom they so wish by betraying and rigging the election; and finally, people are being duped that through representatives their rights and interests are ensured and protected when the situation is fraudulent and full of deceit.
The western fathers of democracy headed by American super-terrorist power argues that Islam repulses the democratic idea of tolerance, rule of law, capitalism, secularism, human right, liberty and freedom of religion. This is a gross misconception from them; Islam is only against capitalism, secularism and all other evil side of democracy. This is because they are all antithetical to socio-moral values and standards of humankind. For instance, capitalism emphasizes economic classes by subjecting majority of the people to perpetual abject poverty while favouring the few rich individuals in the society. It also helps the rich to exploit the poor by perpetrating interest. In fact, all these are against social justice. Likewise, secularism negates and ignores the fundamental focus of human life and i.e. the question of faith and belief which constitutes the spiritual nature of man. Thus, man is from the onset, deprived of his fundamental right and liberty to regulate social life as enunciated in his faith and religious divine laws.
Should Islam be repulsed? In normal worldview of social life all people want peace, justice, good governance and security, while repelling tyranny, injustice, conflicts, and war. Hence, Islam should be accepted universally because it has come to establish the aforementioned fundamental aspects in all dimension of human life. Islam is not only a religion of mosque but also a fundamental way of life as such it is not only for the Muslims but the entire humankind of all races, religions, continents, and nations. Presumably, Islam as a religion of mosque, only the ritual aspects of worship is preserved exclusively for the Muslims; as such, other people out of it are not enforced to accept it as their religion of worship. But, the universal concept of Islam as a fundamental and complete ideology and a way of life is for all humankind. In this way, Islam should be accepted, supported, endorsed, and advocated wholeheartedly by the universal men. Therefore, non-Muslims should not be bothered or anxious when they hear us proclaiming this religion as a social and political ideology of human life. Nor should they oppose us when they hear that Islam is the only solution to current world predicaments and political malaises and instabilities.
What the entire world can see now from international conflict to insecurity, war and clash of civilization especially between the West and the Muslim world is a result of political tyranny, domination and hegemony of U.S villain power over the world nations particularly the Muslim countries(6). By all means of political and military power, the U.S super-terrorist power seeks to impose its will and foreign policy upon the Muslim countries. This in consequence, forced the Islamists and the Jihadist to defend their religion, nations and laws; thus, culminating in formidable reaction and resistance of American foreign policy by the Islamists. American villain power has won war by subjugating the leaders of the Muslim nation. Even though the Arab and Muslim leaders have abandoned the cause of Shari’ah and liberation of the Palestinian land, the Islamists and the Jihadist vowed to undertake it. This is the essence of Middle East conflict; and this is the essence of clash of civilization between the West and the Muslim world. American villain power wanted to impose its foreign policy upon the Muslim nation which the Muslim described as antithetical to their Shari’ah and norms and values. As a matter of fact, Islam does not accept or tolerate injustice, tyranny, or imposition of other’s will upon it especially when this comes from its enemies. To accept this, is a disgrace and Islam has never dare to voluntarily or forcefully accept or tolerate disgrace. What the Muslims demand is that the U.S villain power should stop imposing its wills and policies upon the Muslim nations. It should let them regulate their state, politics, and life as bounded by their Shari’ah Ruling System. The only solution to the ongoing war between the Jihadist Muslims and the American power is that the U.S should accept and abide by the aforementioned proposal (i.e. the Muslim nations should be let freely to regulate their socio-political life based on their Shari’ah system of government). What we notify people is that the true concept of Western democratic idea of justice, rule of law, human right, and so forth, are not barbaric to the principles of Islamic concept of government (Islamocracy). If any discrepancies could be found would probably arise in the issue of capitalism and secularism because Islam does not accept these two aspects which is fundamental in democracy. This is because Capitalism is an element of injustice while secularism is an element of ignorance. This is where the road split; Islam cannot tolerate capitalism and secularism while the West insists on them. This is where the clash erupted.
Now, let us directly focus the following discussion on what Islamocracy entails.
ISLAMOCRACY: The Revived System of Government
“All sovereignty and Authority belongs to Allah Alone,
The supreme legislator and the law-giver;
And that Man is entrusted with temporal power to govern.”
The above basis is the universal political concept of Islamocracy. Islamocracy! What does it mean?
Islamocracy means an independent system of Shari’ah government that governs the social, political and economic life of the people. Islamocracy is the government of peace for the people whose values, norms, honours, nobility, rights and freedom must be granted and protected to ensure the development of their peculiar socio-political and spiritual well-being. Islamocracy is a government of God formed by the people to serve the interest and right of the people as bounded by Shari’ah. Islamocracy negates the split of the religion and the state politics; both are one and the same. In fact, the religion (Islam) is the mover of the state politics under Islamocracy. We now preserve the right to speak about ‘Political Islam’. By Political Islam we mean that Islam is not only a religion of mosque but also a political ideology that interprets and addresses the problems, goals, and developmental needs of the state and society; it organizes and orders the state political affairs and administrations. Thus, there must be a conspicuous disparity between the concept of religion in democracy and the concept of religion in Islamocracy. Hence, the difference between democracy and Islamocracy becomes succinctly conceivable. While democracy asserts sovereignty of man Islamocracy strongly asserts sovereignty of God – the creator of man – and that man has a temporal power and will as prescribed for him by Allah. Islamocracy challenges the world that if the people are unable to take control of their lives and deaths, then they most recognize the sovereignty of God in all aspects of life. It also argues that if the laws of God (Shari’ah) are to be suspended from human life then there would be no any human to impose his man-made laws on other men since man is not the creator of man. This fact renders man ineligible to be the master, legislator and law-giver of himself. And therefore, he could not be the legislator and law-giver of other men. As democracy tries to detach human beings from God by assigning sovereignty to man Islamocracy comes to re-attach man to God by explaining to him (man) that sovereignty belongs to God alone and that he (man) is entrusted with temporal power to govern through a systematic machinery of leadership popularly called the Government. And this government can be positive or negative. Positive government is that aims at establishing laws and orders based on belief in God. In other word, it is a government that recognizes the sovereignty of God in the state politics. Whereas, the negative government is that which establishes its laws and orders based on unbelief and secularism. Such negative government tends to usurp the power of God by claiming sovereignty in the hands of man or the state. Thus, Islamocracy explains to man, as a representative of God, his duties and responsibilities on this earth as enunciated in Islam and Shari’ah. It comes to liberate men from the servitude of other men to the servitude of God alone – the creator of men. Liberty, right, freedom of speech are all placed in their appropriate positions under Islamocracy and were given their original meanings. Man can enjoy liberty, right, and freedom only when it is in accordance to the laws of God or the Islamocratic state. In Islamocratic state each and every Muslim and non-Muslim citizen is subjected to the laws as prescribed in his peculiar religion.
Islamocracy rejects the delusive idea that man could be a supreme legislator and law-giver to other men; but it recognizes man to be the guidance of other men to the laws of God. According to Islamocracy there is what it calls the ‘Ultimatum Adaptation’. This means that if a leader or a government suspends the laws of God in the states there shall be no more obedience to it by the citizens; and that the citizens have the legal, legitimate, and constitutional right to depose such leader or government from power. It further means that if the government rebels against the laws of God, it is then become an obligatory duty upon the citizens to rebel against the secular laws of the state/government. In Islamocracy, any act of new political and legal legislation or decision-making should be in conformity with the eternal verities of God. To make that possible Islamocracy employs the application of ‘Shari’ah Privatization Policy-making’ (7). In Islamic Juristic terminology is called ‘Al-Ijtihad or Al-Ijma’ This is a process by which prominent jurists, judges and lawyers of the Islamic state interpret the original divine eternal laws of Shari’ah in order to arrive at a credible and acceptable conclusion in deriving new laws as it is required by the changes of times and modernity. This is an inherent nature of Islam and Shari’ah in essence. In fact, in the Qur’an Allah confirms the dynamic nature of His religion (Islam) and Islamic Law (Shari’ah) by proclaiming the Qur’an as all-encompassing and dynamic book of inspiration, information, and instruction. We therefore, ought to know that Qur’an which constitutes the bases of all Islamic laws, is a guidance at all time (Q2:2); it is an explanation for all things and affairs (Q3:138); it is an reminder to mankind (Q43:1-2); it is an exhortation to whole mankind (Q10:57); it is a complete and succinct message (Q14:52); nothing left unmentioned in it i.e. it addresses all aspect of human life and affairs (Q6:38); it contains all the records of past, present, and future events (Q11:6); nor human invention of falsehood that can penetrate it (Q41:42); it is free from flaw (Q18:1-2); it never cast aspersion on the believers’ mind (Q2:2); it leads to what is best and effective for human life (Q17:19); and finally, it remains valid forever (Q15:9) (8). All such was the divine nature of the Qur’an and therefore we should not hesitate to uphold it as our basis of doctrinal and political constitution.
Back to subject matter, in Islamocracy only God is the sovereign and the supreme legislator and law-giver. Hence, all new matters on the table of legislation should be in conformity with the will of Shari’ah. Islamocracy seeks to create a strong egalitarian Islamic society and state for the development of righteous individuals within it. It further seeks to create an Islamic state where social justice and welfare service prevails – a state where wealthy and powerful leader could not use his authority to exploit or victimize the masses and weak among the people. All men are born equal and noble. The basic aim of this Islamocratic government is to develop, in its all political implementation, legislation, and decision-making, the manifestation of the divine guidance and laws for all men to flourish. Such an Islamocratic government is responsible for maintaining social justice and provision of social welfare for all the citizens. It should be emphasized here that each and every citizen under Islamocratic government must attain the level of ‘Three Goals Satisfaction’ and i.e. nourishment, shelter and basic education for his family. This is the most obligatory duty of an Islamocratic government. This is the meaning of social welfare provision and this is indeed, the meaning of social justice though the basis of social justice is equality before the law. The state is responsible for its economic and social development. It is responsible for security of the public lives and properties. In Islamocratic state also, the private ownership has some limitations under certain conditions especially when the owner of such properties or wealth monopolizes the public commodities; or when he exploits the poor and weak among the citizens. In Islamocratic state the annual payment of Zakat share is enforced emphatically by the law and the entire rich individuals must adhere to this law. It should be noted that the ultimate objective of Shari’ah is the maximization of the betterment of man’s material and spiritual well-being and his development in all aspects of life. Hence, any new laws and legislation aims at accomplishing these objectives is part and parcel of Shari’ah and therefore, should be held by the Islamocratic state or government and should be incorporated in the Islamocratic state laws and constitution. The noble Qur’an has outlined the basic functions of Islamic state or government (Q16:90). And that any government or leader that assumes power must take oath in God and enter into covenant with Him that he shall work to advocate justice and rule of law; and he must fulfill this covenant (Q16:91).
When we turn to the issue of ‘right’ E.G. human right, we could find that Islamocracy is much more comprehensive and reliable than democracy. Because in Islamocracy there is a fundamental question of ‘First Right’ which democracy is unable to address; and i.e. the Right of God; thus Islamocracy first, speaks of God right, then followed by Human right, and or even Animal right. In essence Democracy fails to understand the inherent relationship between these three articles of right. You cannot establish the ethics of human right unless you first establish the God’s right unto which the essential foundation of human right is built. Likewise one cannot establish the ethics of animal right when he rejects human right. Such was the relationship among these three articles of right. Since Democracy diminishes to address these three issues Islamocracy admits to undertake this task. And this is because democracy is a fallacious and reductionist of social justice and human right; but Islamocracy is much more comprehensive, fully-detailed, and perfect in explaining the system of leadership and government in man’s life.
Therefore, Islamocracy as an intelligent and a comprehensive system of government speaks of right of God, and right of man both of spiritual and secular life. To establish the right of God in the state is the first and foremost duty of Islamocratic government, then followed by human, and then animal right. These three articles of rights were never mentioned in democracy. This is a major drastic drawback of Democracy which the Western world desperately claims to be the best system of government. Lo! Such Western people are professional liars, deceivers, and prevaricators.
In special sense, Islamocracy proclaims that the first right to be established and maintained is the Right of God – the creator of man. God has the rights upon man and vice versa. One most important of this right upon man is that man should recognize God as his supreme lord, legislator, and law-giver, and he most not associate partner to Him – the Al-mighty Allah. This is because in essence, man have entered into sacred covenant with God Al-mighty – that he witnessed God as his Lord – Allah; and that he should not worship other being than Allah the Almighty (Q7:172, Q36:60, & Q17:23). It is the sacred right of God upon man that he must worship him by the prescribed ritual rites; and that he must adhere to God’s laws of commandments and prohibitions; and he must establish God’s Shari’ah on earth.
In returns, the right of man upon God (if man fulfills the right of God upon him) is that Allah has guaranteed him (man) peace of mind, pleasure, and prosperity in both here and the hereafter. Hence, the relationship of God’s right and man’s right is of reciprocal nature. This is the vital issue of focus in human socio-political life which the Western reductionist democracy suspended from secular life even though it is part and parcel, and inherent in man’s social life. The other aspects of human rights as well as other variables are well fully elaborated in Islamocracy beyond the demarcations as it is limited in democracy. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss this issue thoroughfully.
A Special Observation on the Topic “Islam and Democracy; Are they Compatible?”
This topic has become a major issue of discussion in world politics especially by those anxiously concerned to attain Independent Islam worldwide. Too often, people at both national and international level becomes immersed in discussing this topic as a debatable issue as whether Democracy and Islam are or not compatible. The topic is good to be discussed in searching for alternative to this evil system of democracy that entangled the Muslim countries worldwide. But, there is a slight correction to be offered as regards the construction of the question as it is above. However, before long let us suggest a simple answer to the above question.
To me, these two terms are distantly far cry from each other. They are incompatible and therefore must be diametrically opposed to each other. Let it alone that the set up of the question is somehow suspicious, faulty, revulsive, and disgusting. How can one dares to equate Islam with Democracy. While the former governs the general aspect of life (religious, social, economic & political), the later is just a mere system of government which is also a part in focus among many folds of Islam. Since Democracy is just a mere system of government; and that this government is an aspect of life in Islam; and the fact that system of government is known as Shari’ah in Islam then the question should be read thus: “Shari’ah and Democracy: Are They Compatible”? Specifically, we have devised a new technical English term, i.e. “ISLAMOCRACY” to mean Shari’ah Ruling System of Government.
Hence, the question could be thus read: Islamocracy and Democracy: Are They Compatible”? The very major drawback and problem associated with the former set up of the question is that Islam is much wider than Democracy because it comprises the general aspect of human life both in secular and spiritual sphere; whereas Democracy is just a mere form of Government. Specifically, we can say that Islam is a general term while Democracy is specific. So, then how can one compare the importance and effectiveness of what is general with specific. The disparities are clear.
Finally, having removed the problems with the former set up of the question; and having realized that the new question should be read: “Islamocracy and Democracy: Are They Compatible”? Then we ought to know that Islamocracy is much more comprehensively effective system of government than Democracy. The previous account presented in this article makes all things clearer and more informative. ALLAH IS ALL-KNOWING THE BEST.
In Islamocracy there shall be no political extremism; and also violent political vanguard is banned. The political parties should not exceed four in number in the entire nation. This is what Islamocracy called “Fourism Party System” or “Rashidun Number Party System”. However, it is preferable for Islamocratic state to uphold singular party system. Election in Islamocracy must fundamentally reflect the will and attitude of the citizens; under no circumstance rigging could not dominate an Islamocratic election. If such case appears to happen, the administrators and the managers of the election must undergo criminal trial before the court. A candidate is only eligible to contest after his rectitudeness, astuteness, leadership qualities, and socio-moral integrity is confirmed by the National Elders of Islamocracy. For any candidate to qualify for primary election in his party must undergo interview screening process. In Islamocratic state there is what is called ‘Centre for Candidacy Consultancy and Screening’ that supervises and checks the eligibility of each and every candidates at all levels of political aspiration.
Islamocratic politics is called ‘Pure Politics’ or call it ‘Peace Politics’ if you like. But it will be useful to define politics here. Politics can be defined in two different but relevant meaning. First one the one hand, we defined politics as a process of people participation in state or national political discussion concerning their national problems and possible solution to be derived. Secondly, we defined politics as a system of peoples’ political movement and discussion in support of one or more individual, or group as oppose to another. This is the most common meaning of politics from the perspective of the general masses. This second definition also portrays the nature of the present secular system of Nigerian politics. But, it is very important to bring another aspect to the fore and i.e. Political Strategy. Political strategy is any planned scheme thought out by the learned elders of a society, nation or state aims at achieving political goals – unity, economic stability, standard education e.t.c. within a particular context of time and space.
“Pure Politics” or “Peace Politics” on other hand can be defined as a process of emancipating and liberating individuals, community or society from any subjugation of external political power – directly or indirectly, physically or mentally. According to this definition, there shall be no any external country or power that can impose its will, foreign policy or civilization on the other. Pure politics is further defined as a process of peoples’ participation in political discussion with the aim of developing their nation, religion, norms and values, or with the aim of achieving political power and position by individuals within the bases and provisions of religious and morally-social values and norms of the society as embodied in their Communal Constitution. According to this definition, any act of politics that tends to undermine and contradicts the religious, social and moral values of the society should be banned and eradicated despite of its political benefit if any. For instance, an individual or a political party can apply the use of blasphemous and defamatory remarks and words in his campaign or political movement against his counterpart in order to attain success in his aspiration for power. Such act was both religiously, socially and morally unacceptable despite of its political benefit. Therefore any politician, government and public in general under Islamocratic state must abstain from such bad act. It is such defamation, blasphemy, abuses of one’s honour, respect, nobility that we call Political Vices and Taboos in Pure Politics, which we enjoin all the politicians to cut off themselves from these bad attitudes. Under Islamocratic state, whoever found guilty of any of them shall be dealt with accordingly. Islam comes to respect and protect the honour, right, dignity and nobility of each and every individual. It is not worthy or recommendable for you people living under the shade of Islamocracy to defame or blaspheme one another just for the lust for political benefit or power. Hence, in our ‘Pure Politics’ there are certain crimes deemed to be “Political Vices and Taboos” (PVT) that all politicians, government agencies, journalists, and public in general should abhor and abstain from them.
Political vices and taboos are many and varied in their form and can be committed in different way; however, their features can not be hidden. In any speech, speak, remarks and writings, any act of political vices and taboos are very conspicuous and noticeable. Some of the political vices and taboos include; Defamation, Blasphemy, Mock, Abusive words, unnecessary Criticism, Lies, Fabrication, baseless Claim, baseless Disclaim, Vilification and so forth and so on.
Blasphemy – This is an insulting speeches or remarks against a person or his religion. Under our politics no one is allowed to blaspheme another under the pretext veil of freedom of speech. All freedom of speech shall be in accordance with the provision of Islamic law. Politicians, journalists, and publics should ensure and honour the respect, right, nobility and dignity of whomever they are going to speak about in public meeting or press media. If one found guilty under the law shall be dealt with accordingly. Each and every person has the legitimate right to be respected and honoured by his fellow members in the society even under political competition.
Defamation – This is an act traducing and disparaging i.e. fabricating false remarks and acts while attributing them to an innocent person and at the same time purveying them among the public. Therefore, under our ‘Peace Politics’ people are strongly enjoined to refrain from any act of purveying, traducing, and fabricating false remarks; failure to abide by this law tantamount to appropriate punishment under the law.
Lies – This is any kind of speech or remarks that is baseless and fallacious i.e. having no truth in itself. It is therefore strongly discouraged and forbidden under our ‘Pure Politics’. Types and varieties of lies is common to people and therefore it needs no more explanation on it.
Abusive Words - Use of abusive words in any kind of speeches and remarks is not allowed. Any word that is considered impudent, discourteous and it is therefore, socially, morally and religiously unacceptable should not be applied by anyone to vilify another; it is deemed serious crime under the law. Even criticism shall be done with less abusive words – words that would not render one psychologically socially and religiously disturbed. Criticism by any politician is strongly discouraged unless under necessity and should be done in a tactful manner, and with polite word. It is necessary here to have a look at the Jewish evil notion of ‘Freedom of Speech’. This freedom of speech is indeed a Jewish creation. It is a targeted notion documented in the protocols of their learned elders of Zion aim at destroying the mutual peaceful inter-personal relationship among people of any society and religion in such a way that a person has the right under freedom of speech to criticize, blaspheme and defame his brother regardless of whether such remarks or speech expressed deserve truth or not. Such bad habit is religiously, socially and morally unacceptable under our politics. Freedom of speech is only a freedom when it is governed by the provision of our laws. Hence, all acts of lies, defamation, blasphemy, fabrication and traducing are strongly banned and forbidden under Islamic system of politics.
Criticism sometime is a good thing as it serves as a pressure tool to bombard the leaders towards a change of good acts and attitude in their administration. Despite of all this, it has some negative effect. At most of the time criticism is unnecessary. So, one way of epitomizing the both sides we can draw a conclusion that all positive criticisms are welcome while the negative and unnecessary ones are unwanted and strongly discouraged.
Finally, these are the description of some major political vices and taboos, but they are many and varied from one form to another. Some of them would not be even known unless when they are committed by one. Others like baseless claim, baseless disclaim, and e.t.c. is all known. To generalize them, it is a situation whereby a person would come and express the truth and after that another would come and disclaim it when he is not aware of or even not knowledgeable about the fact just for him defend some of his personal political interest. It can also be the situation where a person claim this and that, when the whole situation is untrue as he claimed or stated. All these and others are among the political vices and taboos and the commission of any of them tantamount to appropriate punishment under the laws of Islamocratic state.
“You shall not pursue (to accept any information) which you have no knowledge of it; your hearing, seeing and mind will be held accountable (before Allah)” (17:36).
We have for long been prevented from our legitimate right of establishing full and complete Shari’ah Ruling System (SRS) in our respective Muslim states/nations. Democracy under its evil constitution has been undermining people’s right especially of religion and yet it claims to have granted them freedom of religion. We Muslims, whenever we mention our right or freedom of religion we mean that our full legitimate and legal right for Shari’ah implementation in our states/nations rather than only practicing ritual worships in the mosque as it is misconceived in Western democracy. Democrats should understand what freedom of religion entails in our Islamocracy. Freedom of religion in Islamocracy is beyond only practicing it in the mosque or church; but rather it covers the people’s right to be ruled and governed by their religious laws, norms, and values as enunciated in their peculiar religion. Democratic constitution is a very poisonous one; it is full of heresies and fallacious ideas. It states that state constitutional laws are superior to the laws of God (Shari’ah constitutional laws) as such that wherever contradiction exists the state laws must prevail. This is typical blasphemy to God – Allah – and whosoever upholds this fact is an absolute ‘Mushrik’ (a polytheist). Some Muslims and some of their leaders have been duped into believing that Shari’ah Ruling System can be fully established under the veil of Democracy. Whoever believe as such he was indeed deluded. We should never for a minute expect that Shari’ah can be practiced in Democratic state; while the former gives priority to the laws of God the later gives priority to the man-made state constitutional laws. Furthermore, Democracy says that sovereignty belongs to man when Islam proclaims that all sovereignty, power, and authority belong to Allah – the Almighty. If man should have any sovereignty must be a minor and temporal one and must be exercised within the limit of God’s ultimate sovereignty which manifests in His laws and orders of commands and prohibitions as embodied in Shari’ah Ruling System. That is why the perceptive notion of Islamocracy proclaims that: ““All sovereignty and Authority belongs to Allah Alone, The supreme legislator and the law-giver; And that Man is entrusted with temporal power to govern.” This means that all what man or state can exercise from power, authority, legislation or law enforcement must be founded on basis of the eternal laws of God. Therefore, Democratic constitution makes it impossible to establish God’s laws (Shari’ah Ruling System) under Western system of Democracy.
Therefore, in order to have our full and complete legal and legitimate right for Shari’ah ruling System we must resort to Islamocratic Constitution. Constitution is Islamocracy shall be in the form of ‘Communal Constitution’ which guarantees each and every community in a state/nation to be governed by its peculiar religious laws, norms, and values. Therefore I hereby call upon my respective intellectual Muslims and political activists, students and scholars to support and advocate the creation of “Communal Constitution” in all their nations and states so as to have a full right for Shari’ah Ruling System in their state politics and economy; hence, the need to suspend Democracy and to adopt Islamocracy. So, what “Communal Constitution” entails? Communal Constitution is that type of constitution which provides laws on the bases of the religion, norms and values of each and every respective community in a state or nation whose members belong to the same religious entity e.g Muslim Community. In Communal Constitution the national government should not make any law that may even likely to violate one or more of the religious values and laws of any of the communities. Communal Constitution could be homogeneous when the state is entirely identified as a Muslim or non-Muslim one. However, the non-Muslim minority (residing in Muslim state) would be granted their right of their particular religion and laws, and a vive versa. And it can be heterogeneous when the state is dominated by a large citizen of both Muslims and non-Muslims in such a way that each distinctive part in the C&C caters for the laws and values of particular community members residing in the state/nation. E.g Communal Constitution in Nigeria should be heterogeneous one because the country is highly cosmopolitan.
Moreover, it is interesting to note that Communal Constitution has two categories of laws provision: General Provisional Laws (GPLS) and Supreme Community Laws (SCLS). On the one hand, General Provisional Laws or GPLS is a distinct part in “Communal Constitution” which provides general laws in the state/nation that are common and acceptable to all communities; and that it represent the positive aims, goals and objectives for the national growth and development in general sense. It is only the government that has the authoritative power in the legislation, regulation, and maintenance of GPLS; it is the chief designer and prosecutor of GPLS. However, Supreme Community Laws (SCLS) must prevail if there is any collision or contradiction between the two laws. For instance, under GPLS the government can promulgate a law that may undermine or violate the Muslim Laws of Shari’ah. In such situation Muslim laws must prevail and their community should be exempted from such particular law provided in the GPLS. In general we can say that any law that is common to all communities and that are directly related to the national development are made, decided and promulgated under GPLS where the government has the exclusive power to legislate and maintain it.
Supreme Community Laws (SCLS) on the other hand, is the second part of “Communal Constitution” which is mainly deal with the communal laws of each and every community within the nation. When we say community in this regard we are referring to particular society belong to same religion (e.g. Muslims Community or Christian Community). It is in this part that each and every community shall have their peculiar in the C&C section dealing with their particular laws, principles, and rules and regulations pertaining to their social, economic, political, civil, and common affairs. SCLS are set of laws, principles, rules, and policies which are designed and provided by a particular Community leaders based on their religion, beliefs, values and norms to serve as their legal and political constitution in the state/nation. Such laws and principles are the Ruling systems governing their Politics, Leadership, and Economy in addition to legal, civil and common laws in all dimension of social life. It is important to note that the Muslim community leader in an Islamocratic state shall be considered as the ‘Caliph’ and shall have his seat in the ‘National House of the Caliphate’. SCLS are sacred, reverent and therefore untouchable by any provision of the GPLS. In fact, as far as a particular community is concerned its SCLS are supreme and superior to the state GPLS. This is what we mean by Communal Constitution.
In general, “Communal Constitution” has the following basic features and characteristics:
It guarantees all Nigerian communities full and complete political right and liberty to rule their states in accordance with their religious laws and principles.
It respects all of the communities’ religion, norms, values and laws in such a way that no any state provision of GPLS that is allowed to violate any of the law or system of the communities.
Finally, in “Communal Constitution” it is the community laws i.e. (SCLS) that have the supreme power in all political legislation and decision-making of the State community.
The above theory of ‘Communal Constitution’ is a sub-theory extracted from a broader theory of “Communal Politics” propounded by a Muslim political intellectualist. Communal Politics suggests that a heterogeneous society can co-exist to live equally, peacefully, tolerably, and interdependently only if the state constitution grants full liberty and right of political power to each and every community residing within the Nation/State, to govern and rule its members in accordance to its religion, beliefs, norms, cultures and philosophy of life. The Government can only have the authority to decide and to regulate what it should be done for the general growth and development of the nation as well as to function at international level. But, all legal, civil, and common laws should be exclusively reserved for the respective community leaders.
Salim Ishaq Hassan
Education Department Bayero University Kano.
They say that Democracy begins in ancient Athens of Greece where all the entire matured members of the society have the right to elect their leaders, make decision-making, serve the Juries, and establish Justice (1). These aspects and others constitute the components of modern Western Democracy. It is not only that, most of the English words have their root in Greek language. Western way of life, thought, building, and philosophy were Greek in nature. This portrays the extent of impact that Greek culture has upon Europe and West in general. The fact that our religion has come to establish such acts of good governance, human right, rule of law, justice and freedom on earth, it makes the Muslim independent of Western democracy which has its root in Athens. But, some of the Muslims fail to take heed of this fact as they hastily chasing the West to borrow their system of democracy.
Nearly 3,000yrs ago democracy had become a quest in ancient Greek. Before, only the elites and aristocrats of the society could have access to government and power; slaves and the masses had no right to participate or even to vote or be voted for. Those elites and aristocrats on power exclusively reserved the authority and power and distributed it among them. They sat to discuss, decide and elect leaders personally. Such was the habit of Greek government before the quest of democracy did arise.
The next important scene of democracy was known to have flourished in ancient Roman Italy after it became a big city with extensive territory. Even the ordinary citizen could have right to vote for their leaders who only drew from the elites and the aristocrats. But women were banned to vote. Shortly after, democracy fell in Rome when it collapsed under the ruling of independent Emperor.
It was not only towards 1200s, when mid-modern societies began to take meaningful life in Europe that Democracy was reborn. One typical example was England. It was ruled by a king; but the king has power only in the consent of the parliamentary members, and that makes it democratic. Soon, British England became very powerful at the time. This gave it power to penetrate and colonize foreign nations first, in Latin America, then Asian and Middle East nations, and finally in some other parts of Africa. In America, British power had partitioned and annexed over ten different territories.
Towards the end of 1700s, in America, thirteen colonies revolted against the British colonial powers. Having broke out; they declared their independence. They called themselves United States and founded their government based on Democracy. By 1920, Democracy grew speedily and forcefully in America; it extended its hands to foreign countries with fast and energetic power, subjugating socialist, communist, and Nazis government. And this was how the U.S.A came to be as a democratic state up-to-date. Recently, democracy is being exaggerated to mean a country; but this is just a Western propaganda. In democratic countries – whether a pure one or a pseudo-democratic one (e.g. Nigeria) – people choose how they will be governed and they usually elect their leaders mostly through vote election which is more vulnerable to corruption and rigging. And this is mainly because democracy employs the idea of multi-party system which increases disintegration, discord, hostility, and competition for power among the society members. In such a competition all parties will resort to every legal and illegal means to justify their aims. Even though democracy claims that people elect leader to serve the public citizens’ interest and to protect and ensure their right and freedom, it is not necessary that the elected leaders are doing as such. While some countries uphold the explicit idea of social welfare provision for the citizens, other do not even considered that as compulsory upon the government, the elected leaders there are too often appear to become tyrants and dictators. Today, citizens of developed democratic countries have fundamental rights in the constitution, but most of these rights are only exist in illusionary theory which has never become established in reality. Such were some fallacies and deceptions of democracy.
Globally speaking, Democracy today means American hegemony upon other nations. The American power still exerts pressure upon the world nations especially the Muslim ones that to must accept Democracy willy-nilly. And by imposing democracy on other nations, American has been enforcing their cultures, civilization, and evilization upon other world communities.
From the brief introduction we have just presented one can realize that democracy tries to incorporate some basic essential and inherent messages of Islam such as good governance, Justice to people, ensure of people’s right and freedom. However, it views these aspects from atomistic view of point and in a reductionist manner when it separates them from spiritual faith and belief in God as such it fails to establish them truly on the earth. All such kind of democratic aspects are just secondary in human life which could not be established truly unless the primary aspect is established. And this primary aspect is the question of faith and belief in God whose laws and orders must be the basis of human constitutional way of life. In fact this is the first right to be established prior to human right. The fact that Western democracy deliberately or ignorantly fails to address the question of spirituality as a primary focus in human life makes all its ideas to become fallacious, deceptive, and reductionist. But, Islam as a most perfect and most comprehensive political way of life, a fully-detailed and all-encompassing principle upon which all the nations can found their system of social, economic, and political life. Islam does address both the spiritual and material aspect of human life; thus creating balance between the soul and the body, and between this world and the hereafter. Hence, we can realize that democracy tries to re-interpret the basic messages of Islam pertaining to good governance and Justice, meanwhile distorting them via introducing secularism which has never existed in Islam. Islamocracy comes as an alternative to Western reductionist Islamocracy seeks to eliminate all the negative sides of Democracy; thus Islamizing it and re-defined it to Islamocracy. While Democracy is an agent of the global order of ‘Kufr’ (Secularism) Islamocracy is an agent of the global order of Islam. While Democracy is an agent of the global order of war, economic conflict, and political hegemony and invasion Islamocracy is an agent of the global order peace, unity, and model political emancipation of the world nations. I appreciate the attitude of some Western writers for they have objectively understand the essential components and principles of Islam is basically of peace, Justice, good governance, rule of law, people’s right and freedom and so many other aspect that Western reductionist democracy to have come to establish them on earth. It is Just as John O. Voll and John L. Esposito wrote: “The Islamic heritage, in fact, contains concepts that provide a foundation for contemporary Muslims to develop authentically Islamic programs of democracy (2). So, we can say that Democracy could be acceptable by the Muslims if its entire programmes are basically Islamic or based on Shari’ah Ruling System. And the same time, in this regard, we can also define Islamocracy as a re-defined and Islamized system of Democracy that to be founded on the basis of Shari’ah Ruling System. Voll and Esposito also, they objectively understand that even if that the Muslim system of government appear to be a Theocracy, it will still remain a Democracy for that theocracy in Islam is not like that in European Christianity: “A more apt name for the Islamic polity would be the "kingdom of God" which is described in English as a "theocracy." But Islamic theocracy is something altogether different from the theocracy of which Europe has had bitter experience. . . . The theocracy built up by Islam is not ruled by any particular religious class but by the whole community of Muslims including the rank and file. The entire Muslim population runs the state in accordance with the Book of God and the practice of His Prophet. If I were permitted to coin a new term, I would describe this system of government as a "theo-democracy," that is to say a divine democratic government, because under it the Muslims have been given a limited popular sovereignty under the suzerainty of God. The executive under this system of government is constituted by the general will of the Muslims who have also the right to depose it” (3). These writers have put forward a very impressive notion such like ‘Theo-democracy’ for that I appreciate their philosophical effort; but I can still correct them some slight err – that in Islam there is nothing like theocracy. From the time of our noble prophet of Allah (Peace be upon him) down to his pious predecessors and until now Muslims have never practice theocracy. All of their system of government and leadership is based on communal politics through Shura (legislative/parliamentary) council. Hence, I am sorry for Voll and Esposito to say that we could not accept their proposed notion of ‘Theo-democracy’. If any word that contains ‘cracy’ is to be probably accepted by the Muslims should not be other than ISLAMOCRACY that means an independent system of Shari’ah government that governs the social, political and economic life of the people. Under no circumstance Islamic and Western values can be complete friendly relation. That is to say Democracy as it is perceived in Western thought must be antithetical to Islam as such Muslim would not accept it in its vague and heretical ideas; unless that Democracy is re-defined by the Muslims that it can be established in the Islamic state. When Democracy IS re-defined and Islamized by the Muslims then it becomes ISLAMOCRACY.
Therefore, the Islamic worldview of government must be superior, more effective and most supreme over any other system of government, being it democracy or otherwise. So then, we ought to know that the Islamic way of life – religious, political, social, and economic – is what we called “Shari’ah” in Islamic terminology. Since we have our own set of rules, laws, norms, policies, philosophy, and cultures, we must depose and suspend democracy from our nations meanwhile putting “ISLAMOCRACY” which denotes a government ruled by Shari’ah Ruling system and by a constitution which is based on the foundation of eternal verities of God (Islamic laws). In this discussion, we are going to objectively expose the heresies, deceptions, fallacies, and illusions of Western conventional Democracy while resorting to ISLAMOCRACY (Government ruled by Shari’ah) as being the most comprehensive system of government and leadership. Such discussions would be the central theme of this article.
Anagrammatically, the word ‘ISLAMOCRACY’ is composed of two words i.e. (Islam and Democracy). The conception of this word came to be when I became anxious to see that Shari’ah system of government should rule the Muslim nations. I used to meditate very carefully over why some secular-minded Muslims do not will to be ruled by Shari’ah even though all what they admire in democracy such as good governance, right to vote and elect leaders, Justice, Rule of Law are therein the Shari’ah also; and they are even more truly and practically established in Islam than in deceptive democracy. Such fact disappointed me a great deal. I took a long mull to realize the reason that causes this unwanted attitude in the mind of some Muslims. At last, God unveiled the secret of the matter. Soon, I realized such people do so just because they were captured by the admiration of pronouncing the word ‘Democracy’. Such people if they hear the word ‘democracy’ is pronounced you will find them vibrantly and happily appreciating and admiring it; but when the word ‘Shari’ah’ is mentioned they shrink and feel disappointed as if the word seems to be odd and démodé to them. So, in order to avoid such problem and to resurrect the defeated mind of such people we decided to develop this new technical English word (Islamocracy) in an anagrammatic form to mean a System of Shari’ah government which is more effective, comprehensive, fully-detailed, and all-encompassing than Western democracy. Therefore, to cut it short, the political worldview of government is what we called Shari’ah Government System and in technical sense is called “ISLAMOCRACY. This word aims to fight and to diminish the evil side of democracy; it comes to rectify and eradicate some of the mistakes, errors, and deceits of democracy which rendered it evil and bad system of government. It comes to emancipate the Muslim nations from the political hegemony of U.S power. It comes to restore the vibrant spirit of religion in the world politics and economy. It comes to grant man his full right and freedom which has been for long an illusionary in Western democracy. We ought to know that human right or freedom in Western democracy is only a deception as the founding fathers (Jews) of democracy proclaim: “We have included in the constitution such rights as to masses appear fictitious and not actual rights. All these so-called “people’s rights” can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realized in practical life” (Jewish Protocols: p.36). Hence, Democracy is a fallacy and all its principles and components are illusion. We are now beyond the question of Democracy; we now speak vehemently of “ISLAMOCRACY”. We are indeed ‘ISLAMOCRATS’ and not Democrats. This is what we proposed to all our members of ‘Ummatul Islam’ to adopt and to advocate for it to the whole humanity.
Democracy, suppose it is good, in Nigerian and many other nations it is bad and the situation is irony in most of the world nations (4). One of the main features of Nigerian democracy is tyranny and dictatorship. And even in the US itself as mother of democracy, there is element of injustices and subjugation of citizens’ will and interest. The current foreign policy of War on Muslim Nations by American military power is a clear testimony where the majority of the citizens condemn it, but few leaders on power insist and legalize it. Hence, any idea of human right, consideration of public citizen interest, and freedom of religion becomes an illusion and fraudulence in democracy. Obviously speaking, democracy denotes the supremacy of U.S will and interest as it is imposed upon other world nations especially the Muslim ones. International perspective of democracy entails that the world nations should be under the hegemony of U.S villain power. It further means the predominance of U.S will and policy over the world. Even though the West still desperately claims that democracy is good for all because it advocates justice, rule of law, good governance, human right, liberty and freedom, capitalism and secularism. All these aspect are good in democracy with the exception of capitalism and secularism. The both are antithetical to socio-moral values and standards of humanity. With this exception, all what they have claimed to have been guaranteed for man under democracy is not something new to our way of life (Islam/Shari’ah). All good aspects of democracy that commands universal consent and regard is part of the principal messages of Islam; they are part of essential aspects of life that are fundamentally emphasized and enforced in Islam in favour of establishing the standard values of humankind and for the development of their material, spiritual, and moral well-being. Hence, it is irrational for the West to introduce democracy to the Muslim world. We can consider democracy as good only in reference to the developed countries. Despite of this fact it is not the democracy in itself good but the leaders of those countries. We can justify this fact as we focus Nigeria. Our leaders are evils, wolves, dictators, and tyrannical.
At the top level, the founding fathers of democracy are the Jews – the ‘incubators’ of world evils – who dominate the world leadership and economy through the proxy of American power. These evil people (Jews-the super-terrorists) have created their political tools to mislead and destabilize the world and humanity, and these tools are among others, Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Liberty Capitalism and Interest (Riba). Their first target is to destroy the political power of Christianity in European countries and they have achieved this aim because the whole European continent is now dominated by democracy and is hardly Christianity and Church priest have any power or authority to say in the state politics and laws. Their second target is the Muslim world and they are currently proving their aims successful to the extent that there is hardly a Muslim nation that uphold Shari’ah Ruling System including Saudia itself despite of their desperate claim to have been practicing it. Their final aim is to eradicate Islam with its entirety from socio-political life and to depose it from the leadership of the world. Thus, they introduced Secularism which has been hither to, advertised and advocated by American leaders and politicians. All these are some of the Jewish schemes and conspiracies that are documented in their protocols of Jewish learned elders of Zion. The agent of Secularism is Democracy; and Democracy has its authoritative power in Constitution whose laws and provisions are venerably regarded as superior and supreme over any other laws of a divine religion (5). This is the main reason why all of the Muslim nations were deprived of their right and liberty for full implementation of Shari’ah Ruling System. Thus, Islamic laws and principles are drastically limited and restricted by democratic constitutional provisions in the Muslim states. Now our mission is to break those barbaric policies of constitutional restrictions over Shari’ah Ruling System.
It is here we have come to the question of ‘ISLAMOCRACY’ – a system of government based on Political Islam. Both the word Islamocracy and Political Islam denote a system representing a model of Islamic government, Shari’ah, and politics. Islamocracy, though the word is somehow new and strange to the people, it is not something extrinsic or barbaric to Islam; rather it is just a new technical English word which we devised to denote a system of government based on the provisions of Islamic constitutional system of leadership (i.e. Shari’ah Ruling System). Only what I know to have been the effective system of good governance is “ISLAMOCRACY” i.e. liberal Shari’ah government which is emancipated from all the clutches of Western imposed foreign wills and policies. Though democracy has more good than bad, it has lost its recommendable spirit from the onset of its basis i.e. it usurps God’s sovereignty and transfers it to man. That is to say, in democracy the will and laws of man is supreme over the God’s divine laws. Let me remind you that you should never accepts any word begins with a prefix “Demo”, for any word begins with “Demo” entails disgrace, lowness, misfortune, unluckiness, disaster, and all sorts state of undesirable condition and situation. Think of the words like demotion, demoniac, demobilization, and many more others all of which denotes undesirable and disgusting things. Likewise, democracy should not be exempted from such evil words category. As thus, one needs not to repent when he declares that democracy is evil and bad.
Democracy is a peaceful way of tyranny and subjugation of human right; it is a reductionist of justice, idea of rule of law and equality before the law. Yet, in democracy the powerful subjugates and dominates the right of the weak; the rich still exploits the poor through its tool of capitalism; those in power tyrannize and victimize their citizens; those who wield power replace the elected leader with whom they so wish by betraying and rigging the election; and finally, people are being duped that through representatives their rights and interests are ensured and protected when the situation is fraudulent and full of deceit.
The western fathers of democracy headed by American super-terrorist power argues that Islam repulses the democratic idea of tolerance, rule of law, capitalism, secularism, human right, liberty and freedom of religion. This is a gross misconception from them; Islam is only against capitalism, secularism and all other evil side of democracy. This is because they are all antithetical to socio-moral values and standards of humankind. For instance, capitalism emphasizes economic classes by subjecting majority of the people to perpetual abject poverty while favouring the few rich individuals in the society. It also helps the rich to exploit the poor by perpetrating interest. In fact, all these are against social justice. Likewise, secularism negates and ignores the fundamental focus of human life and i.e. the question of faith and belief which constitutes the spiritual nature of man. Thus, man is from the onset, deprived of his fundamental right and liberty to regulate social life as enunciated in his faith and religious divine laws.
Should Islam be repulsed? In normal worldview of social life all people want peace, justice, good governance and security, while repelling tyranny, injustice, conflicts, and war. Hence, Islam should be accepted universally because it has come to establish the aforementioned fundamental aspects in all dimension of human life. Islam is not only a religion of mosque but also a fundamental way of life as such it is not only for the Muslims but the entire humankind of all races, religions, continents, and nations. Presumably, Islam as a religion of mosque, only the ritual aspects of worship is preserved exclusively for the Muslims; as such, other people out of it are not enforced to accept it as their religion of worship. But, the universal concept of Islam as a fundamental and complete ideology and a way of life is for all humankind. In this way, Islam should be accepted, supported, endorsed, and advocated wholeheartedly by the universal men. Therefore, non-Muslims should not be bothered or anxious when they hear us proclaiming this religion as a social and political ideology of human life. Nor should they oppose us when they hear that Islam is the only solution to current world predicaments and political malaises and instabilities.
What the entire world can see now from international conflict to insecurity, war and clash of civilization especially between the West and the Muslim world is a result of political tyranny, domination and hegemony of U.S villain power over the world nations particularly the Muslim countries(6). By all means of political and military power, the U.S super-terrorist power seeks to impose its will and foreign policy upon the Muslim countries. This in consequence, forced the Islamists and the Jihadist to defend their religion, nations and laws; thus, culminating in formidable reaction and resistance of American foreign policy by the Islamists. American villain power has won war by subjugating the leaders of the Muslim nation. Even though the Arab and Muslim leaders have abandoned the cause of Shari’ah and liberation of the Palestinian land, the Islamists and the Jihadist vowed to undertake it. This is the essence of Middle East conflict; and this is the essence of clash of civilization between the West and the Muslim world. American villain power wanted to impose its foreign policy upon the Muslim nation which the Muslim described as antithetical to their Shari’ah and norms and values. As a matter of fact, Islam does not accept or tolerate injustice, tyranny, or imposition of other’s will upon it especially when this comes from its enemies. To accept this, is a disgrace and Islam has never dare to voluntarily or forcefully accept or tolerate disgrace. What the Muslims demand is that the U.S villain power should stop imposing its wills and policies upon the Muslim nations. It should let them regulate their state, politics, and life as bounded by their Shari’ah Ruling System. The only solution to the ongoing war between the Jihadist Muslims and the American power is that the U.S should accept and abide by the aforementioned proposal (i.e. the Muslim nations should be let freely to regulate their socio-political life based on their Shari’ah system of government). What we notify people is that the true concept of Western democratic idea of justice, rule of law, human right, and so forth, are not barbaric to the principles of Islamic concept of government (Islamocracy). If any discrepancies could be found would probably arise in the issue of capitalism and secularism because Islam does not accept these two aspects which is fundamental in democracy. This is because Capitalism is an element of injustice while secularism is an element of ignorance. This is where the road split; Islam cannot tolerate capitalism and secularism while the West insists on them. This is where the clash erupted.
Now, let us directly focus the following discussion on what Islamocracy entails.
ISLAMOCRACY: The Revived System of Government
“All sovereignty and Authority belongs to Allah Alone,
The supreme legislator and the law-giver;
And that Man is entrusted with temporal power to govern.”
The above basis is the universal political concept of Islamocracy. Islamocracy! What does it mean?
Islamocracy means an independent system of Shari’ah government that governs the social, political and economic life of the people. Islamocracy is the government of peace for the people whose values, norms, honours, nobility, rights and freedom must be granted and protected to ensure the development of their peculiar socio-political and spiritual well-being. Islamocracy is a government of God formed by the people to serve the interest and right of the people as bounded by Shari’ah. Islamocracy negates the split of the religion and the state politics; both are one and the same. In fact, the religion (Islam) is the mover of the state politics under Islamocracy. We now preserve the right to speak about ‘Political Islam’. By Political Islam we mean that Islam is not only a religion of mosque but also a political ideology that interprets and addresses the problems, goals, and developmental needs of the state and society; it organizes and orders the state political affairs and administrations. Thus, there must be a conspicuous disparity between the concept of religion in democracy and the concept of religion in Islamocracy. Hence, the difference between democracy and Islamocracy becomes succinctly conceivable. While democracy asserts sovereignty of man Islamocracy strongly asserts sovereignty of God – the creator of man – and that man has a temporal power and will as prescribed for him by Allah. Islamocracy challenges the world that if the people are unable to take control of their lives and deaths, then they most recognize the sovereignty of God in all aspects of life. It also argues that if the laws of God (Shari’ah) are to be suspended from human life then there would be no any human to impose his man-made laws on other men since man is not the creator of man. This fact renders man ineligible to be the master, legislator and law-giver of himself. And therefore, he could not be the legislator and law-giver of other men. As democracy tries to detach human beings from God by assigning sovereignty to man Islamocracy comes to re-attach man to God by explaining to him (man) that sovereignty belongs to God alone and that he (man) is entrusted with temporal power to govern through a systematic machinery of leadership popularly called the Government. And this government can be positive or negative. Positive government is that aims at establishing laws and orders based on belief in God. In other word, it is a government that recognizes the sovereignty of God in the state politics. Whereas, the negative government is that which establishes its laws and orders based on unbelief and secularism. Such negative government tends to usurp the power of God by claiming sovereignty in the hands of man or the state. Thus, Islamocracy explains to man, as a representative of God, his duties and responsibilities on this earth as enunciated in Islam and Shari’ah. It comes to liberate men from the servitude of other men to the servitude of God alone – the creator of men. Liberty, right, freedom of speech are all placed in their appropriate positions under Islamocracy and were given their original meanings. Man can enjoy liberty, right, and freedom only when it is in accordance to the laws of God or the Islamocratic state. In Islamocratic state each and every Muslim and non-Muslim citizen is subjected to the laws as prescribed in his peculiar religion.
Islamocracy rejects the delusive idea that man could be a supreme legislator and law-giver to other men; but it recognizes man to be the guidance of other men to the laws of God. According to Islamocracy there is what it calls the ‘Ultimatum Adaptation’. This means that if a leader or a government suspends the laws of God in the states there shall be no more obedience to it by the citizens; and that the citizens have the legal, legitimate, and constitutional right to depose such leader or government from power. It further means that if the government rebels against the laws of God, it is then become an obligatory duty upon the citizens to rebel against the secular laws of the state/government. In Islamocracy, any act of new political and legal legislation or decision-making should be in conformity with the eternal verities of God. To make that possible Islamocracy employs the application of ‘Shari’ah Privatization Policy-making’ (7). In Islamic Juristic terminology is called ‘Al-Ijtihad or Al-Ijma’ This is a process by which prominent jurists, judges and lawyers of the Islamic state interpret the original divine eternal laws of Shari’ah in order to arrive at a credible and acceptable conclusion in deriving new laws as it is required by the changes of times and modernity. This is an inherent nature of Islam and Shari’ah in essence. In fact, in the Qur’an Allah confirms the dynamic nature of His religion (Islam) and Islamic Law (Shari’ah) by proclaiming the Qur’an as all-encompassing and dynamic book of inspiration, information, and instruction. We therefore, ought to know that Qur’an which constitutes the bases of all Islamic laws, is a guidance at all time (Q2:2); it is an explanation for all things and affairs (Q3:138); it is an reminder to mankind (Q43:1-2); it is an exhortation to whole mankind (Q10:57); it is a complete and succinct message (Q14:52); nothing left unmentioned in it i.e. it addresses all aspect of human life and affairs (Q6:38); it contains all the records of past, present, and future events (Q11:6); nor human invention of falsehood that can penetrate it (Q41:42); it is free from flaw (Q18:1-2); it never cast aspersion on the believers’ mind (Q2:2); it leads to what is best and effective for human life (Q17:19); and finally, it remains valid forever (Q15:9) (8). All such was the divine nature of the Qur’an and therefore we should not hesitate to uphold it as our basis of doctrinal and political constitution.
Back to subject matter, in Islamocracy only God is the sovereign and the supreme legislator and law-giver. Hence, all new matters on the table of legislation should be in conformity with the will of Shari’ah. Islamocracy seeks to create a strong egalitarian Islamic society and state for the development of righteous individuals within it. It further seeks to create an Islamic state where social justice and welfare service prevails – a state where wealthy and powerful leader could not use his authority to exploit or victimize the masses and weak among the people. All men are born equal and noble. The basic aim of this Islamocratic government is to develop, in its all political implementation, legislation, and decision-making, the manifestation of the divine guidance and laws for all men to flourish. Such an Islamocratic government is responsible for maintaining social justice and provision of social welfare for all the citizens. It should be emphasized here that each and every citizen under Islamocratic government must attain the level of ‘Three Goals Satisfaction’ and i.e. nourishment, shelter and basic education for his family. This is the most obligatory duty of an Islamocratic government. This is the meaning of social welfare provision and this is indeed, the meaning of social justice though the basis of social justice is equality before the law. The state is responsible for its economic and social development. It is responsible for security of the public lives and properties. In Islamocratic state also, the private ownership has some limitations under certain conditions especially when the owner of such properties or wealth monopolizes the public commodities; or when he exploits the poor and weak among the citizens. In Islamocratic state the annual payment of Zakat share is enforced emphatically by the law and the entire rich individuals must adhere to this law. It should be noted that the ultimate objective of Shari’ah is the maximization of the betterment of man’s material and spiritual well-being and his development in all aspects of life. Hence, any new laws and legislation aims at accomplishing these objectives is part and parcel of Shari’ah and therefore, should be held by the Islamocratic state or government and should be incorporated in the Islamocratic state laws and constitution. The noble Qur’an has outlined the basic functions of Islamic state or government (Q16:90). And that any government or leader that assumes power must take oath in God and enter into covenant with Him that he shall work to advocate justice and rule of law; and he must fulfill this covenant (Q16:91).
When we turn to the issue of ‘right’ E.G. human right, we could find that Islamocracy is much more comprehensive and reliable than democracy. Because in Islamocracy there is a fundamental question of ‘First Right’ which democracy is unable to address; and i.e. the Right of God; thus Islamocracy first, speaks of God right, then followed by Human right, and or even Animal right. In essence Democracy fails to understand the inherent relationship between these three articles of right. You cannot establish the ethics of human right unless you first establish the God’s right unto which the essential foundation of human right is built. Likewise one cannot establish the ethics of animal right when he rejects human right. Such was the relationship among these three articles of right. Since Democracy diminishes to address these three issues Islamocracy admits to undertake this task. And this is because democracy is a fallacious and reductionist of social justice and human right; but Islamocracy is much more comprehensive, fully-detailed, and perfect in explaining the system of leadership and government in man’s life.
Therefore, Islamocracy as an intelligent and a comprehensive system of government speaks of right of God, and right of man both of spiritual and secular life. To establish the right of God in the state is the first and foremost duty of Islamocratic government, then followed by human, and then animal right. These three articles of rights were never mentioned in democracy. This is a major drastic drawback of Democracy which the Western world desperately claims to be the best system of government. Lo! Such Western people are professional liars, deceivers, and prevaricators.
In special sense, Islamocracy proclaims that the first right to be established and maintained is the Right of God – the creator of man. God has the rights upon man and vice versa. One most important of this right upon man is that man should recognize God as his supreme lord, legislator, and law-giver, and he most not associate partner to Him – the Al-mighty Allah. This is because in essence, man have entered into sacred covenant with God Al-mighty – that he witnessed God as his Lord – Allah; and that he should not worship other being than Allah the Almighty (Q7:172, Q36:60, & Q17:23). It is the sacred right of God upon man that he must worship him by the prescribed ritual rites; and that he must adhere to God’s laws of commandments and prohibitions; and he must establish God’s Shari’ah on earth.
In returns, the right of man upon God (if man fulfills the right of God upon him) is that Allah has guaranteed him (man) peace of mind, pleasure, and prosperity in both here and the hereafter. Hence, the relationship of God’s right and man’s right is of reciprocal nature. This is the vital issue of focus in human socio-political life which the Western reductionist democracy suspended from secular life even though it is part and parcel, and inherent in man’s social life. The other aspects of human rights as well as other variables are well fully elaborated in Islamocracy beyond the demarcations as it is limited in democracy. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss this issue thoroughfully.
A Special Observation on the Topic “Islam and Democracy; Are they Compatible?”
This topic has become a major issue of discussion in world politics especially by those anxiously concerned to attain Independent Islam worldwide. Too often, people at both national and international level becomes immersed in discussing this topic as a debatable issue as whether Democracy and Islam are or not compatible. The topic is good to be discussed in searching for alternative to this evil system of democracy that entangled the Muslim countries worldwide. But, there is a slight correction to be offered as regards the construction of the question as it is above. However, before long let us suggest a simple answer to the above question.
To me, these two terms are distantly far cry from each other. They are incompatible and therefore must be diametrically opposed to each other. Let it alone that the set up of the question is somehow suspicious, faulty, revulsive, and disgusting. How can one dares to equate Islam with Democracy. While the former governs the general aspect of life (religious, social, economic & political), the later is just a mere system of government which is also a part in focus among many folds of Islam. Since Democracy is just a mere system of government; and that this government is an aspect of life in Islam; and the fact that system of government is known as Shari’ah in Islam then the question should be read thus: “Shari’ah and Democracy: Are They Compatible”? Specifically, we have devised a new technical English term, i.e. “ISLAMOCRACY” to mean Shari’ah Ruling System of Government.
Hence, the question could be thus read: Islamocracy and Democracy: Are They Compatible”? The very major drawback and problem associated with the former set up of the question is that Islam is much wider than Democracy because it comprises the general aspect of human life both in secular and spiritual sphere; whereas Democracy is just a mere form of Government. Specifically, we can say that Islam is a general term while Democracy is specific. So, then how can one compare the importance and effectiveness of what is general with specific. The disparities are clear.
Finally, having removed the problems with the former set up of the question; and having realized that the new question should be read: “Islamocracy and Democracy: Are They Compatible”? Then we ought to know that Islamocracy is much more comprehensively effective system of government than Democracy. The previous account presented in this article makes all things clearer and more informative. ALLAH IS ALL-KNOWING THE BEST.
In Islamocracy there shall be no political extremism; and also violent political vanguard is banned. The political parties should not exceed four in number in the entire nation. This is what Islamocracy called “Fourism Party System” or “Rashidun Number Party System”. However, it is preferable for Islamocratic state to uphold singular party system. Election in Islamocracy must fundamentally reflect the will and attitude of the citizens; under no circumstance rigging could not dominate an Islamocratic election. If such case appears to happen, the administrators and the managers of the election must undergo criminal trial before the court. A candidate is only eligible to contest after his rectitudeness, astuteness, leadership qualities, and socio-moral integrity is confirmed by the National Elders of Islamocracy. For any candidate to qualify for primary election in his party must undergo interview screening process. In Islamocratic state there is what is called ‘Centre for Candidacy Consultancy and Screening’ that supervises and checks the eligibility of each and every candidates at all levels of political aspiration.
Islamocratic politics is called ‘Pure Politics’ or call it ‘Peace Politics’ if you like. But it will be useful to define politics here. Politics can be defined in two different but relevant meaning. First one the one hand, we defined politics as a process of people participation in state or national political discussion concerning their national problems and possible solution to be derived. Secondly, we defined politics as a system of peoples’ political movement and discussion in support of one or more individual, or group as oppose to another. This is the most common meaning of politics from the perspective of the general masses. This second definition also portrays the nature of the present secular system of Nigerian politics. But, it is very important to bring another aspect to the fore and i.e. Political Strategy. Political strategy is any planned scheme thought out by the learned elders of a society, nation or state aims at achieving political goals – unity, economic stability, standard education e.t.c. within a particular context of time and space.
“Pure Politics” or “Peace Politics” on other hand can be defined as a process of emancipating and liberating individuals, community or society from any subjugation of external political power – directly or indirectly, physically or mentally. According to this definition, there shall be no any external country or power that can impose its will, foreign policy or civilization on the other. Pure politics is further defined as a process of peoples’ participation in political discussion with the aim of developing their nation, religion, norms and values, or with the aim of achieving political power and position by individuals within the bases and provisions of religious and morally-social values and norms of the society as embodied in their Communal Constitution. According to this definition, any act of politics that tends to undermine and contradicts the religious, social and moral values of the society should be banned and eradicated despite of its political benefit if any. For instance, an individual or a political party can apply the use of blasphemous and defamatory remarks and words in his campaign or political movement against his counterpart in order to attain success in his aspiration for power. Such act was both religiously, socially and morally unacceptable despite of its political benefit. Therefore any politician, government and public in general under Islamocratic state must abstain from such bad act. It is such defamation, blasphemy, abuses of one’s honour, respect, nobility that we call Political Vices and Taboos in Pure Politics, which we enjoin all the politicians to cut off themselves from these bad attitudes. Under Islamocratic state, whoever found guilty of any of them shall be dealt with accordingly. Islam comes to respect and protect the honour, right, dignity and nobility of each and every individual. It is not worthy or recommendable for you people living under the shade of Islamocracy to defame or blaspheme one another just for the lust for political benefit or power. Hence, in our ‘Pure Politics’ there are certain crimes deemed to be “Political Vices and Taboos” (PVT) that all politicians, government agencies, journalists, and public in general should abhor and abstain from them.
Political vices and taboos are many and varied in their form and can be committed in different way; however, their features can not be hidden. In any speech, speak, remarks and writings, any act of political vices and taboos are very conspicuous and noticeable. Some of the political vices and taboos include; Defamation, Blasphemy, Mock, Abusive words, unnecessary Criticism, Lies, Fabrication, baseless Claim, baseless Disclaim, Vilification and so forth and so on.
Blasphemy – This is an insulting speeches or remarks against a person or his religion. Under our politics no one is allowed to blaspheme another under the pretext veil of freedom of speech. All freedom of speech shall be in accordance with the provision of Islamic law. Politicians, journalists, and publics should ensure and honour the respect, right, nobility and dignity of whomever they are going to speak about in public meeting or press media. If one found guilty under the law shall be dealt with accordingly. Each and every person has the legitimate right to be respected and honoured by his fellow members in the society even under political competition.
Defamation – This is an act traducing and disparaging i.e. fabricating false remarks and acts while attributing them to an innocent person and at the same time purveying them among the public. Therefore, under our ‘Peace Politics’ people are strongly enjoined to refrain from any act of purveying, traducing, and fabricating false remarks; failure to abide by this law tantamount to appropriate punishment under the law.
Lies – This is any kind of speech or remarks that is baseless and fallacious i.e. having no truth in itself. It is therefore strongly discouraged and forbidden under our ‘Pure Politics’. Types and varieties of lies is common to people and therefore it needs no more explanation on it.
Abusive Words - Use of abusive words in any kind of speeches and remarks is not allowed. Any word that is considered impudent, discourteous and it is therefore, socially, morally and religiously unacceptable should not be applied by anyone to vilify another; it is deemed serious crime under the law. Even criticism shall be done with less abusive words – words that would not render one psychologically socially and religiously disturbed. Criticism by any politician is strongly discouraged unless under necessity and should be done in a tactful manner, and with polite word. It is necessary here to have a look at the Jewish evil notion of ‘Freedom of Speech’. This freedom of speech is indeed a Jewish creation. It is a targeted notion documented in the protocols of their learned elders of Zion aim at destroying the mutual peaceful inter-personal relationship among people of any society and religion in such a way that a person has the right under freedom of speech to criticize, blaspheme and defame his brother regardless of whether such remarks or speech expressed deserve truth or not. Such bad habit is religiously, socially and morally unacceptable under our politics. Freedom of speech is only a freedom when it is governed by the provision of our laws. Hence, all acts of lies, defamation, blasphemy, fabrication and traducing are strongly banned and forbidden under Islamic system of politics.
Criticism sometime is a good thing as it serves as a pressure tool to bombard the leaders towards a change of good acts and attitude in their administration. Despite of all this, it has some negative effect. At most of the time criticism is unnecessary. So, one way of epitomizing the both sides we can draw a conclusion that all positive criticisms are welcome while the negative and unnecessary ones are unwanted and strongly discouraged.
Finally, these are the description of some major political vices and taboos, but they are many and varied from one form to another. Some of them would not be even known unless when they are committed by one. Others like baseless claim, baseless disclaim, and e.t.c. is all known. To generalize them, it is a situation whereby a person would come and express the truth and after that another would come and disclaim it when he is not aware of or even not knowledgeable about the fact just for him defend some of his personal political interest. It can also be the situation where a person claim this and that, when the whole situation is untrue as he claimed or stated. All these and others are among the political vices and taboos and the commission of any of them tantamount to appropriate punishment under the laws of Islamocratic state.
“You shall not pursue (to accept any information) which you have no knowledge of it; your hearing, seeing and mind will be held accountable (before Allah)” (17:36).
We have for long been prevented from our legitimate right of establishing full and complete Shari’ah Ruling System (SRS) in our respective Muslim states/nations. Democracy under its evil constitution has been undermining people’s right especially of religion and yet it claims to have granted them freedom of religion. We Muslims, whenever we mention our right or freedom of religion we mean that our full legitimate and legal right for Shari’ah implementation in our states/nations rather than only practicing ritual worships in the mosque as it is misconceived in Western democracy. Democrats should understand what freedom of religion entails in our Islamocracy. Freedom of religion in Islamocracy is beyond only practicing it in the mosque or church; but rather it covers the people’s right to be ruled and governed by their religious laws, norms, and values as enunciated in their peculiar religion. Democratic constitution is a very poisonous one; it is full of heresies and fallacious ideas. It states that state constitutional laws are superior to the laws of God (Shari’ah constitutional laws) as such that wherever contradiction exists the state laws must prevail. This is typical blasphemy to God – Allah – and whosoever upholds this fact is an absolute ‘Mushrik’ (a polytheist). Some Muslims and some of their leaders have been duped into believing that Shari’ah Ruling System can be fully established under the veil of Democracy. Whoever believe as such he was indeed deluded. We should never for a minute expect that Shari’ah can be practiced in Democratic state; while the former gives priority to the laws of God the later gives priority to the man-made state constitutional laws. Furthermore, Democracy says that sovereignty belongs to man when Islam proclaims that all sovereignty, power, and authority belong to Allah – the Almighty. If man should have any sovereignty must be a minor and temporal one and must be exercised within the limit of God’s ultimate sovereignty which manifests in His laws and orders of commands and prohibitions as embodied in Shari’ah Ruling System. That is why the perceptive notion of Islamocracy proclaims that: ““All sovereignty and Authority belongs to Allah Alone, The supreme legislator and the law-giver; And that Man is entrusted with temporal power to govern.” This means that all what man or state can exercise from power, authority, legislation or law enforcement must be founded on basis of the eternal laws of God. Therefore, Democratic constitution makes it impossible to establish God’s laws (Shari’ah Ruling System) under Western system of Democracy.
Therefore, in order to have our full and complete legal and legitimate right for Shari’ah ruling System we must resort to Islamocratic Constitution. Constitution is Islamocracy shall be in the form of ‘Communal Constitution’ which guarantees each and every community in a state/nation to be governed by its peculiar religious laws, norms, and values. Therefore I hereby call upon my respective intellectual Muslims and political activists, students and scholars to support and advocate the creation of “Communal Constitution” in all their nations and states so as to have a full right for Shari’ah Ruling System in their state politics and economy; hence, the need to suspend Democracy and to adopt Islamocracy. So, what “Communal Constitution” entails? Communal Constitution is that type of constitution which provides laws on the bases of the religion, norms and values of each and every respective community in a state or nation whose members belong to the same religious entity e.g Muslim Community. In Communal Constitution the national government should not make any law that may even likely to violate one or more of the religious values and laws of any of the communities. Communal Constitution could be homogeneous when the state is entirely identified as a Muslim or non-Muslim one. However, the non-Muslim minority (residing in Muslim state) would be granted their right of their particular religion and laws, and a vive versa. And it can be heterogeneous when the state is dominated by a large citizen of both Muslims and non-Muslims in such a way that each distinctive part in the C&C caters for the laws and values of particular community members residing in the state/nation. E.g Communal Constitution in Nigeria should be heterogeneous one because the country is highly cosmopolitan.
Moreover, it is interesting to note that Communal Constitution has two categories of laws provision: General Provisional Laws (GPLS) and Supreme Community Laws (SCLS). On the one hand, General Provisional Laws or GPLS is a distinct part in “Communal Constitution” which provides general laws in the state/nation that are common and acceptable to all communities; and that it represent the positive aims, goals and objectives for the national growth and development in general sense. It is only the government that has the authoritative power in the legislation, regulation, and maintenance of GPLS; it is the chief designer and prosecutor of GPLS. However, Supreme Community Laws (SCLS) must prevail if there is any collision or contradiction between the two laws. For instance, under GPLS the government can promulgate a law that may undermine or violate the Muslim Laws of Shari’ah. In such situation Muslim laws must prevail and their community should be exempted from such particular law provided in the GPLS. In general we can say that any law that is common to all communities and that are directly related to the national development are made, decided and promulgated under GPLS where the government has the exclusive power to legislate and maintain it.
Supreme Community Laws (SCLS) on the other hand, is the second part of “Communal Constitution” which is mainly deal with the communal laws of each and every community within the nation. When we say community in this regard we are referring to particular society belong to same religion (e.g. Muslims Community or Christian Community). It is in this part that each and every community shall have their peculiar in the C&C section dealing with their particular laws, principles, and rules and regulations pertaining to their social, economic, political, civil, and common affairs. SCLS are set of laws, principles, rules, and policies which are designed and provided by a particular Community leaders based on their religion, beliefs, values and norms to serve as their legal and political constitution in the state/nation. Such laws and principles are the Ruling systems governing their Politics, Leadership, and Economy in addition to legal, civil and common laws in all dimension of social life. It is important to note that the Muslim community leader in an Islamocratic state shall be considered as the ‘Caliph’ and shall have his seat in the ‘National House of the Caliphate’. SCLS are sacred, reverent and therefore untouchable by any provision of the GPLS. In fact, as far as a particular community is concerned its SCLS are supreme and superior to the state GPLS. This is what we mean by Communal Constitution.
In general, “Communal Constitution” has the following basic features and characteristics:
It guarantees all Nigerian communities full and complete political right and liberty to rule their states in accordance with their religious laws and principles.
It respects all of the communities’ religion, norms, values and laws in such a way that no any state provision of GPLS that is allowed to violate any of the law or system of the communities.
Finally, in “Communal Constitution” it is the community laws i.e. (SCLS) that have the supreme power in all political legislation and decision-making of the State community.
The above theory of ‘Communal Constitution’ is a sub-theory extracted from a broader theory of “Communal Politics” propounded by a Muslim political intellectualist. Communal Politics suggests that a heterogeneous society can co-exist to live equally, peacefully, tolerably, and interdependently only if the state constitution grants full liberty and right of political power to each and every community residing within the Nation/State, to govern and rule its members in accordance to its religion, beliefs, norms, cultures and philosophy of life. The Government can only have the authority to decide and to regulate what it should be done for the general growth and development of the nation as well as to function at international level. But, all legal, civil, and common laws should be exclusively reserved for the respective community leaders.
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