Salimanology - The Insider
“وفوق كل ذي علم عليم "Above every knowledgeable man there is one who is even more knowledgeable"
nations do not and will never accept US bullying and hegemony. Serious nations
have already internalized that to live free and noble in this world you must be
fire-ready with the US. The ongoing standoff between US and NK must not come as
surprise as we have been made well acquainted with the belligerent behavior of
this Yankees, aka the Americans. No matter the cause of any discord and
conflict the US are always the provokers, all in the name of ruling the world
nations. The impending signs of war are already there between the Yankees and
some nations: Iran, Syria, Russia, and China and most recent the North korea.
This is not to talk of the unlimited wars they are currently waging all over
the world. While some are direct wars others are proxies, albeit in the US
name, covertly or overtly, disguised or exposed. This trend portends the US is losing its
world power. The US is falling apart while things are falling apart for it.
I, like the rest of the world, am fed up with
them; I am sick of their stupidity and irresponsibility – a very reason why I
always side with any nation that defies them. It is too hypocritical to accord
any credibility to US when it comes to mutual respect of one another.
Notwithstanding, its rascality will go to no avail. They are indeed in the
brink of precipice.
must you think of erratic behavior in NK’s Kim? Is trump more sensible than
Kim? Why must you think NK should disarm? Has the US not armed itself? North
Korea, like all nations, has every right to acquire the same military might US
can afford. And after all they are not provokers. Rather, they are being
provoked. They did not initiate the ‘Threat of War’ but the US started it. The
NK are not pushing for any plan of invading a nation but the US is trying to
invade them.
thanks to the Kim’s ‘Do me I Do You’ approach. Thanks to NK’s ICBM
facilities. They know very well in order
to live free the shackles of US bullying power you must learn to play fire.
They realize that stick and carrot is the only language US understands.
is threatening who?
me Kim is in the right direction as he observes the protocols of engagement. Word for word, force for force, and fire for fire are all
allowed. Kim knows very well the kind of people he is engaging with. If some nations
can tolerate U.S belligerence with their threats of war others cannot. Kim is
just like telling Trump that ‘If you are a fool I am a lunatic’.
The Genesis
It is recently accounted that Tensions on the
North Korean Peninsula escalated in July, immediately with NK’s twice successful
test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of targeting the
US mainland. And they argued that they need such weapons as a deterrent against
US expansionism and to defend its nation in the face of any US aggression.
Subsequently the US threatened to unleash “fire
and fury” on North Korea, emphasizing that the US military is “locked and
loaded” to deal with the North. The US had already started to deploy its
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system.
The Kim’s tendency is not to ignore any
possible dialogue as some commentators were wrongly made to believe. He
maintained his readiness for dialogue without any pre-conditions. But, as usual
the US stipulated their conditions for dialogues among the basic of which was
(NK) to abandon its nuclear program by halting ballistic missile and
nuclear tests for an unspecified period of time before negotiations can begin
on how to resolve the standoff and stop any threat of US military action.
Tillerson had previously insisted on this condition which the North was
unwilling to abide by.
In responding the US threat of attack, the
Korean forces have finalized plans to launch four missiles into the waters near
Guam as a show-off of their military capability of targeting the interior lands
of the United States. If they “persist
in their extremely dangerous reckless actions” on the Korean Peninsula, North
Korea would then take action “as already declared,” but he would “watch a
little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees” before executing any
order, Kim Jung asserted. When Tillerson
was asked on this fierce threat he only said “I have no response to his
decisions at all at this time,
However trump has this to say that “there will
never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world. He can
say more than that. But the US leaders should be watching their ‘Eleventh Hour’
which is imminent in the soonest future. There are now some emerging powerful
nations that are resolute and committed to defending their national sovereignty
without any fear of the so called super powers bloc. These are small nations
but are determinant enough to tackle the US in spite of the far away
disparities military power.
To unequivocally state my position, I want to
live in a better and peaceful world. I don’t want the world powers to repeat
WW1, 2 or 3. I don’t like to see any nation threatening the world with the same
still unpunished criminal act of America’s Hiroshima/Nagassaki Nuclear attack.
I want this world be disarmed of all the Nuclears. But my only reservation is
that the world super-powers should be first to disarm. If the world powers
continue arming themselves with any kind of weapon they like, so flamboyant Nk
has the same right and ditto for stubborn Iran, puppet Pakistan and any other
nation who want to. And after all, I am eager to see the imminent ‘DOWNFALL’ of
the US power in the world.
Salim I. Hassan
“Hakika Manzo ya zo muku yana karanta muku sakon Allah (Wahayi) a
bayyane, domin ya fitar da wadanda su ka yi imani suka aikata ayyukan na gari
daga duhun (halaka) zuwa ga Hasken (tsira)”. (Sura 65- At-talaq aya 11).
Haka Allah (S.W.T) ya fassara manzo (s.a.w) a cikin al-Qur’ani mai
girma. Amma sakon cikin ayar bawai kawai ya isuwa ga wadanda suka rayu a
zamaninsa ba ne a’a ana Magana da har wadanda zasu zo a lokacin gaba. A saboda
haka ne Annabi (s.a.w) ya zama manzon karshe. Babu wani manzo da zaizo bayansa,
babu wani wahayi da zai kara sauka. Illa iyaka wadanda sukai imani das hi zasu
iya amfani da sirarsa a kowane lokace, a kowane ne wuri domin fitar da kansu
daga abin day a shige musu duhu na daga mas’alar rayuwa.
Wane Duhun halaka ne manzo ya zo ya fitar damu daga ciki? Shi ne
duhun kafirci irin na quraishawa, da kin gaskiya irin na yahudawa da nasaran
wancan zamanin.
A yau kuma kololuwar duhun kafirci a zamanin mu shine wanda turawan
yammacin duniya ke wakilta ta hanyar yada fahimtar wayewarsu a rayuwa a hannu
daya; da kum yadda kasashen musulman duniya suka fada wani yanayi na bijirewa
tsarin Allah a rayuwarsu ta duniya a daya hannun. Wannan halin da duniya ke
ciki a yau shine kwatancin zamanin jahiliyyar baya wadda manzo (s.a.w.) ya sha
fama wajen kawar da ita. Amma jahiliyar yau ta fi zama gama gari saboda westan
sibilaizeshan ya game kowan bangare da yanaki na duniya. Babu shakka al’umar yau ta kara
nutsewa cikin zurfin duhun jahiliyya a dai-daikun mu da tarayyarmu. Kalma daya
da zata fassara yanayin da muka tsinci kanmu ayau shine muce: Al’umarmu ta
komawa jahiliya ba tare da ta fita daga cikin musulunci ba. A haka ne muma sai
muka tsinci kanmu a cikin irin matsalar da ta fuskanci babban madubin rayuwa
(s.a.w). Sai ta bayyana cewa hanyar da zata fitar damu kawai shine mubi hanyar
da yabi. Saboda haka dole mu sabunta
duban tsanaki ga Sirarsa da kuma Sunnar sa (s.a.w) domin samun mafita a yau.
To amma ya za’ayi abi sirarsa ba abu ne mai sauki ba ayau saboda
ba zamu iya amfani da ita a irin yadda aka rubuta ta a litattafan tarihi. Sira
da Sunna kamar al’Qur’ani suke, suma kundin ilimi ne da ake iya neman shiriya
da su a kowane zamani. Sirar manzo (s.a.w) tana nan domin bincike, sake
rubutata da fahimtarta da yin amfani da ita a duk wani abin tarihi da ke faruwa
na daga zamantakewarmu, dangantakarmu da sauran al’uma, yake-yake, zaman sulhu,
da sauransu. Abin fahimta anan shine watakila kowacce sabuwar al’umma zata iya amfani da Sira a
matsayin sabon madubin zamatakewar siyasarta a duk wani al’amari day a shafi
irin zamaninta. Illa iyaka dole abi tsarin ‘Da koyo akan Iyawa’ kafin mu iya
riskar ainihin koyarwar sira a yanayin da muke ciki a yau.
Dalilin da yasa nace ba zamu iya amfani da Sira a irin yadda aka
rubutata a litattafan tarihi ba shine malaman da suka rubutata a lokacinsu sun
banzatar da bangaren karfin ikon musulunci a siyasance, suka maida hankali
kawai kan rubutun mutuntakar manzo (s.a.w) da siffofinsa. Al-waqidi, Ibn Ishaq
da Ibn Hisham duk sunyi kokari sosai wajen bin saukakkiyar hanyar tattara
bayanai da lissafin abubuwan da suka faru a tarihance a litattafan sirarsu. Babu wani kokari daya bayyana karara wajen
danganta al’amura daga wannan zuwa wancan, ko kuma kokarin fito da gwagwarmayar
diflomasiya da dabarun siyasa da Manzo (s.a.w) yayi amfani da su wajen cimma
nasara. Daga cikin irin wadanna muhimman
abubuwa da akai watsi dasu a wajen rubuta sirar sa (s.a.w) akwai ‘Power’ (Karfin
Iko), samar da ita a lokacin da babu ita, amfani da ita a sanda aka sameta, da
kuma sarrafata ta hanyar da ta dace domin cimma manufar da aka sa a gaba.
Power a musulunce iri biyu ce: akwai boyayyiyar (Spritual) power da
kuma bayyananniyar (Physical) power. Boyayyiyar power itace karfin iko na
imanin da muka yi da Allah da Manzon sa (s.a.w). Wannan power bata bukatar wata
ma’aikata ko kungiya ko sojoji domin wanzar da ita. Mazaunin wannan power itace
zuciyar mutum. Babu wani karfin soji da zai iya kawar da wannan power. Adalcin
shugaba, gaskiyarsa, kyautatawarsa da kuma iya kalamansa shi ke samar da wannan
power a zuciyoyin mabiyansa.
Idan muka duba Sira za mu ga cewa tsawon shekaru 13 da Manzo
(s.a.w) yayi a Makka yana da’awa wannan power ya dasa a zukatan tsirarun
mutanen da suka amsa kiran Allah. Sai ya zamana basu da wani karfin yawa ko na
makami ko na dukiya ko na mulki amma dogaransu da karfin imanin da suka
kwankwada daga Manzo (s.a.w) amma Quraishawa sun rasa ya za suyi da tsirarin
musulmai a Makka tare da cewa su ked a karfin mulki, kudi da makamai amma duk a
banza. Musulmai basu samu Physical power ba har sai bayan Hijra a Madina.
By Salim I. Hassan (Salimullah)
May God bless the emir and forgive his
shortcomings. “He is him of his own word….he fears not the pen of the critics
in the face of the truth he professes…. He is a vibrant ‘Mutafanni’
intellectual, a Banker, an administrator, a leader and a scholar indeed.
Bilingual Speaker and writer, versatile in knowledge, an authority in Shari’ah,
economy and finance. The one who knows how to influence, motivate and create
action point among those under him and whosoever follows him. He was the
defender and saviour of Shariah in the 1999 debate who had challenged and
defeated the enemies throughout the media”.
This is how I described this man in my article
titled: “My Best man of The Year 2016”.
Some had described him as controversial,
secularist, capitalist and even enemy of the North, all for he dared to express
the truth from the bottom of his heart. We are not always following the
prophetic model in our manners when we disagree with one another. Some have
taking it their daily hobbies criticizing other’s opinion, too often not
intending to bring better alternative to it but to express themselves as
professional writers and critics who can criticize and destroy others view when
and how they so wish. They turn any new opinion into a threat to unity, society
and its development. They suspend Islamic manners on Adab al-Ikhtilaf
(Etiquette of Differing) and indulge in their sel-acclaimed behavior and make
the discussion atmosphere to become saturated with backbiting, slander,
rumours, accusations, lying, and character assassination.
To this group of people I tell them: They should
realize that the Emir Sunusi’s ‘Expression’ is not necessarily the ‘Impression
they get from him. There do exist a gap between what he mean and what this
group of Character Assassinators understand. Ours is to reduce this gap to a
minimum; the smaller it is the more successful the Emir is delivering his
Although few of his critics have managed to be fair to him, like
Hamisu Hadejia who also described him as a Philosopher King, some have gone far
to make the Emir the victim of character assassination, so much so that they
claimed the Emir to have had changed his name from Sunusi Lamido Sunusi to
Muhammad Sunusi II for him to start life afresh, as if he has an untold bad
record of service, character and or morality.
It is natural to be stereotyped as controversial.
Try to be expressive in your truth even if you are alone. This has been a
unique character of the emir. You can find only few people of his calibre. He
is very assertive in his opinion to the core. None of his opinions fall shorter
than yours.
They accused him of being too noisy in the media.
This is how the Islamic leader should be. Being expressive (speech and writing)
is among the 25 qualities of good leader. This man has been an intellectual
writer and speaker; therefore you cannot expect him to drop his pen and tie his
tongue just because he is now an Emir. In fact, he is in the right position to
do it even much. No blame!
They accused him of planning to burry polygamy.
This is not a law passed single handedly by the emir; it was just a proposal
and he observed Islamic protocol of Shura (mutual consultation) before
forwarding this proposal. No blame on him!.
The emir was right when he responded to Gov. Yari
as thus: “Don’t give these kind of explanations. “That is not an Islamically
correct statement to make.”“(If) you don’t have vaccines, you don’t have
vaccines; Go and get vaccines.”
He was also right when he said that“The North East and the North West of
Nigeria are amongst the poorest parts of the WORLD. Not just Nigeria. If Borno
and Yobe were countries, they’d be poorer than Niger and Chad.
He was even more right when he said that “The
Federal Government of Nigeria is spending 66 percent of its revenues on
interests on debts, which means only 34 percent of revenues is available for
capital and recurrent expenditures….. “That model cannot work. If you look at
the 2017 budget of the Federal Government, I sometimes wonder what Nigerian
economists are doing?
May Allah bless the Emir and forgive his
shortcomings once again. Go on Emir with your thoughts and ideas. The tirades
of character assassinators will not deter you.
Console yourself with what Allah consoles his
messenger (s.a.w): “It is by God’s grace that you deal gently with them. Had
you been harsh and hard-hearted, they would surely have broken away from you.
Therefore, pardon them and pray for them to be forgiven and consult with them
in the conduct of public affairs. When you have resolved about a course of
action, put your trust in God. God loves those who put their trust in Him.
(Al-imran v.159).
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This noble blog is dynamic and versatile, created purposely to enhance the development of Islamic political thought and activism in the mind...
By Salim I. Hassan (Salimullah) 15/04/2017 May God bless the emir and forgive his shortcoming...
By Salim I. Hassan (Salimullah) Education Department, BUK. This article was reproduced in Dailytr...