“وفوق كل ذي علم عليم "Above every knowledgeable man there is one who is even more knowledgeable"
nations do not and will never accept US bullying and hegemony. Serious nations
have already internalized that to live free and noble in this world you must be
fire-ready with the US. The ongoing standoff between US and NK must not come as
surprise as we have been made well acquainted with the belligerent behavior of
this Yankees, aka the Americans. No matter the cause of any discord and
conflict the US are always the provokers, all in the name of ruling the world
nations. The impending signs of war are already there between the Yankees and
some nations: Iran, Syria, Russia, and China and most recent the North korea.
This is not to talk of the unlimited wars they are currently waging all over
the world. While some are direct wars others are proxies, albeit in the US
name, covertly or overtly, disguised or exposed. This trend portends the US is losing its
world power. The US is falling apart while things are falling apart for it.
I, like the rest of the world, am fed up with
them; I am sick of their stupidity and irresponsibility – a very reason why I
always side with any nation that defies them. It is too hypocritical to accord
any credibility to US when it comes to mutual respect of one another.
Notwithstanding, its rascality will go to no avail. They are indeed in the
brink of precipice.
must you think of erratic behavior in NK’s Kim? Is trump more sensible than
Kim? Why must you think NK should disarm? Has the US not armed itself? North
Korea, like all nations, has every right to acquire the same military might US
can afford. And after all they are not provokers. Rather, they are being
provoked. They did not initiate the ‘Threat of War’ but the US started it. The
NK are not pushing for any plan of invading a nation but the US is trying to
invade them.
thanks to the Kim’s ‘Do me I Do You’ approach. Thanks to NK’s ICBM
facilities. They know very well in order
to live free the shackles of US bullying power you must learn to play fire.
They realize that stick and carrot is the only language US understands.
is threatening who?
me Kim is in the right direction as he observes the protocols of engagement. Word for word, force for force, and fire for fire are all
allowed. Kim knows very well the kind of people he is engaging with. If some nations
can tolerate U.S belligerence with their threats of war others cannot. Kim is
just like telling Trump that ‘If you are a fool I am a lunatic’.
The Genesis
It is recently accounted that Tensions on the
North Korean Peninsula escalated in July, immediately with NK’s twice successful
test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of targeting the
US mainland. And they argued that they need such weapons as a deterrent against
US expansionism and to defend its nation in the face of any US aggression.
Subsequently the US threatened to unleash “fire
and fury” on North Korea, emphasizing that the US military is “locked and
loaded” to deal with the North. The US had already started to deploy its
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system.
The Kim’s tendency is not to ignore any
possible dialogue as some commentators were wrongly made to believe. He
maintained his readiness for dialogue without any pre-conditions. But, as usual
the US stipulated their conditions for dialogues among the basic of which was
(NK) to abandon its nuclear program by halting ballistic missile and
nuclear tests for an unspecified period of time before negotiations can begin
on how to resolve the standoff and stop any threat of US military action.
Tillerson had previously insisted on this condition which the North was
unwilling to abide by.
In responding the US threat of attack, the
Korean forces have finalized plans to launch four missiles into the waters near
Guam as a show-off of their military capability of targeting the interior lands
of the United States. If they “persist
in their extremely dangerous reckless actions” on the Korean Peninsula, North
Korea would then take action “as already declared,” but he would “watch a
little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees” before executing any
order, Kim Jung asserted. When Tillerson
was asked on this fierce threat he only said “I have no response to his
decisions at all at this time,
However trump has this to say that “there will
never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world. He can
say more than that. But the US leaders should be watching their ‘Eleventh Hour’
which is imminent in the soonest future. There are now some emerging powerful
nations that are resolute and committed to defending their national sovereignty
without any fear of the so called super powers bloc. These are small nations
but are determinant enough to tackle the US in spite of the far away
disparities military power.
To unequivocally state my position, I want to
live in a better and peaceful world. I don’t want the world powers to repeat
WW1, 2 or 3. I don’t like to see any nation threatening the world with the same
still unpunished criminal act of America’s Hiroshima/Nagassaki Nuclear attack.
I want this world be disarmed of all the Nuclears. But my only reservation is
that the world super-powers should be first to disarm. If the world powers
continue arming themselves with any kind of weapon they like, so flamboyant Nk
has the same right and ditto for stubborn Iran, puppet Pakistan and any other
nation who want to. And after all, I am eager to see the imminent ‘DOWNFALL’ of
the US power in the world.
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